Saturday, July 1, 2017

✨Tiny little door found in a Tree ✨

Tiny little door found in a Tree
Good Evening my dears, I have found a magical little story in the woods of Kansas. It happened in the deep wooded trees of Kansas. In a little park called ‘Overland’.  A family happened to be walking through these woods, were about to discover something very special & enchanted in this little park called ‘Overland’. What this family discovered in the Park was something pretty incredible that was within the woods on the outskirts of the city of Kansas. It started as a strange yet magical dwelling that began appearing almost overnight. As more visitors began uncovering the magick of the discovery, they started uncovering the tiny little doors along the Tomahawk Creek Trail, that was in this Overland Park. And these miniature entrances were carefully concealed in the trunks of many trees in the woods. What made it even more magick was, when one would open a tiny door they would often find extraordinary little homes within the trees. The humans and family's that found these magick settlements were dubbed founded by the firefly forest too! It appeared to be the home to an enchanting community of magick creatures or perhaps group of faeries or a colony of elves...Not surprisingly the word got out and the local children were delighted with magick creatures that were living in their park. However, some wondered just how these tiny homes came to be? Some just couldn't just believe it was just magick. As children do...or adults that never forgotten what it’s like to believe! When I did discover this story, I was so excited at the possibility of fairy homes but as I read on finding out that it was a magick project by a woman who needed a way to help herself and her children from a painful divorce. And how she helps so many others with her Magick Project with so many children and families in need I just had to share Robyn Frampton Magick Story…This is her Story… Robyn is a single mom who just moved near Overland Park in 2012, seeking a place of peace after a very stressful divorce for her and her young boys Parker and Tyler who were also having a hard time coping with the separation in divorce.

In this story of the Faerie homes, Robyn explains ‘In the beginning she and her children didn’t do this for other folks, it was actually a short film about the forest called ‘The Gnomist. This short film was for her and her two boys to get through the pain of divorce & to stay in that wonderment of child fantasy for a little while longer. At first Robyn had built the tiny homes to help her young sons to cope with painful realities of separation that comes with divorce. However, over a course of time the people of the small town started to notice the park within the forest, in turn it became a popular landmark with the local community. You could say the magick had spread throughout the forest and the park of Overland. You may wonder how this happened? Well, people just need a little nudged to believe in the Unknown and the Unseen of the world of Magick. It also gave the folks of the suburbs of Kanas, to overcome their life of routine. The tiny magick homes gave the neighbor’s something to bond with together.

In this I mean the colorful tiny homes, in the trees, made by Robyn.
Indeed, both young and old were enchanted by these trees with the bright colored doors and the incredible detail with the trees as well.

Robyn had decorated every room she had made, in all the tree homes with miniature beds and pocket-size furniture, to give there was positive hints that they had fairy occupants. There was a teeny kitchen that had even placed a little kettle on the boil, using dry ice to create steam. All of these touches were like a magnet, which kept the towns people coming back for more. There was so many things that the residents of the town loved about the forest of the fairies –
It contained a tiny house where the people could actually leave notes for the fairies. So many visitors to the Firefly forest would leave messages for the fairies, that were clipped to the tree, which Robyn would gather up when no one was around.
 After a while the word of Robyn’s Frampton fairies’ houses gone around and spread to many other families outside of their small community. So many were coming to visit the enchanted community of fairy houses.

However, there was one family that came to Robyn’s fairy forest that was truly magical for them. This would be the Fisher family. The reason for the special trip to the Firefly Forest is sadly the family had lost their youngest 3yr old daughter Allie to brain cancer. The couple often visits the forest with their daughter Kelly to reminisce about Allie who loved nothing more than the great outdoors

Allie had been especially fond of owls, and so her family had nicknamed her ‘little Owl.’ Once, then Fisher left a note in the Firefly Forest in memory of her daughter and she had signed it off with the words ‘I love you Little Owl.’ Robyn upon finding the note, new exactly what she needed to do. So she immediately thought was to make a special door for Allie. So the next time the family came to visit they would have a wonderful heartwarming surprised. Apparently Robyn also told CNN too… When Robyn finished Allie’s little door it was set in its very own hollow trunk of a tree. It was painted green and set with a tiny gold owl. Perfect for the little girl that loved owls and for her memory too.

Sadly, over time the forest hasn’t enjoyed a happy ending. But there is a happy ending to this story I do promise you that…It would seem at the height of the tiny fairy homes popularity, Parks Director Greg Ruether had expressed concerns over them and who would be responsibility for maintaining them all? After much talks I would guess the Park Director decreed that all the tiny fairy homes and buildings must be removed from the woods altogether. So that was the end of the Gnomist forest magick project. So Robyn and her family packed down all the tiny fairy homes and were off to a new life in Utah. But as I promised that isn’t the end of
Robyn’s Magick story of the fairy homes and her project that grew much bigger. This is why there was one fairy door that Robyn refused to take down. And that was Allie’s fairy door, so her family could always have that door to come and visit their ‘little owl’ as they would lovely call her. Soon many other children would benefit her magical work that started with her own healing and that of her children too. And that of the kindness that she refused to take down a fairy door for a family who had a great lost. Robyn Magick works of the Gnomist project had support and fans around the world, which brought her to her next huge project… destined for a children’s hospital in Salt Lake City…  She is amazing woman that turned a horrible time in her life to a positive one. Then decided to help so many with her love of the magick of fairy homes … I love story… Here is a link that I found that is wonderful, which shows more of what I have found, plus what she is doing now...Enjoy.. I found a video or two there

This is where I found the original story...
     I hope that you Enjoy the story as much as I have my dears...
Much love to you all my dears

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