May the Force be with all the beautiful
Souls that have gone to the Heavens
Today I come to you all my dearest friends, followers
& viewers with my feelings of the latest news of the passing of
George Micheal, Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds. Its like the my youth is all fading away with the beloved stars that I loved. Not to mention; Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Prince, Muhammad Ali and lastly Gene Wilder. These wonderful great people passed just in a matter of just a few months and the last beautiful people just 3days.
Its just hard to believe that George Micheal is gone...I still remember him in Wham and his time Faith and so many others amazing songs. He was such a kind loving soul. Then Carrie Fisher Princess Leia for ever our Princess.
I remember still the day when I was just 17 and I got to see the very fist Star Wars. Yes! I am dating myself again hehee. However, it was a very big deal!
It was at the Tyler Mall in Riverside Ca. and I had to stand in line for over 2hours to see it. It was Awesome! Now some many many years later more movies ...Its just so sad that She is gone. Plus her mum Debbie Reynolds fame to 'Singing to the rain'... Same age 19 as Carrie Fisher 19 in Star Wars. Passed the next day at 84...
Such sadness.
Souls that have gone to the Heavens
Today I come to you all my dearest friends, followers
& viewers with my feelings of the latest news of the passing of
George Micheal, Carrie Fisher & Debbie Reynolds. Its like the my youth is all fading away with the beloved stars that I loved. Not to mention; Alan Rickman, David Bowie, Prince, Muhammad Ali and lastly Gene Wilder. These wonderful great people passed just in a matter of just a few months and the last beautiful people just 3days.
Its just hard to believe that George Micheal is gone...I still remember him in Wham and his time Faith and so many others amazing songs. He was such a kind loving soul. Then Carrie Fisher Princess Leia for ever our Princess.
I remember still the day when I was just 17 and I got to see the very fist Star Wars. Yes! I am dating myself again hehee. However, it was a very big deal!

Such sadness.
May the Force be with You!