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Saturday, March 21, 2015

High Elves Images - 2015

High Elves Images -2015
The images below are different interpretations,of
 All the High Elves Art Media.
 The  images you 
see are in the form of paintings,
Photographic Photo-Shop, Digital Painting 
and other Types of Media.
Most if not all, are from Talented Artist... Thank you to all the talented Artist, who have created all these beautiful images for all of us to Enjoy...If it wasn't for this amazing Artist I wouldn't 
be able to have these beautiful posts of Art for you all!
YOURWENDY."(✿◠‿◠)˙•٠•●c Celibate life♥´Magic Surrounds Us ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
ƸӜƷ•.¸¸.•´ ... ☾ ❤❤☼ღ(◕‿◕。) ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ƸӜƷ•❤❤❤☼ღ(◕‿◕。)¸.•*""*•.¸

Well I hope that you all Enjoy the Images of the
HIgh Elves my dear Friends & Followers 
I love you all very much 



Good Morning my dear Friends & Followers and Welcome
to Saturday's TipsFromtheGarden!
I hope that you all have Enjoyed my post every Saturday
on Gardening Tips that I started a couple of months ago?
 At least I know I have had fun bringing you these wonderful and
fun tip for the Garden and lots of these I have used myself!
For today's Saturdays Post I found a fun one for your Gardens,
This post is called the Underground radio to bring music
as plant therapy to your plants and flowers. 
The story is about a family planting a garden on a 
warm Saturday afternoon, kinda fitting since this is my Saturday 
Garden Tips. Anyways the family was at their 
grandparents farm and were going to help with 
the spring planting of tomatoes, cucumbers and lettuce which
the come and do every spring on the farm.
As they started to plant the veg's, their Grandfather
brought out his small portable radio, thinking it would 
help with the heat of the day and help with the gardening to
go faster too. Also he loved his music too.
Besides he had heard that music helps plants grow faster. So
while they all were planting the garden at his farm they would
sing along to the radio music that their Grandfather brought
to the Garden. It made the much more fun for the family.
When the time was to water the plants they gave the hose
to their grandfather to water all the new plants that they had planted that day.
When all was done one of the daughter of the 
decided it would be a interesting idea to plant the radio with 
the plants so it would help them grow faster.
So while everyone was watching her grandfather water the
plants, she dug many small holes throughout the backyard of
the garden, before she realized she only needed only one to plant the radio. 
So she filled up all the holes including the one containing the one
with the radio, which she made sure the volume was turned
up on high so all the plants could hear the music coming 
thru the dirt. After she covered all the extra holes and the
hole that had the radio on high in it, she could hear the 
music nice and loud. It was her Grandfather that noticed 
that his radio was missing and asking if they had seen it?
Well we could here the music, however since I had made
so many holes and area's of place where I had buried the 
radio they couldn't find it, we could only hear the music. 
They couldn't  find it and the sound of the music got faint as the 
night came on. Soon we couldn't hear it at all. But they Grandfather
was upset at first, however, then he began to laugh.. 
The next season their grandfather had the largest, tasty, tomatoes,
cumbers and heads of lettuces of all time on his farm.
From that point on they always passed it on with the family for generations, 
adding a radio in the spring Vegetables as

another plant. 
I hope that you all enjoyed the Saturday post 
Love you all my dears Friends & Followers 
Have a wonderful weekend my dears 

Friday, March 20, 2015

Daredevil Mountain Biker Takes a ride on White Line-

Daredevil Mountain Biker-
Takes a Ride on White Line' Trail-
Michal Kollbek on White Line Trail
Good Afternoon my dear Friends & Followers, I found a new and very interesting post 
for you all. Its about an Mountain Daredevil Biker named Michal Kollbek who takes on the very crazy White Line Trail. I was able to get a gift so you can see him riding on the mountain. Some have said there is a very thin line between adventurous and down right craziness adventure. So what is your opinion with this Mountain Biker who took the White Line Trail challenge? Do you think he is adventurous or just crazy?Well I think he is a professional mountain biker like all professional mountain bikers they like to push themselves to see how far he can go. I found that the biker Michal Kollbek who recently rode the White Line Trail said on his instagram to his followers that it was 'one of the scariest things I have done on a bike.'
He had known about the trail for several years, however it was only recently that he had the chance to ride the White Line Trail. It took him a few walking trips around the area and sleeping on the decision before he decided to go through it. 
He also, he said 'Conquering this ride was all mental, The key was to block the out the scary thoughts about the potential danger, so I just focused on the trail and not on the terrifying space around me.' It seems that just before the ride, Michal adjusted the air pressure in his bike tires to maximize their grip, stiffened up the bikes suspension, and he also raised his sit too. Michal walked the route one last time before he did it too. 
He also said that this Mountain is not for everyone, and it is really only for the very experienced mountain riders not the inexperienced riders so please use caution.I hope that you all enjoyed  the post on the Mountain Biker Rider  on White Line Mountain
I love you all  my dear Friends & Followers 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Smiley, The Blind Therapy Dog

Smiley, The Blind Therapy Dog~ 
that Lives up to his Perfect Name~
Good day my dear friends and followers, I found a lovely story for you all that will just make you smile no matter how bad of day you might have had. I even had a smile when I found this story. This is another of my AnimalFriends stories for you all and I hope that you all will enjoy the story. So have a sit with your favorite drink coffee or tea and let me tell you about Smiley the Blind Therapy dog. I found out that Smiley is a 12-year old Golden Retriever that was born with a rare condition that is linked to dwarfism that has given a few disabilities. In the addition of being born without eyes which left him with physical disproportions and his over sized teeth and his eye sockets that were sewn shut to prevent infections when he was a puppy has hence made him look like he's always smiling. That's how Smiley got his name. Smiley was
rescued in 2004 from a puppy mill by Joanne George. Smiley new owner, that rescued him has made Smiley and their family very happy. And Smiley is very happy in his new home plus he is a therapy dog is Stouffville, Ontario. So it was a happy day for both Joanne and Smiley back in 2004 twelve years ago. How in 2015 Smiley is getting so much love, support and from that
love and support he is giving back However, smiley had a very rough beginning when he was born in a crowed barn with more than 100+ other puppy's and dogs, and had a hard time even surviving during that time because of his disability. Probably hence no one wanted him in the puppy mill because of this disability. So in the early day of his life they weren't so happy. 

At the time when the puppy mill was heard about and then went under investigation for the very poor living conditions of the animals, there were many veterinary technicians who were working within the area. And lots of them Volunteer their services. There was one Vet. Technician that was there at the puppy mill helping the animals; where she found smiley. When she had found the pup, his ears were split and he had fresh wounds on his face. Along with Smiley, She took 10 other puppy's with her so they could be placed in homes. Joanne [was the Veterinary technician that found smiley at the puppy mill] was able to find homes for all the 10 puppies she brought home, however Smiley was a little more difficult.
The puppy would hide under tables and cower at strange sounds. But after 6-months of being  very patience with the puppy, Joanne realized smiley was the best with her! She had a Great Dane that would help smiley come out of his shell and gain confidence too. Smiley would begin to gauge his surroundings based off the energy of others and his best buddy the Great Dane.
Today the 12-year old golden retriever works at an Canadian first aid training organization, where he has become adaptive and versatile therapy dog and works with largely with children.
I have also put the link where I found this beautiful story so you can find out more about smiley if you wish.
So basically this is one of those happy AnimalFriend tales or stories that I love to share. I hope that you all love the story as much as I my dear Friends and Followers. From what I guess from this tale;  Joanne says smiley is moving a bit slower these days , however he came on her first date and he was the ring bearer at her wedding. Also when Joanne was pregnant with her first child, Smiley was with her every moment that he could help. Basically they saved each other. SMILEY HAS CHANGED THE LIVES OF HUNDREDS OF OTHER MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN. HIS FUR MAY BE GETTING A LITTLE WHITER AND HIS STEPS MAY BE GETTING A LITTLE SLOWER BUT HIS TAIL WILL NEVER STOP WAGGING. 
Well I hope that you Enjoyed 
this story AnimalFriends of my Joy of


 Animals I love you all very much 

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day Too All!-2015

Happy St. Patrick's Day~
St. Patrick 
Happy St. Patrick's Day my dear Friends&Followers. I thought I would give you
all a bit of the legend of the Irish legend of St. Patrick first and how the day began in Ireland
rather that the modern day leprechaun version. Then I will continue with other traditions of the Irish on this day of St. Patrick's day. I also wanted to honor my grandmother on my mother's side she was a wonder lady and very Irish and my mum too. I think of both my mum and my grandma [Noni] always on this day and love and miss my grandma very much. As for my mum, I get to chat with her almost every day.  I hope that you all will enjoy this post my dear friends & followers YOUR WENDY.. Well I found that St. Patrick was 
born in London Britain to very wealthy parents near the end of the 4th century. When the boy was sixteen, St. Patrick was taken prisoner by a group of Irish raiders who were attacking his families estate. They transported the Saint to Ireland, where he spent six year in captivity. During this time that St. Patrick was in Ireland for the 6-years he worked as a shepherd, outdoors and away from the people. He was very lonely and afraid, so he turned to his religion for comfort and solace, and became a devout Christan.  
So after his six years in Ireland, he was able to escaped, by listening to a voice who he believed to be God telling him it was time to leave Ireland. So St. Patrick eventually reached Britain and had another dream where an angel told him to return to Ireland as a missionary. So St. Patrick began his 
religious training, a course of study that lasted over fifteen years. After his ordination as a priest, he was sent to Ireland with a dual mission; to minister to Christians already living in Ireland and he began to convert the Irish little bit at a time. 
The Celtic Cross that St. Patrick
Had tried to bring to the Christians to help
to be more received by the Irish people
Since he was very familiar with the Irish language and their culture, St. Patrick chose to 
incorporate the traditional rituals into his lessons with the Christians instead of attempting to 
eradicate the native Irish beliefs. WHY? Well it seems that the Saint had superimposed a sun, which is a very powerful Irish symbol, onto the Christian cross to create what is now called a Celtic Cross, so that veneration of the symbol that would seem more natural to the Irish people.
Although there were a small number of Christians on Ireland when St. Patrick arrive, because most of all the Irish were practicing a nature-based pagan religion, which they have been for centuries.  The Irish culture was centered around a rich tradition of oral legend and myth. When this is considered, it is no surprised that the story, legend of St. Patrick's life became exaggerated over the centuries-spinning exciting tales to remember history has always been a part of he Irish way of life to some of the Irish. 
There were other traditions of the day of the Irish on March 17.
The Shamrock~
There is another tradition called the Shamrock; what this is my dear Friends&Followers it is said that one traditional symbol of Saint Patrick's Day is the Shamrock. 
"Shamrock' is the common name for several different kinds of three-leafed clovers native to Ireland. The shamrock was chosen Ireland's national emblem because of the legend that St. Patrick had used it to illustrate the doctrine of the Trinity. The Trinity is the idea that God is really three-in-one; The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit.St. Patrick demonstrated the meaning of the Three-in-one by picking a shamrock from the grass growing at his feet and showing it to his listeners. He told them that just as the shamrock is one leaf with three parts, God is one entity with three Persons. The Irish have always felt to be considered shamrocks to be as good-luck symbols since in ancient times, and even today people of many other nationalities also believe they bring good luck too.
Leprechauns~ Well we would have to cover the Leprechaun just a little bit. From what I have
heard from most true descents of Ireland, the Irish really don't like to associate the tiny Fae within the same day of celebration. Since I am more of a 3rd generation Irish I really can't say why, but I still thing it's important to included the mischievous Fae creatures. So here goes, the name leprechaun comes from the old Irish word 'luchorpan' which means 'Little body.'
A leprechaun is a Irish fairy who looks like a small, old man about 2 feet tall. He is often dressed like a shoemaker, with a crooked hat and a leather apron. According to the legend of the leprechauns they are not to friendly. They live alone and pass their time making shoes and love gold!. Also they have a hidden pot of gold that they guard and will do anything to protect their gold. It is said that Treasure hunters can often track down a leprechaun by the sound of his shoemakers hammer. If the leprechaun is caught , he can be threatened with bodily violence to tell where his treasure of gold is! however, the leprechauns captors must keep their eyes on the tricky Fae and never leave their eyes off him, not even for a second. For that second is all the leprechaun needs to disappear. Why? well if the captors eyes leave the leprechaun for the second, the leprechaun has been known to trick them into looking away of just a moment and in that moment the leprechaun vanishes and will find his treasure too. Sometimes it is a vengeful leprechaun they might find bad luck after their encounter.
Banishing the Snakes~     

I found this this tale which was probably as famous as the story of the shamrock in the legend of Saint Patrick driving all the snakes out of Ireland into the sea where they all drowned. Interesting Eh! it seems that in the ancient postage stamps there are many images of the Saint Patrick is seen standing on snakes, showing his conquer over the snakes. Which is a well-received message in, it is said that there are NO! SNAKES IN IRELAND BECAUSE OF HIS ACT! Even to this day! He alone is responsible for this happy state. However, very unlikely there were ever any snakes in Ireland in the first place! This particular legend of Saint Patrick is easy to translate as snakes were sacred to the Druids, their banishment reflects St Patrick's success at removing pagan influence from the island so thought but I don't it is true even to this day in my own opinion. 

 The Colour Green~

Well the color Green, ever since I was a little girl you always relate St. Patrick,s Day to the color green. And if you don't ware something green you would get pinch. Well I would always try the eye trick, Well I have green eyes from my mum side which is Irish. And I remember it would it would most of the time. Anyway back to the tale. It seems that the Color green for St. Patrick was not actually green! but it was BLUE! In the 19th century, however green became used as a symbol for Ireland. In Ireland , there is plentiful of rain and mist, so the Emerald Isle' really is green all year-round. The beautiful green landscape was probably the inspiration for the Nation color. Wearing the color green is considered an act of playing tribute to Ireland It is said that it also bring good luck. Especially when worn on St. Patrick's Day. Many long years ago, playful Irish children began the tradition of pinching people who forgot to wear green on St. Patrick's Day and the tradition is still practiced today.
These were just a few of the Traditions  that I could find for 
your all my dears on the Traditional St. Patricks Day
I have a few images  and a Irish blessing or two for
you all my dearest Friends & Followers too.
I also have a fun link for you all to play a game.
My dearest sister Cynthia Groulx
Gave me the Idea!
Cynthia Blog
Gave Me Enjoy..


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