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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

True Story of Thanksgiving!

The True Story of Thanksgiving!
This might Not be Your
Most Pleasant Post on
Thanksgiving! But its
The Truth that Needs to
Be Said and Seen!
Well, I thought for the up coming Thanksgiving! I would go into the Truth of what the True Story of Thanksgiving was - And how did it happen - with who and were there more than just one big Feast? These are some of the Question that I will try to answer in this post of one of the Most Popular Holiday of the U.S. that is associated with the happy Pilgrims and Indians sitting down for a big feast of the Harvest of food, life, new friends and family... So lets see if all of that True!  First of all when you think of the True Story of Thanksgivings one would probably think of Pilgrims and Indians sitting around a very large table with a huge feast of food. And Everybody getting along happy with the Men, Women and Children both Pilgrim and Native American Indians. So lets see if that was true. This story that I found is not my, but It shows a more honest view of what the True Story what the First Thanksgivings  was. I not trying to make light of any one's Thanksgiving or take away the Holiday either. In fact I truly wish you all a wonderful thanksgiving. However, for this year I wanted to shed some light on the truth of some of these holidays and learn something myself in doing this post too. So I hope that You all will learn something from these few posts that I have done this November of 2014. That is my goal. Wendy... So with enough said, Here is 'The True Story of Thanksgiving' 
"The Story began in 1614 when a band of English Explorers sailed home to England with a ship full of Patuxet Indians bound for Slavery. They left behind smallpox which virtually wiped out those who had escaped. By the time the Pilgrims arrived back in Massachusetts Bay they found only one living Patuxet Indian, a man by the name Squanto who had survived slavery in England and knew their language. He taught them how to grow corn and to fish, and negotiated a peace treaty between the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag Nation. At the end of their first year, the Pilgrims held a great feast honoring Squanto and the Wampanoags. But as word spread in England about the paradise to be found in the New World, religious zealots called Puritans began arriving by the boat load. Finding no fences around the land, they considered it to be in the public domain. Joined by other British settlers, they seized land, capturing strong young Natives for slaves and killing the rest. But the Pequot Nation had not agreed to the Peace treaty Squanto had negotiated and they fought back. The Pequot War was one of the bloodiest Indian wars ever fought. In 1637 near present day Groton, Connecticut over 700 men, women and children of the Pequot Tribe had gathered for their annual Green Corn Festival which is Our Thanksgiving Celebration. In the predawn  hours the 700 sleeping Indians were all surrounded by the English and the Dutch mercenaries who ordered them to come outside. Those who did come outside were either shot or clubbed to death, while the terrified Indian women and children who had huddled inside the longhouses were all burned alive. The next day the Governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony declared "A Day of Thanksgiving'' because 700 unarmed men, women and children had been murdered. They all Cheered by their 'Victory', the brave colonists and their Indian allies attacked village after village. Women and Children over the age of 14 were sold into slavery while the rest were murdered. Boats loaded with a many as 500 slaves at a time would regularly leave the ports of New England. Bounties were paid for Indian scalps to encourage as many deaths as possible. Following an especially successful raid against the Pequot in what is now Stamford, Connecticut, the churches announced a second day of 'Thanksgiving'' to Celebrate the Victory over the Heathen Savages... During the feasting, the hacked off heads of the  Indians were kicked through the streets like soccer balls. Even the friendly Wampanoag didn't escape the Madness. Their Chief was beheaded and remained on display for 24years in Plymouth, Massachusetts.The killing became more and more frenzied with days of 'Thanksgiving Feasts' being held after each successful MASSACRE!
I can't even believe what I am reading and learning.. We were Never ever! told any of this in the History of Thanksgiving is School.. Its Terrible and Sad and Sick!
Well George Washington finally suggested that Only ONE day of 'Thanksgiving' per year be set aside instead of Celebrating each and every Massacre!
Later Abraham Lincoln decreed "Thanksgiving Day" to be a legal National Holiday during the Civil War... on the same day he ordered troops to march against the Starving Sioux in Minnesota!
So This Story doesn't have that quite same fuzzy feeling associated with the Thanksgiving Feast where the Indians and Pilgrims are all sitting down together at  a table with bounties of food does it? But it does tell the truth of what really happened which I'm sure a whole lot of you didn' t know! like my self. I know some parts are rather sicking but thats the point.. We need to learn the truth about our history so this will never never be repeated again, Like the African Americans and the Jewish People too that suffered greatly too! So when Thanksgiving comes and you gather with your loved ones and friends. You might think about how blessed you are .. And you might say a pray to all the lives that were lost over this country 'The New World' all those beautiful Indians and the African Americn Slaves and the Jewish People that didn't make it. Let Pray for Peace for the whole world. I hope that the Year 2015 will be a much more Happy and Peace loving world for all people that is my wish.. Loveyou all YOURWENDY
.•-:¦:-`•.¸ŦØ Ş€€ ¥ØỮ ŦĦŘØỮǤĦ ¥ØỮŘ ĐΔ¥
*`'`« ҉ »~"˜ `.¸Ɨ HOPE ITŴƗŁŁ β€ ŞỮŘ€ ŦØ Ř€ΔĆĦ ¥ØỮ

This is the link to the true story of thanksgivings~
Susan Bates

Blood Elves

Blood Elves-
Female Blood Elf
 Well for today I am going to bring you into the world of the Blood Elves race... You might have heard of them on the very popular game War-Craft... However  what I'm going to explorer is the Legend/History of the Elfin Blood elf race. I hope I am able to show that they are very much part of their Elfin Cousin's too. The blood elves [Sin'dorei Elves] are from an very ancient Elfin Kingdom that was at the time vast in culture and history. It seems the majority of the race had survived the Third Crown War that continued well into their lives as well. Besides dealing with the horrors of War it seems that these Elves had tides with their cousins the High Elves. Some have even said that they might have been descendants of them, but since this was over centuries ago we will never know. The blood Elves are said to be physically perfect in every way. Why? well first of all, I did find that this race of Elfin Blood Elf's felt that they were very approachable, kind and generally not arrogant then the rest of their kin. I have to say that was very bold of them to believe that of themselves since they have a very long history of making enemies due to the fact of these qualities that they say that they have. Over the course of the third Crown War they had a long history of making enemies due to their arrogant and racist ideals among their race. Also being very much misunderstood and because of this had very few true allies thought the centuries. I thought I would explore the Blood Elves Appearance and their Behaviour first/ Then I would go into more of their history. 
Almost all of the Blood Elves in the Ancient times have long hair. You rarely ever will see a
Blood Elf Female
Blood Elf with short hair. This mean both men and women Which leads many to believe that they are a race made up of entirely of women NOT! Even though their bodies and faces were quite beautiful and in some rare case of the Elfin Blood Elf Men they would effeminate in their appearance, that would cause some confusion even among the Higher Rating Blood Elf's. This would be a problem only when mating practices came into play. Oftentimes two blood elves of the same gender would mistakenly try to fornicate, well you know what the resolutes would be... It seems that their Green eyes are due too their corrupt use of Dark magick and alot the heavy consumption of their favorite drink called Absinthe. Its a very popular drink among the Blood Elves. They are also are known to have the pointless ears among all their kin. Their skin is said to have a peachy colour which is very smooth and soft.
Blood Elf Female 
Almost like that of a peach. Which is odd because the Blood Elves no nothing of the fruit peach. Of course this is one version that I found of many it seems that there are for the Elfin Race of the blood Elf's. I found an other legend/history you could say of the Blood Elves lineage and this one said that the Blood Elves come from a group of High Elves back before time . These High Elves from what I could figure would not follow the rules of their lineage for over 10,000 years; give or take a few thousand, during the second Crown War of the Elves. During this time these High Elves Looked like the blood elves, but they didn't have the green eyes. This could be that they didn't have a taste for the Absinthe Drink at the time that change the entire race of the Blood Elves eyes and did a bit of craziness to their minds.. The High Elves stayed during the Second Crown War. This is one of the reason why they became Blood Elves - They stayed behind to continue to teach the humans and other races magic that they 'd had learned. These High elves weren't affected by the destruction of the war. Probably because they were smart to spend as much time as they could away from it. They were nowhere near as closely tied to it as the other
Male Blood Elf 
elves either. Also these High Elves had learn how to properly control their surrounding that which they were living with magick and the inherent  power that they learned to survive. The more I research these High Elves I found them to be rather cleaver and cunning Elves. They isolated themselves from all the Elfin race and the Crown wars. They looked for other sources of magic to pull their own abilities to make their own magick stronger and they ending up having a very powerful magic of their own. It was only a small group of the High Elves not the entree race of the High Elves that left in order to teach the various races their magic. These High Elves didn't want anything to do with the Alliance or the Crown wars or the high priestess that might take them on a much darker path of Magick and lifestyle. That's is why they left Anasterian's decision and left his alliance and make their own new home of race. So you have it the Blood Elves...descendants of the High Elves. Who also probably learned a few things from the creatures they were teaching as well; to keep the Magick power that they inherited in her power! And the Blood Elves seemed to not wanted to follow the much darker path of Anasterians so that is why they left for their own Alliance.  Well I know the Blood Elves were a bit hard to understand , However I feel that they were a proud Elfin race that were descendants of the High Elves which after doing this 
Post I can understand why they look and have many of the characteristics of their cousin
kin the High Elves. I hope that you Enjoyed the Blood Elves...

I love you all my dear Friends & Followers  

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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Chinese Mermaid~

Chinese Mermaid~
 Good Afternoon My Dear Friends & Followers, I hope that you all are having a great day! For today's post I found a lovely Tale: 'The Chinese Mermaid'.. It's Called the Hairy Mermaid. There aren't that many Chinese Mermaid Myths & the ones that I could find were quite unusual. This tale is about an Chinese man, who happened to be near the Island of Namtao. As the Myth goes, when he was on the Island he meets a beautiful woman. She looks just like a mortal woman, gorgeous in every way.. She had legs, arms and move just like that of a normal woman. The only difference that the Chinese man notice was that her body was covered in short, fine hairs of many colors of the rainbow. The patterns of the colors were like that of a beautiful tropical fish. Well it seems that the Man fell in love with the woman from the Island of Namtao. and decided to take her home. He had heard of the legends of the Island having Mermaids and that they could shape-shift into female mortal women. However the man had fallen for the beautiful maiden and didn't heave the warnings. Once they got to his home, he had to endeavor the teaching his beautiful love how to speak and to wear clothes. It seems that over time the Maiden got used to waring clothing. However, no matter how the man tried to teach her to speak, it never happened. She would only smile. The couple lived together happily for many many years. One day, when the man was very, very old and his mermaid wife looked as young as the first day she steped into his arms that day on the island of Namtao so many years ago. The Mermaid wife stayed with the man until his death. Then the Man's friends came together and returned the Mermaid to Namtao Island where she enter the sea once again. After she dived into the waves, looking back to say goodby her clothing floated back to shore.
~I hope that you Enjoyed the Chinese Mermaid~
I love you all very much YOUR WENDY hugs 
S€ŇĐƗŇG' ¥ØỮ ŦĦƗŞ ĦỮǤ.•-:¦:-`•.¸ŦØ Ş€€ ¥ØỮ ŦĦŘØỮǤĦ ¥ØỮŘ ĐΔ¥*`'`« ҉ »~"˜ `.¸Ɨ HOPE ITŴƗŁŁ β€ ŞỮŘ€ ŦØ Ř€ΔĆĦ ¥ØỮ
*☆*°°﹒☆҉☆¸ \( °‿°)/ ☆҉☆¸.✿¸¸.•´¨¯`'•⋆❥⋆❀´¸ ✿ღڪےڰۣ✿✿ڪےڰۣ✿✿ڪےڰۣ✿✿ڪے❤
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ƸӜƷ•.¸¸.•´ ... ☾ ❤❤☼ღ(◕‿◕
ƸӜƷ•.¸¸.•´ ... (◕‿◕)¸.•*""*•.¸

Monday, November 10, 2014

American's First True 'Pilgrims-

America's First True "Pilgrims-
This Should give you a little bit of the
Truth of what the Pilgrims were really
About! As the post goes on there will be more!
For days post my dear friends and followers I thought I would continue to do a bit of history of the folks who came to the new world called at that time the colonies... And the long trip they all made across the Atlantic Ocean to be free of The Queen of England rule and have their own new life. Of course we all know there were many obstacles  along the way... And in the end they too ended up acting just like the British with the Native American Indians, who were truly the first that landed on the new world thousands of years before we landed on the Mayflower. So when I decided to do this post I discovered that there were actually two versions of the tale of the Mayflower.. One that most children learned as I did in school,[note that there are many children today that have descendants of the Native
In this photo YOU can see that the Native
American Indians are being abused and force
to choose the faith of the white man Religion
or either die or be a slave..
American Indian's that suffered greatly because of the Pilgrims and the Puritans coming to the New World for a new life and freedom of religion. It is very sad that non of this is really taught in school when I was a child of the 60' & & 70's and I surely hope that has changed today with my son of today in 2014.. Yes I have age myself! ] that the Pilgrims came to America aboard the Mayflower in search of religious freedom in 1620. 
The Puritans soon followed them, for the same reason. Ever since these religious dissidents arrived at their shining 'City upon a Hill' as their governor John Winthrop had called it, Millions from around the world have done the same - coming to America where they found a welcome melting pot in which everyone was free to practice his/her own faith. So I thought I would start with Verizon 1. Since most are familiar with that version... Well the problem with the first version of Americans
We never really had images of this kind
and this is the Truth of what truly what
happen in the First True pilgrims later on
not to long after they landed  most of the
Native American Indians were slaves
First Pilgrims is its too tidy of an American Myth- You could say... One could say the true story of the religion freedom of America's past is quite awkward, embarrassing and very much a bloodily tale that most first,secondary and high-school text books would rather leave out. From what I discovered in this first version is that the earliest arrivals of the Europeans onto the New World/Americans shorelines, it seems that the quest for free religion had often been a cudgel, used to discriminate and even suppress anyone to get it. Often killing the foreigners as they were called 'unbelievers'. This of course meant the Native American Indians who were already there and had made their home in the new world for thousands of years way before the white man came in to take it all way!!! Yes there is more! to this Tale! Yet, not so nice tale of the First True Pilgrims~ 
While it is true that the vast majority of the early European generation traveled across the Atlantic ocean were Christian Americans, they all would pitched battles between various Protestant and Catholics Churches that were popping up every where. Its seemed to be an explosion of Religion Rights or Christian Nation. On who was going to win! We must first have a look over the history encounter between the Europeans in the future people of the United States or the colonies at the times. This was established by an French Protestant in 1564 at Fort Caroline near Jacksonville, Florida at the time.  This French Man had set sail, more than a half a century before the Mayflower had set sail, and the French Protestant and his  pilgrims had also had come to America in search of Religious freedom as well. Besides the
And old photo with Native Indians
and the White Man
Europeans and the French that have come upon the Native Americans Land there were also the Spanish that had their own ideas in 1565.  They established a base at St. Augustine and proceeded to wipe out the Fort Caroline colony - Basically the French Protestant Fort near Jacksonville , Florida. In doing so The Spanish Commander - Pedro Menendez de Aviles had wrote to the Spanish King Philip ll that he had 'hanged' all those they had found at the 'Fort Caroline' Why? because ... they were scattering the Lutheran doctrine religion within those Provinces'.  Here' the sad but truth of the Beginnings of the "First True Pilgirms'.  When there was hundreds of survivors from a shipwreck French Fleet that happened to wash up on the beaches of Florida in 1565, well Menendez de Aviles and his men put them all the dead or as they called in Spanish ' Matanzas' the 'Slaughters'.  So basically what I am saying the first encounters between the Europeans Christians in the New World American was really a blood bath. And that is why we never saw or read any of this in our history books as children as far back as the 60's ... As I could vouch for that being a child of the 60's.  Well now about the arrival of the Pilgrims and the Puritans from England in the early 1600's which again was a fight for their religious rights turned into a blood bathe of the American Indians due to the fact the Europeans wanted more than just Religion - They wanted power, over  ALL THE NEW
The Tribes of all the Indians before the white man
 Us like some fifty years before when another  Mayflower had left port, with band of French Colonists to the New World . And you know how that turned out! Basically I am trying to show you the other side of the story of the Pilgrims/Puritans, French and Spanish that all came to the New World in hope's for a new chance for freedom in the since of every word. It seems mostly it was freedom of Religion, but again it was much more than that for all parties. The thing about it is that I learn and I have a little more to tell you, is that I never learned any of this nasty cruel stuff in school.. I learned this 30years later when I decided to do a blog.. Interesting Eh! Well back to the tale... 

The fact that the Pilgrims-Puritans-French and Spanish were all the the greediest predator that the Indian Man would ever have to face: the White Man...These people came upon their land their territory and cause so much pain and blood shed that it goes into the 21century...
Looking it from a different view the Indian man- who is a hunter and warrior , while the women take care of the children, cultivate and harvest all the crops and grounded grains for the making of flour and maintain the tents their living quarters. In bison hunting tribes, the women will help in the cutting of the huge animals and bring the meat into the camps, then it well be process for consumption later. The Apaches Tribes it seems that even if the men help in the agriculture duties, the women still know best in just duties, with all the required works, prays and other duties. Apache Women will also mount and dismount all the tents , which are usually used for two years. The Indian woman is respected and has many rights even today in some tribes like the Hopi Indian is the owner of all the material goods.
This show the area's where the Indians
Culture the land over the New World
At the beginning, when the European colonists came to the new world, the American Indians at first did collaborated with them in the Northwestern area of the US. Then in Jamestown, Virginia , the first British settlement in American was built with the help of the Powhatan Indians. It seems that without the help of the Powhatan Indians, the first English people in the New World would have not been able to made through the tough cold winters of 1607 to 1608.  Like the pilgrim colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts was established only with the help of the Wampanoag Indians. These Wampanoag Indians had showed the immigrants how to cultivate the land so they could make their own food and gardens...If they hadn't have done that the immigrants probably would have starved. Well so far things are looking good but not for long.. because with the massive immigration of people from Europe, France and Spain and the methods of land cultivating generated tension with the American Indians. Why? Well the Native Indians would hunted deer, wild turkey, water birds, fish, and gather sea food too. However the colonist started to mow the grass, for feeding cattle and horses, while pigs destroyed clam reserves. And I am sure there were other cultivating farming and hunting problems that the Indians and the colonists didn't see eye to eye. Basically in a nut shell the white man was changing the entree environment in just a matter of years, which the Indians way of live has been for over thousands of years.. And this way just didn't work for the Indian way of life . So this is when the huge problem began...
The Native American Indians fighting with
the New Colonies in the American Independence War
To the Indians the horse was the way of life and very important to their lifestyle. Note it seems that the animals might have been introduce by the Europeans during the 17th century / also Spaniards had also introduced the horse into the now southwestern. The American Indians used could train the horses into a skilled no-saddle horseman, unlike the white man. This help them greatly in hunting the bison's easier and nomad tribes could attack much easier in neighboring settlement tribes too. This of happened within their own network of lifestyle of pillaging them for women and slaves. However, it was nothing compared to what the white-man had in store for them- hint the sarcasm.
 This is the beginning of just one of the Millions of American Indians that were killed and taken from the only home they every knew...By the 17th century about 30,000 Narragansett Indians lived in Massachusetts. Their Chief Miantonomo had sniffed out the danger for his tribe. It seems that the Chief Miantomomo was right because in 1642 it was proposed to the Mohawk Indians  the information of an resistance alliance. However, it seems that the Chief Miantonomo had failed to do to so and the following year there was war between the Narragansett tribe and the Mohawk tribe . And during the war the Chief Miantonomo was captured and killed. I found this little information about the two tribes and I hope I got the info correct.. I felt it was important to put some of their history in the post good or bad because they are truly the first American in my eyes...  You see the Europeans took advantage of the conflict between the different tribes. It seems that during any war that happened on the new World like that of the French-English wars in North America, there were several tribes involved. However it seems that the American Indians would always paid the most price rather than the Europeans. It get even worst from here...
Indian Child
with Small Pox's
The Iroquois Tribes - And Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga and the Seneca Tribes all fought in the British side during the American Independence War. Amazing Eh! Well get this! After the war! All the Tribes all those men that fought beside as men were insulted and abandon at the in of the war. Get even worst! The USA TAKES THEIR TERRITORY THEIR HOME!  It seems those who fought on the other side lost. Basically the American Native Indians have at this point lost their country and home that they have know for over thousands of year. Taken from them by either negotiations, gun point, even if they had not been conquered in the war. All their land was reduced to very small reservations starting in New York State. Well the story just get scary the more discover. Bribery of Alcohol and other thing continued. The American Indians didn' understand why the white man was doing all of this when they lived in harmony with the nature without disturbing the nature of balance.
Then the fear came from the Europeans thinking that the Indians would take violence like scalping them. Stupid stuff.So that's when the Europeans gave them gifts but these were evil gifts. Ones to wipe out the entree race basically.. This is when their enemy overwhelmed them with the greatest weaponry of all. They would give the Indians blankets but they were tainted
with smallpox's.. The Europeans were resistance to the smallpox but the Indians had never been exposed to any type of dieaece.. Once A smallpox epidemic started it went from village to village and so on... It hit the Mandan, Hidatsa, Assiniboin, Arikara, Sioux and Blackfoot too
Into the Civil War it continued to the point that Millions of American Indians lost their home.. and were put on reservations .. I could go on further but I think I have made my point
So Who was the First True Pilgrims? 
Well I will let you think on this one.. I thought to end this post 
to leave you with some beautiful photos of the American Indians

Are First True American!
S€ŇĐƗŇG' ¥ØỮ ŦĦƗŞ ĦỮǤ.•-:¦:-`•.¸ŦØ Ş€€ ¥ØỮ ŦĦŘØỮǤĦ ¥ØỮŘ ĐΔ¥*`'`« ҉ »~"˜ `.¸Ɨ HOPE ITŴƗŁŁ β€ ŞỮŘ€ ŦØ Ř€ΔĆĦ ¥ØỮ
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