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Monday, May 27, 2013

Seductive Fairies

Seductive Fairies
Mischief-Seductive ~Fairies are more dangerous than that you're average fairy because these wee ones may be small but in their spirit form of a alluring fairies they will entrap mortals by arousing them with love or lustful thoughts- This is what makes them so dangerous compared to most fairies.
The can also become Human size figures too. Who are Keenly beautiful and emerge from territories where humans cannot thrive, deep in the thickest woods & beneath the deepest ocean waves. One Kiss is enough to grip a heart of unraveling a mortals mind.
Even mere devotees of faerie poetry and paintings are caught up in the unearthly beauty's,
flashing as the poet or painter rushes to embrace the theme.
In Yeats' words' Our cheeks are pale, our hair is unbound, our breast are heavy, our eyes are a gleam." But these spirits only will suck out your Life Essenes.  So beware of the warm-blooded stunning beauty's. Many of fairy muse, Lhiannan-shee. Who attaches herself to poets and Musicians, inspiring them to ever greater feats of creation, while slowly inhaling their life essences from their shells or by a kiss. 
As she cast aside the first fey young men, she readies herself to devours another. 
Seductive Spirits of either regions of the world, being the mermaid dark spirit will sun themselves at the ocean edge,
singing irresistible songs to draw in sailors or any man for that matter that is near the oceans edge - who will lust after them into the merciless surf and brewing storms to punish those who forsake them.
The wary might may gain a clue to the darker side of the mermaids deceitful natural by the mirror she carries, which sufficient multiply or by that impenetrable tail.Though she oozes in temptation, she can only stay virginal. Faeries, Spirits and Ladies of the Sea. 

You must remember there are the light side of the realm too! Being the kindred side of the meridians which at some point I will cover 
note: the fantastic artist paintings. These are not my but I hope that you all will enjoy the artist depiction of the Seductive fairies and mermaids. 

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Ice Dragon - Legend/Myth

The Ice Dragon 
by George R.R. Martin.

The Ice Dragon was a  crystalline white, that shade of white that is so hard and cold that it is almost blue. It
was covered with hoarfrost, so when it moved its skin broke and crackled as the crust on the snow crackles beneath a mans boots, and flakes of rimes fell off.
Its eyes were clear and deep and icy.
Its wings were vast and bat-like, colored all a faint translucent blue, Adara could see the clouds through them, and often times the moon and the stars, when the beast wheeled in the frozen circles through the skies.
Its teeth were icicles, triple rows of them, jagged spears of unequal length, white against its deep blue maw.
When the Ice Dragon beats its wings, the cold winds blew the snow swirled and scurried and the world seemed to shrink and shiver. Sometimes when the door flew open in the winter, driven by a sudden gust of wind, the householder would run to bolt it and say, "An Ice Dragon flies nearby."
And when the Ice Dragon open it great mouth, and exhaled, it was not fire that came streaming out, the burning sulfurous stink of lesser dragons.
The Ice dragon breathed cold. 
Ice formed when it breathed, warmth fled, fires guttered and went out, shriven by the chill.Trees froze through to their slow secret soul, and their limbs turned brittle and cracked from their own weight.

Animals turned blue and whimpered and died, their eyes bulging and their skin covered with frost.
The Ice Dragon breathed death into the world; death and quiet and cold. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Enchanted Forest- Another lovely poem written by Cynthia By dear Friend

Enchanted Forest
For you, please don't feel blue! Let us Dance!
Please do not dishearten.Let us dance in the land of fantasy.
Where the land sparkles of fairy dust and fairy love.

Enchantment, and by the fairy magic that is everywhere in the air.
Like tiny lanterns flitting all over in the
enchanted forest do they come

To give blessing of happiness and love to all from the purest of faerie-ness
Let us reach out to distant lands and touch our distant fairy friends with ethereal hands!
And joyous shall we be when we come to know who we truly  are within ourselves.

 And to remember now far we have come and never again  to be separated from their angels,

faeries and other accompanying ethereal beings and denizens of the Enchanted Forest.
They are with us always whether we see them or not.
You need only quiet the mind and listen for the tiny voices within. Hear them speak

Happiness and joy through the lands;
So shall we feel  within our hearts and hands, with love shall we rejoice,
We shall stand forever with our friends in the Enchanted Forest.

Never again shall we have the need to leave.
Don't be sad, we love you, we are all as me.
by Cynthia
To My Friend
And my Sister
With love 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Nuwa- Deity from Ancient China

Nuwa- Serpent Deity from Ancient China
In ancient Chinese mythology the Nuwa was sometimes painted as a beautiful woman. Other times she is
shown as possessing as a woman's head but the body of a powerful snake. And other times she is shown
as a beautiful woman dressed in traditional Chinese styled clothes, on the top half of her body  and on the
bottom is an powerful snake tail which is wrapped around an tradition stylised Chinese dragon. The last
version that I have seen her painted in - Children's books. She is depicted as a lovely child like Chinese
girl on the top portion of her body and on her lower body is an green flowing snake that is friendly looking.
Nuwa was the creator of humankind and remained a powerful benefactor to the people and all living creatures (many of which were also her own handworks) of the Chinese people.
Myth of Nuwa-
The Story of the Nuwa who in Chinese mythology was the creator of humankind and a powerful benefactor
to the Chinese people and all living creatures-She was one of the first Chinese Gods, that was said to have the lower body of a dragon or snake. She created marriage, the whistle, taught how to make dams and
irrigation. She is also the "stork" of china because she grants children - she was know for doing battle with famous monster or demons. There version of the devil- "Gong Gong".
Her most famous myth is she was in charge of making humans. She would grab a clump of clay from the earth into her hands and then mold the humans out of the clay. She then would grow tried of doing this, so she dipped a long rope in the mud and swung it around and around, sending the mud all over china. The hand molded humans became the noble and wealth people and the mud became the rest of the poor or commoners.
Nuwa existed in the beginning of the world- She was considered creator of the entire race of her own people and protector of animals and her people-
It is said that Nuwa existed in the beginning of the world. The earth was a beautiful place with blossoming
trees and flowers and full of animals, birds, fish and all living creatures. But as she wandered about Nuwa felt very lonely , so she began to create animals. On the first day she created chickens.
On the second day she created dogs. One the third day she created sheep. On the fourth day she created pigs. On the fifth day she created cows. On the sixth day she created horses. On the seventh , she bent down and took up a handful of yellow clay, mixed it with water and molded a figure in her likeness. As she worked, the figure came alive-
The first human being in china-
Nuwa was pleased with her creation and went on making more figures of both men and women. They danced around her, and her loneliness was gone. She created hundreds of figures, but she grew dried of the laborious process. Then she dipped a rope into the mud, and swung it around her. Soon the earth around her was covered with lumps of mud. The handmade figures became the wealthy and nobles, those that arose from the splashes of the mud were the poor and common folk.
I hope you enjoyed the  Nuwa-
Note: the beautiful images are not mind- Please do enjoy the artists that have done a fantastic job on the depicted the Nuwa-

Monday, May 20, 2013

Aranyani - The Hindu Goddess of the Forest

Aranyani - Aranyani is the Goddess and protector of the woods, forests and all animals that dwell within them.
Aranyani is a Goddess of the Indian civilization who was guided by the diversity, harmony and self-sustaining nature of their forest. Aramya means forest. The Aranyakas form the third part of the Vedas. They were developed by the hermits, living in the forest. And reflect and explicit transition in the philosophy of life of man. Another aspect of the Goddess Aranyani  I discovered is that she represented the feminine principle in prakti. In the Hindu pantheon, forests have been worshipped as Goddess Aranyani, the Goddess of the forest and animals that dwell within them. Forests are the primary source of life and fertility. The forest as a community has been viewed as a model for societal and civilizational evolution. 
The Indian Culture considers the forest as the Highest form of culture Evolution-
The Goddess Aranyani governs the forests and is the protectress, guardian of all animals within the forests, woods and jungles. She is the mother of them all. Aranyani has been described as elusive a fond of quiet glades in the thickness jungles. She is an fearless Goddess of remote places. 
She is rarely ever seen if ever. A deity who is recognized in the sounds of the tallest trees, particularly at dusk.
She wears anklets with bells, and though seldom seen. She is also described as a dancer. And can be heard by the tinkling sounds of her anklets with the tiny bells that can be heard even in the deepest forest and jungles. She seems to be dancing all the time as if she is tilling the lands while dancing. An Rigvedic hymns is describe as the music that the Goddess dances to while she roams away so far from the busy fringe of civilization, to the deepest part of the forest.

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