Saturday, November 26, 2016


Good afternoon my dearest friends and followers. Now that we
all had a lovely thanksgiving its time to start the holiday season. So I dress-up my blog a bit
like I have every year. This will be my 4th year coming in January 2017 which is amazing to
think that I have been doing it that long. My dear friend and I started these two blogs together
bothe in 2013 I have added a bit to the name of my blog and she change the name but it is still
the same beautiful blog. Cindy my dear blog was Faeries and Me - Now it's 'Cindy's Open House'
My was DragonsFaeries&theUnseen - Its now ' DragonsFaeriesElves&theUnseen'. We both are
humble that you all have supported us through all these years...And have enjoyed the different
looks that we have gone through too on our blogs. I feel that we both have found
the look that we truly feel is us. And I thank you so much for Cindy & I...
For today I have one of my favorite images Dragons -
Christmas ones Enjoy Wendy 💝💕❤❤😄😄