Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Arianrhod, Moon Goddess of the Silver Wheel

Arianrhod Moon Goddess of the Silver Wheel-

In ancient Celtic times, the Celtic Myth Goddess has three major aspect within her; the maiden,
the mother and the crone. These three represent the three stages in the life of a
Celtic Goddess Women in ancient times. Blodeuwedd is the flower maiden, Arianrhod is the
mother and the Morrigan the crone.
These three aspects of these three ancient Celtic goddess, may have different names
live in different regions and regional legends, but they are the same.
For example; Morrigan also takes on the mother role many times and
Arianrhod is able to shapeshift into a large Owl and through the great Owl-eyes, she can see

even into the darkness of the human subconscious and soul.
The Owl symbolizes death and renewal, wisdom, moon magick and initiations.

Arianrhod is said to move with great strength and purpose through the night, her wings of comfort

and healing spread to give solace to those who seek her. 
Arianrhod is the Celtic Goddess of the Moon, the Stars and the Sky. In Wales, Arianrhod takes on other duties as well, when she became the Goddess of the Silver Wheel of the Year and the Goddess of the

Full Moon, Destiny, Fertility, Death and Reincarnation. What is also An Important Fact about this Goddess,

 Is that she is The Goddess of Feminine Power & Integral part of the Divine Feminine.
The Legend of Arianrhod was the most powerful of all the children born to the Great Goddess Don & her
Consort Beli. Arianrhod Goddess of the Moon was extremely beautiful, with very pale skin and was believed to have been both sister and wife to Gwydion and the mother of the twins; Llew, a Sun God and Dylan, a God of the Sea.
Arianrhod was also a Magician Goddess & considered by most a Maiden Goddess as well. Who lived in much of the same manner as the Greek Goddesses as Artemis and Athena; surrounded by only women.
In reality, Arianrhod actually lived a much wilder and freer life, frequently enjoying herself sexually and having a distinct preference for mermen. Arianrhods had two major symbols that were associated with her. These two symbols were that of the cauldron and the white sow. The cauldron was an important symbol of feminine power in the pre-Christian Pagan world - while her White sow indicated that she had a strong connection with the Underworld. It was also believed that she had a powerful connection with the sea, since it was known that she had a distinct preference for mermen rather that mortal men or Gods.
The Goddess Arianrhod and the meaning behind the Silver Wheel- 

The name that is given to the Goddess is Indication of her role
as the Goddess of the Full Moon & in her roles as the Mother in a typical 

Welsh Triple Goddess Trinity. 
Arianrhod Is also known as the Virgin White Goddess of Birth,
Initiation, Death , Rebirth and the Silver Wheel that Descends into the Sea.
Her palace is known as Caer of the Sky or the Castle of the Silver Wheel
although it may be better know as the Aurora Borealis.
Another part that the Goddess would be is ~
She was the Mistress of Caer Sidi of the Otherworld Tower of Initiation. 
What this meant? Well when people would died, they were taken to Caer Sidi  where 
they would spend the time that they had between their incarnations. 
When warriors would died in battles, it was the Goddess Arianrhod, who would 
gather  all their souls on the battle fields, put them aboard her ship known as 
the Oar Wheel and then transport them to Emania, which was also known as Moonland.
When they arrived at Moonland, that is when the Goddess Arianrhod initiated 
the Otherworld souls into their new lives at 
Caer Sidi.
But of course there is more to this story.... And this part of the 
story Is quite new to me... I hope you will keep an open mind for the 
Goddess Arianrhod as I continue the tale.
In the beginning of this post I did say that Arianrhod is the daughter of the Welsh Goddess Don
and the sister of Gwydion. Well this is the other part of The Goddess Arinarhod Tale
It all started with the Gwydion was being counselor to the King Math who could only remain
alive if his feet lay in the lap of a virgin at all times except when he led his armies into battle.
Which I find to be kinda of a crazy thing, but then again this is a tale/legend of the
Gods and Goddesses.. So as the Tale goes during such one battle the virgin who had
held King Math's feet was raped while he was in battle, so there for he need to replace her.
Kinda sad in a way that all the King Math was worried about was a replacement for the
young virgin and didn't care much about her welfare, but then again that was the times
and he was KING /God.  So Gwydion recommended his sister,
Arianrhod . Yes this is when we get to the other part of the Goddess Arianrhod story..
So as the legend tales Gwydion recommended his sister Arianrhod.
Although there was more to this of course. The King Math wanted the
Goddess Arianrhod to put her virginity to a test by asking her to step over his magick wand.
Arianrhod believing that she was surly a virgin stepped over the wand and as she did
gave birth to a boy child with yellow hair. The child cried out loudly for his mother Arianrhod,
but she of course was humiliated for the fact that she wasn't a virgin and had born not one but two
boys. She ran for the door, dropping yet another small object on to the ground in the process.  Its seems
that before anyone could catch a glimpse of what had fallen to the ground, Gwydion had picked it up and
wrapped it and hid it inside a chest.  The King Math then performed rithes for the yellow haired boy and
named him Dylan. Although in the tale Dylan immediately ran for the sea and received
the sea's nature and was never seen again.
Probably a merman. Like that of the many mermen his mother courted as a younger goddess.
It was quite a time later when Gwydion presented to Arianrhod with the object that was hidden
in the chest that faithful day- a second child that the Goddess didn't realized she had had. She
thought  the only one was the blonde hair boy that ran for the sea,
which they never saw again, but in her heart she knew where he was.
Yet the interesting part of this tale is that Arianrgod was outraged at the
"Evidence" of her humiliation at the hands of King Math and rejected the child.
Being a Celtic Goddess
She laid on the King Math three curses:
He shall have no name except one she gives him-
He shall bear no arms except ones she gives him-
He shall have no wife of the race that is now on the earth-
Now in the tale Gwydion was outraged by these curses and worked very hard to break them.
He disguised himself and the young boy as shoemakers and traveled to Caer Arianrhod.
So when Arianrhod the Goddess had her shoes fitted by the shoemakers, the young boy 
threw a stone at a bird and deftly hit it. Upon this, Arianrhod commented to the shoemakers 
young boy's skill. At that Gwydion revealed himself and the young boy and stated that she had 
just named him -Llew Law Gyffes, the Shining Skillful Hand. 
Well from the legend, this but Arianrhod into a firey rage and she stormed back to 
Caer Arianrhod swearing that the young boy would never bear arms or have a human wife.
This went on for most of the boys childhood- backandforth between Gwydion and Arianrhod, even though
all along the boy was Arianrhod's only son. Odd but in a weird way I could understand her. 
Well again Gwydion tricked Arianrhod into breaking her own curse. He had disguised himself and 
Llew as travelers again and sought refuge in Caer Arianrhod. 
While the two were there Gwydion caused an illusion showing a powerful armada of ships 
advancing upon Caer Arianrhod. 
Making ready for battle in Caer Arianrhod, the Goddess Arianrhod threw open her 
armory and armed her retainers. Gwydion suggested to Arianrhod that she give arms to him and Llew
[who were still in their disguise] and they would fight at the defense of the castle. Since Arianrhod 
thought her castle was in terrible peril, she readily agreed and thereby, unwittingly, granted arms to her son, 
breaking the second curse. Of course Gwydion then revealed themselves to Arianrhod and told her that 
she may as well take the arms back from her son, as there really was not battle to be fought. He then told her that it was all an illusion that he created in order for her to take off the curse of the boy. 
Enraged at being tricked a second time, Arianrhod took comfort in her third and final curse- 
That Llew would have no human wife, but Gwydion still upset with the cruelty that Arianrhod was 
showing toward her son, vowed to break this final curse.
So What Gwydion did to break the final curse, he need a little help this time. He decided 
to go to the King Math and explain Llew plight. 
And of course the King Math helped the young man Llew.
This is how they did it. 
Combining both their magic they created a women made of flowers, Blodeuwedd, to be
wife to Llew and that broke Arianrhod's third Curse.
Now your all wondering what happened to the Goddess Arianrhod Humm! 
Well, humiliated by King Math and Gwydion, thwarted by her own son, forsaken by her brother.
Arianrhod reteated to her Castle Caer Arianrhod.
Here she later drowned when the sea reclaimed the land.
I am sure there are many other versions of the Goddess but I found this one 
interesting. I hope you Enjoyed this tale and legend 


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1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this beautiful page and telling of the tale, Lady Ariarnhod is my patron and has been for many a year its always nice to check in on others of faith. She sent me a vision after my dad died and it didn't change until i I met my beloved who after 10 months has accepted my marriage proposal. Bless you and thank you again especially love the "spiritcat" gif and would love to know where you got all these beautiful pictures.
