Saturday, July 25, 2015

WendyTales-Vacation to the Mountains

Good Afternoon my dears and Welcome to 
WendyTales, my time personal time with 
you all to either tell stories, my own experiences in life or 
even helpful hints from my own garden. 
So for today's Sunday Post I thought I would 
tell you More about my Journey
~My Journey~
So find that cozy chair and a warm cup of coffee or tea
 and have a sit I thought I would go back a little further  so you can see how important my family [parents, brother, and sister] and 
my Family my husband and son are to me.
I am sorry I haven't been around lately to tell you, my
stories and journey on Sunday mornings but I found a story
that I had written a couple months back with things were better 
in my life so enjoy the tale of my Summer Vacation 
with my Family as a child.
Good afternoon my dearest Friends & Followers and Welcome  to Sunday storytime. Today I thought I would tell you about one of many childhood 
vacations I had with my wonderful Parents, younger sister & brother. 
All are grown and have their own families and children my
nieces and nephews, however, I still remember a few of 
our amazing childhood vacations.
This one was one of my favorite, however, my memory isn't 
getting so good these days  so I will try my best to write down 
as much as I can remember of those wonderful memories.
Journey to the Mountains
I believe it was the early 70's so we  were all in either grade school or 
junior high school, that being me. However, that isn't the most
important part of the story. You see every summer we looked forward
to these family vacations it wasn't like the ones you would see 
one the movies that would be a disaster & everyone hates everyone
or ends up at either throat at the beginning middle and end of the 
vacation. You could say I have been always blessed with my
loveling family from a child to how as a middle-aged adult. Even though
I am the oldest of my brother and sister I have become the youngest 
of sorts you could say! Why well because my sister & brother worry
about me all the time with my health issues and really would like me
to move down in northern California. It because of what has
happened to me in the last 10+ years and it seems it not going to 
let up. Well, life goes on and I love them dearly.
Well, if you haven't figure me out yet I am a bit wordy and get off
the subject easily. 
So back to our Vacation in the high mountains 
So we headed up these high mountains, kinda like the high desert 
because when I think about, when we finally got there in the morning there 
was lots of these enormous rocks that were great to climb on. And that is
what the three of us did most of the day. I think my dad has a picture of us
somewhere but it would be very hard to find. It was night time by 
the time we got to the high mountains. To get up there it was 
very dark, no street lights. but the stars were amazing. Of course, this didn't help my mum who was driving the single lane curvy road that dropped off a kinda cliff which made her a bit grumpy.  
It was because you couldn't see the oncoming car until it was 
practically  on top of you because of that single lane. My Dad would have
been driving of course but he had and infected in his right foot so he 
couldn't drive. So it seems that every curve or corner we came to she 
would  honk the car. It became a long drive because my dad 
wished he could drive and it was beginning to drive him crazy. So we started car came to break the tension and it work. After late that 
night we did make to the very large cabin that Dad set-up for us all.
It was at the top of the mountain and very late that night 
when we got there. It was a great place that dad got for us.
We had the huge cabin lodge all to our selfs. And our famous father
had set it all up for us.  
Cabin Lodge all to Ourselves
 ~The Ross's ~
Inside the cabin, lodge, it was very rustic and had a western style. We
didn't have dinner til late that night on this long wood table. We got to have
a look around the cabin before we head to bed since it was very late.
After checking our the entire lodge, we all decided to have a look outside.
We figured that it would be amazing to see the sky up here with all the 
stars and that we might get to see shooting stars too. As we all headed to 
the huge porch, I do remember something that was quite a fright for my 
sister and I. Well, it was twilight & we were in the high desert where these
creatures live I believe anyway as soon as we step on the big porch we were attacked by what we found out a bit later were hundred's of BATS!
Everywhere on the porch even when dad turned on the porch light. So we back inside playing board games with mum late into the night while 
our protector dad figured out where they nest was on the porch and
got rid of them. Love my dadxooxo. 
 Well, after that we had fun picking out which room we wanted to 
stay for the night. Of course, we had the entire lodge to pick from.
My  sister and I decided after those bats we would share a room, my 
younger brother had his own room and my parents theirs. Betty and I 
were talking most of the night, but when we finally were getting tried
and were about to fall asleep when we both felt something run
on top of our feet under the sheets of our bed. 
Of course, we at that time much younger both scream. Then we saw it 
run across our bed at the bottom. It must have got scared like us and 
jumped out from out blankets to the top of our bed making to the open 
window that was next to the bed. We were screaming the whole time
until my dad came to our rescue. It was about 3am. so no one got very 
much sleep that night.  My sister and I wouldn't go to sleep until
Dad checked the bed to make sure there were no more mice, no holes
for them to get in the bed. He also checked the window that was 
by the bed and locked it down to make sure no mice could get in. 
After that he tucked us both back in bed. He has always been 
my hero and my special dad from the time I was a little girl to now as a 
older woman in her late 50's. Anyway my sister  & I were able to 
sleep the rest of the night. 
The next morning we had a great time climbing on the huge 
rocks that were all over the place. We did a lot of exploring around
the lodge. There is more to this fabulous vacation but 
that will be for another time. 
I hope that you all enjoyed one of my happy 
times of so many of my childhood. 
I love you all so very much my dearest 
friends & followers, I wish you the very best 
Saturday and weekend. Thank you for stopping by
to visit my blog for if it wasn't for you all my dears
I wouldn't have my humble blog. 
hugs & kisses 

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