Thursday, February 27, 2014

Faeries Trees-2014

The Faerie Trees-
A Russian Fairy Tale
By My dear Friend the
Celestial Elf - Enjoy!
The above link is 'The Dance of Life' Celestial Elf blog!
So that you can visit his blog....
This is the Story: Britain's Trees under unprecedented threat from new pests and disease. We are asking
people to help us identity trees that might have problems - particularly ash, oak, horse chestnut, pine or
spruce trees -so we can find out more or take appropriate actions. Oak, Ash and thorn - These three trees are called the Faerie Triad because groves which included all three of these trees are places where you can see the Faeries.
All three are Druid Sacred trees and part of the Celtic Tree Calendar which is
Lunar Calendar of 13 months, each 28 days in length.
Each month the Celtic lunar calendar bears the name of a tree, which also stands
for one of the consonants in the Celtic 'Tree Alphabet'.
It is terribly bad luck to cut down a faerie tree or damage one in anyway, as it is said that you will never know a good nights sleep again for the rest of your days.Original Poem Oak & Ash & Thorn-The Faerie Trees c. Celestial Elf 2013.
I hope that you all will Enjoy his few video's and his poetic notes that I have included. He is a very dear
friend and his video's are truly magical :o)

(✿◠‿◠)˙•٠•●c Celibate life´Magic Surrounds Us ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
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Magick Creatures/Faeries&Dragons

Magick Creatures
The images below are different interpretations
Of the Media Magick Creatures Art. All are in the form of paintings,
Photographic photo-shop, digital painting and other Media.
Many are from Talented Artist... Thank you to all the talented Artist, who have created all these beautiful images for all of us to Enjoy...

Wendy."(✿◠‿◠)˙•٠•●c Celibate life´Magic Surrounds Us 

I hope that you all Enjoy the images of the  Artist images
of the Magick Creatures;Faeries & Dragons. 
I love you all my dearest friends and followers

Wednesday, February 26, 2014


They are always there for you when you need comfort, a shoulder to cry on, 
laughter, a smile a hug, wisdom and are good story tellers. 
They are the most wonderful people on Earth.
My Grandmother was- all of that and so much more.
She was a very special person. She was the rock of our Family. She held
us all together like glue. When ever there was a problem grandma would have
an answer or solution to the problem. She always
was in charge of our family gatherings when I was a little girl to my later 20's. She
would get so busy that my Dad and Uncle Steve would have to slow her down and
tell her to relax. Sometimes I would remember one time they teased her so much
about it the gently tossed her in the pool at her house. It was so funny I still remember
that day. I remember as a young child we would sit at her table with her golden glass ducks,
as she would draw with my brother and sister for hours. She had that most beautiful
smile and always had chocolate chip cookies and lemonade for the three of us. Grandma
would have the most amazing stories that she would tell us. Some of them were about our
Dad too. The one I remember the most was when my father didn't like a babysitter and so he
decided to get the outside hoes, turn it on bring it in the house and hoe the babysitter down inside
the house. I can just image my father face doing that too. And my Grandma would say' your father was 
very mischievous '. 
There were the company picnics. Grandma would always make them
fun, by bringing lots of fun stuff of all of us. 
One time Grandma lived in a house with a pool. she always would have the 
greatest food and would ask if we were hungry . I loved her potato salad. Its the best! I love
that place , lots of happy  memories. 
What I remember most was when I got cancer. She would call me almost 
everyday to encourage me to fight the cancer. To not give-up. 
and that I'm a strong woman. That I could make it through
this and to always remember that she was thinking of me and 
praying for me too. That I had to be strong for my 
husband and that adorable great-grandson of hers too.
I truly believe that my grandma help me get through
that hard time in my life. Because there were times
I wondered if I was going to make it.
But Grandma was so set in her ways she was 
detriment to get me through and she did!
She got me through all my surgeries, chemo, hair gone!
all of the pain suffering and wondering to the day 
I finished my chemo and was getting better. 
That was 2005-2007
I've always talked to my grandma at least 1 or 2 a week
since I was in my twenty's always .
We have always been very close.
But I did get to this time.  
God decided it was time to take here home.
Hold on to them tight!
You only have so much time with them. 
I was lucky I had mind for 97years
Grandma would have been 98 on 
September 20, 2010
I love you Grandma and I know you are
Happy and in heaven. Your beloved Granddaughter 
Wendy Yukihiro.

"(✿◠‿◠)˙•٠•●c Celibate life´Magic Surrounds Us ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
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Real Ghost Story of the Goddess Pele

Real Ghost Story of the Goddess Pele-
Hi, my name is Marissa and this is what happened on the big Island of Hawaii.
My parents and I were looking for our hotel late at night and were getting frustrated.
Then we saw this old lady sticking her thumb out on the side of the road. She
looked Innocent with her long gray hair and wrinkled face so we picked her up.
We asked her where she was going?
And she said,"Kona", which is a city on the island. Now you have to imagine this!
We were in Hilo which is about 100miles form the Kona coast. I secretly knew that
my parents were hesitating about taking her to her destination because it was so far
and it was about 9pm at night.
Kona can be pretty dangerous at night too!
So I looked at her and she was just gazing out the window, although the way to Kona it was
pitch black because the city doesn't have much streetlights. She asked my parents for
a cigarette and they didn't smoke so they offered to drive her to get some. She said, "Mahalo"
and patiently waited. About 5mins later when I checked on the woman she was GONE!
She couldn't have got out of the car so fast! We had a van with locked doors and she
simply disappeared.
I asked my mom and dad if they let her get out and they said," they didn't? What what do you think?"
I think it was Pele in her old woman form!
Well that is my True story that I found many years ago.
I hope you like and find it interesting...
I have been to Hawaii many times, because I have my family there. And I myself truly
believe in the traditions and legends of Pele and other gods and goddess of the Islands
That you must respect the island. or you will have good fortune or very bad luck for me
I have love and good luck .
love you all my dear Friends and Followers Your Wendy :o)

"(✿◠‿◠)˙•٠•●c Celibate life´Magic Surrounds Us ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
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The Goddess Pele of the Volcano In Hawaii-

The Goddess Pele of the Volcano in Hawaii-
Pele is well know as the volcano Goddess, that lives in the crater of Kilauea on the island of 
Hawaii. For the people of Hawaii she is an legend and is respected as a very real 
Goddess of Hawaii.
This respect comes from ancient Hawaiian times to the present 2014.
There are many different variations of the legend of Pele Goddess of the Volcano and how 
she first came to the Hawaiian islands. 
One of the most common tales is that she was one of six daughters and seven sons born
to Haumea- the Earth Goddess. 
The story of the Goddess Pele was that she was chased from her homeland by one of her  sisters who was very angry at her. This sister was Namakaokahai Goddess of the ocean. Pele's essence is Fire and she dug into the island to find a fire-pit to live in, but was unsuccessful  and went to the western side of Kauai. Traveling along the Nepali to the North Shore she dug again, but  only found water at the wet caves and then she journeyed onward inland to a very ancient peek, that is now called "Pun ka Pele" [Pele's Hill]. Still having no luck she followed the Waymea canyon to the Southside of the island, and dug around Poipu for awhile, then went on to Oahu, Molokai, Maui and finally the big island of Hawaii where she found a place for her family to live at last in Kilauea.

When she falls in love with a mortal boy Lohiau, a chief of Kauai as a young girl, - Some say- she was sleeping in her home at Halemauman crater on the Big Island another that  she was standing on the rock of Kauai at the western end of Oahu which followed the sounds to Haena on Kauai, and saw the handsome chief dancing at a festival and fell in love materializing in the form as a beautiful young Pele was a good shaman was able to change into many forms- She entered the dance and captured the chiefs Lohiau, of Kauai heart and lived with him for a while. Finally she had to return home and 
promised that she would send for him. This is where my part of the story Ends so I thought I would do a bit of research for you all so that I could finish the legend of Pele the goddess of Hawaii.
You most Remember this is yet one version of how the legend-
 In the Ancient Hawaiian Twelfth Century to the nineteenth century the deity that was most feared and
respected on the island of Hawaii was the Goddess Pele. She was the queen of fire and the Goddess of Volcano's. Her favorite place to life was the vast and ever-seething crater of Kilauea , beneath whose molten floods, of halls of burning adamant and grottoes of fire. Pele would consume in the offerings of her worshippers and devised destruction to those who long to neglected her, fail, to dis-respect her in anyway.
At the the time her assistants were her relatives her five brothers and eight sisters, all of them clothed with especial functions that she deemed what would be important. All of these actions of her bothers and sisters were little less merciless than that of herself. 
The first of the duties under Pele was that of the King Moho of steam, Pele put all here various brothers and sisters in changed of- many different duties of crating explosions, thunder clouds, rain storms, fire, moving, keeping the clouds in place, breaking canoes, fighting with spears of flames, hurling red-hot masses of lava and doing whatever the goddess commanded of them.
As the family claimed tributes to the entire island of Hawaii [note the big island] , to receive it they frequently visited their now island, that was very active and had extended craters of other districts and earthquakes that would heralded their departure form kilauea.
The Temple of Pele were numerous, particularly in the different neighborhoods of old lava-flows, and their
priests were always well sustained. One of the most sacred to the Goddess Pele was the crater of Kilauea and the earth around it. Why? because the earth around it could not be safely disturbed there, meaning  that if and offering was first made at her sacred crater of Kilauea such as fruits, pigs, fowls, fish, and even sometimes human sacrifices were thrown into the crater to appease the wrath of the goddess and avert the flow of lava. 
From all of this Pele family was neither connected with nor could they control the supreme gods of Hawaiian worship. From what i can understand in the period of the 12th century the family of the Goddess Pele was really unknown on Hawaii and the strong hold it secured and for centuries maintained in the native heart was due partly to a poplar faith in and worship to the spirits of the departed chiefs and ancestors and too the ever-visible evidences of the power and malignity of the volcanic deities like that of Pele the goddess. It is said that there were other deities that deemed as creators of Hawaii such as Kane but, with my reading and research it seems that the attributes of the terrible Pele Goddess as some would call her and her family have put an immortal hold on the big island of Hawaii. 
So I will continue with the family and the Goddess Pele as I see it. As you must remember there are so many different versions of this story so please not quote  me my dears...
Pele the Goddess of the Volcano, this is a shorter version that i found for you all of the wonderful story of the 
story of Pele and her family.
As before I said Pele the goddess came with her brothers and sisters seeking a new home in Howai'i-nei  and they tried island after island but always, as Pele dug her fire pits she heard the voice of the sea, but on the last island that she dug a great pit high up on the island of Kilauea, far above the ocean, where she tended her fires, sometimes living in peace with her family about her, while her brothers would feed the fire too. And her sisters would make Lei to dance the hula. They were happy for a time. Sometimes Pele would go about the island in the form as a old woman to see how the people are on the island if the are good to tradition and loving. If anyone was rude to her on these travels she would often punished them, by doing so a whole country side would be laid to waste with lava because of some rude word or scornful laughter at her. These are just a few of Pele's legends and stories of long ago.
There are many stories of Pele the Goddess of the Volcano, both love/wrath stimulated by jealously or someones arrogance's to the volcanic eruptions destructive lava flows. In fact the Hawaiians respect the legends and ancient stories of Pele, for she has lasted longer than any of the other Gods and has visibly is an active power and a strong influence on the hearts and minds of the Hawaiian people.
There is a modern legend by park rangers on the big island of Hawaii which says that Pele will curse anyone with terrible bad luck if they take any of her rocks off the ground of the volcano/or the black sandy beach's. Another legend is about the black sandy beaches of Punalu'u west of Kilauea, that says there are male rocks and female rocks there that give birth to baby pebbles and that if you take any of the rocks from the black beach there, the larger rocks will not be able to make babies and the black beach will eventually disappear.
This is one of Pele's cures of course, but the curious thing is, the curse has cause hundreds of guilty people to
have very gad luck to the point that Hawaii gets hundreds of tons of black rocks asking if they would please bring them back to the black sand beach. So Pele could still be very much alive!
I hope you Enjoyed my post on Goddess Pele of the Volcano my dear Friends
and Followers.. love you all Your Wendy.

"(✿◠‿◠)˙•٠•●c Celibate life´Magic Surrounds Us ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
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Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Russian Folklore

Russian Folklore / Fairies-
I thought I would do a post on the beauty folklore Art of Russia. I found them to be very delightful.
Folklorists of today consider the 1920's Russia the golden age of folklore art. The struggling new government
which had to focus its efforts on establishing a new administrative system and building up the county' economy, could not be bothered with attempting to control literature, so studies of folklore thrived in those times. There were two primary trends of folklore study during the decade during the golden age of Russia as the put it.. The formalist and the Finnish. Formalism focused on the artistic form of ancient byliny and faerie tales, specifically their use of distinctive structures and poetic devices.
The Finnish was concerned with the connections amongst its relation with legends of various Eastern
European regions. Finnish would collected comparable tales from multiple locales and analyzed their
similarities and differences to make the tales for an epic type of path.
It seemed that apart from their amazing artist abilities, the Russian artist had a strong
base of traditional legends and fairy Tales in their Folklore and Folk Art. They
would show a great deal of community, oriented characters, which exemplified the model Soviet citizen.
I also found that their Folklore showed a great deal conflicts based on the struggles of
labor but in a oriented lifestyle which was odd but beautiful. The characters were Gorky yet highly
expresses in their faces and their actions, optimism,and courage too. Which I found to be enlightening  being that it is a Communism Country. It made me feel that they feel that there is hope, positivity in their futures and even change at some point..
One of my Favorite faerie tales which I didn't know was an Russian tale till I did this post was the Baba Yaga
I would read this tale to my son when he was very young and he loved it. it wasn't scary as I remembered and he was between 7 and 11 years old. Anyway I hope you look the story up, It really is a great little story.. I hope your Enjoy the images too that I am going to Include too.
Have a wonderful Evening my Dear friends and followers . Love you All my dears YOur Wendy:o)

"(✿◠‿◠)˙•٠•●c Celibate life´Magic Surrounds Us ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
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