Saturday, December 16, 2017

Happy Hoidays 2017

Happy Holidays~
Hello my dear friends/followers and viewers. I know its been a long time since I have written a post but I have had a rough year medically. Lots of issues have pop up and its been
hard to get back here. However, I had to write yu all a note of gratitude for always supporting
 me over the last 4years. I hope to get back here one day but until I get back to my old self
it might still be a while. With health problems like my eyes, my teeth pain and other things it
has been hard. But I am humble to you all for sticking with me always.
My one happy thing is that I lost all that weight from a 180 pounds to now at 125 pounds
and i hope to get to 115. Also my son Kai is graduating from High school this coming year 2018.
So I do have a lot to be blessed for.
I pray that yu all have a awesome holiday and new year to...
I wish yu all the very best and again thank you for always supporting and following me!  
Always Your Wendy with love and lots of Hugssss.💗

Hugsss.Wendy Always💚