Saturday, April 26, 2014

OLWEN Celtic Goddess of Flowers and Springtime

I thought I would take you all back the the Celtic times of the Great Goddesses
Olwen Celtic Goddess of
Flowers and Springtime
I love the time.. There were such good times it seems full of life and Happiness
although I know that with everything there is good there is trouble times too.
But it always seemed that in the times of the Goddesses of Earth it was a much happier
time than what is happening on our Earth today. So my dearest Friends and Follower
That is why I try to bring you all to happy times in history, whether it be the times
of the Dragons, Fairies, Magical Creatures or the Grand Gods and Goddesses
I hope that I can make a happy place for you all to come to, when your day at what
ever you may do. Where ever you may live all over the world that we can come together
here as one happy people in my magical land..
So today I am going to discover with you all the Celtic Goddess Olwen of Flowers & Spring.
She also symbolizes love and re-birth. As I went to research the Goddess Olwen of Flowers
Goddess Persephone in Spring
Hades Taking Persephone
and Springtime I can't stop and thing how much she in some ways reminds me of the Goddess Persephone
from the grown where she was just picking flowing for springs... And of course you all known the rest
of the story if note I have posted this Goddesses tale too. All you have to do is just look on my labels on the right side of my blog at the bottom side..
Olwen the Celtic Goddess of Flowers and Springtime. I found in here photos that she was either shown as a happy goddess with flowers all around her or in a red Celtic gown very beautiful but she seemed sad.. Her story goes.. That she is a Welsh Goddess of the Spring and Sunlight. She is depicted as a beautiful woman with very pale skin with yellow
OLWEN GODDESS Walking thru the forest in Spring
blonde hair in most cases. It usually is shown flowing behind her as she moves about. But there are also painting showing here with her beauty showing her with her
standing and looking quite sad. I couldn't tell you what they were trying to depite her thinking in those type of paintings.. Her name means white path and it is believed that she leaves a trail of white clover or trefoils as she passes in the awakening meadows of spring. Olwen's Magick causes all the flowers and trees to bloom as she walks by them.  Even thought she is mostly painted in the red dress she is also called the White Lady of the Day! I found this kinda odd being that I couldn't find any images of Olwen in a white
This show the story Olwen a daughter
of the Giants
dress, but that isn't the most important part of the post. In Welsh Legend, OLWEN was a Beautiful Maiden, the lover of CULHWCH and the daugther of the Giant, "YSPADDADEN'. Her father is fated to die if she ever marries, so when 'CULHWCH' comes to court her he insisted that 'CULHWCH' complete several seemingly impossible tasks before he world allow them to marry, and with the help of his cousin, ' King Arthur CULHWCH', succeeds and the Giant dies, allowing 'Olwen to marry her Suitor. The storey of Olwyn The
Welsh Goddess, a daughter of the King of the Giants, called Ysbadadden, who named her Olwyn which meant 'the golden wheel'. Kinda makes some see her as an opposing force to the Goddess Arianrhod of the Moon 'The silver Wheel', but not really in my own opinion. I found that Olwen the Welsh Goddess had a nickname and that was "Lady of the White Tracks'. Why she got this nickname is because of wherever she had walked the trefoil plants commonly were called shamrocks that would pop-up. This would indicate that she may have been a Triple Goddess unto
Olwen as Welsh Goddess in fairyland
on her horse for 1year and day before her
father came to her rescue but she still had a
link to the faery kingdom
Olwen In Fairyland
herself with several other association long her that have been long lost
over the decades. The hero of her tale was Culhwch the suitor of Olwen who went on a mythical journey to find her after her father, who knew he would die if their marriage took place, hid her. In this part of the myth she is the May Queen, a partner to the new sacrificial God who takes the  place of the old one. Olwen also had many adventures in fairyland after she was captured by hores riding with the faeries. She was rescued by her father after a year and a day of captivity. She is still May Queens and is often still linked to the faery kingdom.

I hope you all Enjoyed my post on-
Olwen the Welsh Celtic Goddess of flowers and Springtime
Yet as you read on there was a lot more to this goddess
and with that I hope this was a good read
I love you all my dear Friends and Followers always! 
The Magick Lady! 

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