Thursday, August 20, 2015

Thought for the day!

Thought for the day!

If a child lives with CRITICISM....
he/she learns to CONDEMN;

If a child lives with HOSTILITY...
he/she learns to FIGHT;

If a child lives with FEAR...
he/she learns to be APPREHENSIVE;

If a child lives with PITY...
he/she learns to be SORRY FOR HIMSELF/HERSELF:

If a child lives with JEALOUSY...
he/she learns to feel GUILTY:

If a child lives with ENCOURAGEMENT...
he/she learns to be CONFIDENT:

If a child lives with TOLERANCE...
he/she learns to be PATIENT;

If a child lives with PRAISE...
he/she learns to be APPRECIATIVE;

If a child lives with ACCEPTANCE...
he/she will learn to LOVE;

If a child lives with APPROVAL...
he/she will learn to like&love HIMSELF/HERSELF;

If a child lives with RECOGNITION...
he/she will learn to have GOALS;

If a child lives with FAIRNESS...
he/she will learn what JUSTICE IS;

If a child lives with HONESTY...
he/she will learn WHAT TRUTH IS;

If a child lives with SECURITY...
he/she will learn to have FAITH IN HIMSELF/HERSELF;

Finally, If all children of the world get these words
with their precious lives. Because every child is precious, everywhere
in the world, it doesn't matter where! or what country!
If children lives are filled with FRIENDLINESS...
he/she would learn that they are special no matter how
hard their situation might be and that there is hope. At least
I pray for all those children that don't have what all children should
have in my mind..

To all the children of the world.. I send you my love...
I found this poem with my momma on vacation. It is very old and I had
to change the ending because of the times it just didn't work for modern
times. I hope you all enjoy the poem my dears
friends & followers. I am sorry that I haven't been
online for a while. I have downloaded all my photos,
but I have been busy getting my son ready for 10th grade
and spending time in the garden. It that time to do the
compost and some of the plants didn't make it in the 85 to 90
heat this summer which we are still having. I am also starting
up again my book that I have been writing & my Dad is 
my editor. So I have been on the phone/ computer with 
dad a lot. My hubby also needs my support since he
still hasn't found that job. I know this isn't a great 
reasons for not being online for you all have been
so grand to me. But I love you all and I just wanted to 
keep you all updated on what's going on with me.
Since you all have been so kind to me all these 3years
on my blog and my G+ page, I will try and do a few 
blogs and pic's on my G+page love you all


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