It's twenty past the hour now
The stations neat and clean.
They’ve had their morning exercise
Their bodies are tough and lean.
The stations neat and clean.
They’ve had their morning exercise
Their bodies are tough and lean.
They know their job’s to Serve and Protect.
Sometimes they just can’t wait.
But none of them knew what was near
On that September date.
Sometimes they just can’t wait.
But none of them knew what was near
On that September date.
The fire raged on , the bell did sound,
It's time to go to work.
But fear did not approach their minds
Though they knew they could get hurt.
It's time to go to work.
But fear did not approach their minds
Though they knew they could get hurt.
They marched up to each tower
With one thing on their minds.
To get the people out of harms way,
What ever be his crime.
With one thing on their minds.
To get the people out of harms way,
What ever be his crime.
Although not everyone was saved,
Still, one thing remains.
GOD was with them each step of the way,
HE was there to ease their pain.
Still, one thing remains.
GOD was with them each step of the way,
HE was there to ease their pain.
Giving A Life to save another
That’s what the Firefighters rendered.
One thing remains in me and all,
“They’ll Always Be Remembered.”
That’s what the Firefighters rendered.
One thing remains in me and all,
“They’ll Always Be Remembered.”
F/F Brian M. Watkins
November 2001Montgomery Fire Department
Montgomery, Ala.
November 2001Montgomery Fire Department
Montgomery, Ala.