Monday, July 20, 2015

Waterfals every Nature Lover should visit

Waterfalls Every Nature Lover should visit~
In this post, I found for you some of the most beautiful waterfalls of the world. It seems that there has always been an enchanting spell on us humans when it comes to the beauty of falling water from high cliffs and remote places. It's smooth sheets of water raging down the highest mountain cliffs in some of the most remote places on earth seem like magick untouched by humans. This could be the fascination to all of us! I myself have even had an encounter with a waterfall with my brother that was actually quite scary now that I think about it now. But that's another story maybe some day. I found these amazing photo's in an article in the Huffington Post, in the quest to find 25 of the most beautiful, most diverse and most amazing waterfalls on the Earth. In the article, they called it 'worthy before you die'. But I didn't like that title so I changed it a bit. To make the post more my own. I did find it was worthy of a list for a bucket list. These are very talented photographer's that worked very hard in capturing the many waterfalls by the 500px community. They had to keep it a shorter list than they really wanted too at 46 waterfalls listed. For example in Iceland alone it had 6 contenders and in the pacific northwest had enough to keep them busy for many, many weeks. So for these amazing photographers cutting it down to a final just 25 was quite painful and very difficult for them. If you want to visit their link just click onto their browser for more beautiful waterfall imagery from the 500px that didn't make it on this Article. Give this link and click, you should find many of the photographers waterfall images that didn't make the list.  
Below are all the photo's taken by the photographers of the many different waterfalls around the world, one example would be the Angle Falls taken by David Ruiz Luna a great photographer. 
Below are all the photo's taken by the photographers of the many different waterfalls around the world.

I hope that you all enjoy the beautiful 
photography that the folks work so hard getting these 
amazing waterfall images the links are above if you 
are curious about their journey on how they got all of them
I hope you all have a great day my dear 
friends and followers and you might have a look at 
Huffington its a great source of info
love you all hugs 

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