Tuesday, June 21, 2016

August 2015 Last Years Vacation-

August 2015
Last Years Vacation-
Well, I thought I would write a bit about my vacation last year and of course put a
few images and home video's too. Since my vacation is coming up very soon. Yes, as of
July I am going on vacation to visit my Parents and entire Family Yeah!
I do miss them all so much. The images you will see is a bit of what I did and
what I will do a little be again. Because some of these places are truly my favorite places
on this earth beside my family. I will include a few images of my family and of course my
father and his Moka. I wish if you could to say a pray for my big loveable yellow lab, he has a eye
infection and has for a couple of weeks. It isn't getting better so we could use some prays that
he gets better soon. I will be showing you all the famous Redwoods - the Corescrew which is one enormous Redwood that has grown together 5 trees. It is truly amazing to see. A zoo and so much more. I hope you enjoy the pictures and few video's of my Vacation of last year. I am sorry it took so long to get it together I hope it doesn't
take as long for this one that is coming up

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