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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Medusa In Greek Mythology ll

Medusa in Greek Mythology ll
Medusa was a beautiful young maiden who had a magnificent head of long enticing 

hair in her time; she was desired and courted by many suitors . Yet before she could be betrothed to a husband, Poseidon found her worshiping in the
temple of Athena and ravished [basically raped her].
The Goddesses Athena was outraged at that her sacred temple
had being violated, so she punished poor Medusa who was actually violated inside the sacred temple of Athena... So when the Goddesses Athena punished Medusa by turning her beautiful tresses into snakes and giving her the destructive power to turn anyone who
would look upon her directly would turn into stone.

One wonders why did she punished Medusa so harshly when it was Poseidon that was the one that did the violation on her sacred temple... there are many different views to this story in the Greek Gods.

Story of Medusa in Greek MythologyThe stories of Medusa are often contradictory. Was she a victim or a villain? Was she always ugly or once beautiful? How did someone with the body of a dragon and a head of a snake become known as thy "guardian or protectorates"? Just was her role in the early Greek myths?

The name Medusa first appears in early religious history, when the goddesses represented birth and earth. It was a time before the advent of male gods. There are references to a Medusa among the Libyan Amazons. She was know then as the "Serpent goddess"

Those who study Greek mythology believe the goddess was transplanted into Greek
tales at a later date. All tales seem to agree that she was a gorgon-a -terrible monster. Some stories say she was born that way, the only mortal of three gorgon sisters born to Echidne, a Echidne, a half-women, half-Typhonand Typhon, the worst monster in the world.
Another story states she was very beautiful at one time; and she was born beautiful to two earth people Phorcysed PhCetos and Ceto.
The story of Medusa as a word renowned beauty says she offended Athena, the beautiful goddess. One myth says Medusa lived in the far north and had never seen the sun. She asked permission of Athena to come south. When Athena denied her request, she angrily accused Athena of being jealous of her (Medusa's) beauty. Enraged, Athena not only removed her beauty, but even worse, made her so ugly people, especially men, turned to stone just by looking at her (Medusa).
A different story also reports that Medusa's beauty was so stunning that many men courted her, but she became a priestess in Athena's temple. Her golden hair and her beauty attracted the lustful eyes of the sea god, Poseidon. They coupled in Athena's temple, a terrible violation of a sacred place. Stories differ as to whether he raped Medusa of she enticed him first. Either way, she got pregnant.

When Athena learned of what happened; she flew into a rage and cursed poor beautiful Medusa, even though it was not all her fault. The curse was snakes for hair, a body of a dragon and a face so ugly that no man would look upon her and if they did those would turn into stone.

Eventually, a Greek hero name Perseus promised to kill her. He borrowed (some stories say Hermes) Hermes winged sandals and Hades' cap of invisibility. He carried a powerful scythe and a mirrored shield. His speed and invisibility allowed him to get close to her. He used the mirror to "see" her without becoming a stone and beheaded her. Again, different versions tell that of different people or objects from the gods assisted him.
It turned out that the head continued, to be useful, at least for awhile, to turn others
to stone. Perseus used it to kill some of his enemies included Polydectes Polydectes who was Perseus Persephus' mother to marry him.

The story continues that when her head left her neck, her offspring sprang full
grown from her blood. They were the winged horse Pegasus (Poseidon was a great horse lover) and a giant war Chrysaord Chrysaor. As Perseus transported the head, blood dripping onto the Sahara Desert and created poisonous serpents.

When he laid the head down by the sea , the blood seeped onto the seaweed and created red coral. Afterwards this water was known as the "Red Sea" It is also Interesting to note that some species of coral are called Medusa today.
The eventual disposition of the head of Medusa has varies tale to tale. Some say Athena used it on her shield, The Aegis, for awhile, and then gave it away.

O Persephus Persephus buried it in the marketplace of Argos. Images of Medusa were found in the temples of Artemis, who also sometimes wore a Medusa mask at some rites. Her image was also found on doors, flags and in cups It was used to care off evil spirits too.
There were lessons to be learned from Medusa's stories. One is that beauty can either be a gift or a curse, depending on how a beautiful woman behaves. Her beauty certainly got Medusa into trouble. The second lesson is that Medusa had more power as a gorgon than a woman. This is how she became known as Guprotectores protectorates especially of virgins. The curse of being able to turn men into stone proved to be a warning to all men who force their unwanted attention on young women. Finally, she continued to have power even after death.
Her head continued to kill and her blood spawned her children as well as snakes and coral. That power has continued even to modern times of today!!!  Women's rights and liberation has been brought  to Medusa's story  for women, along with her head as symbol of rage and power. Perhaps every women has a little of 
Medusa in her both Beauty , Power & Rage.
I brought  this post up again because I remember 
The first time I got so many different  views on the subject. 
And the fact that The Goddess Medusa is still  today
Very much alive today. 
I found that even besides the movies
Arties, Magazines, blogs etc. She is very much 
A Beauty & Power Today. Even with her 
Tragic story in the very brief happiness of 
Her youth taken so violently . I hope 
that I have honored the great Goddess Medusa.
She may have been a monster to many ,but to 
me she was a victim and  used her power
the only way she knew how  under the 
To The Goddesses Medusa 

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

The Heavenly Howler

The Heavenly Howler...
Howler monkeys of Central America are not particularly attractive creatures ~ certainly not how anyone would imagine an angel to be.
And they are among the noisiest, most annoying creatures in the wilds, capable of seemingly meaningless, earsplitting howling and chattering. But to a french aviator and his wife whose small plane crashed in the dense Panamanian jungle in 1935, the howler monkey they encountered wasn't the least bit offensive of annoying.
In fact, they owe their lives to the mysterious monkey who guided them through a nerve~racking ordeal after they were totally lost in the most dangerous of jungles.

Missionaries Jacques and Jacqueline Deviers were convinced their jungle protector was a guardian angle sent from heaven to lead them to food, water and salvation.
The full story of their amazing rescue was told in the Winter 1937 issue of Missionaries and Miracles: A Journal for Christians Today, and it has been reprinted many times since.
The Deviers were flying Bibles, school books and medical supplies to a remote missionary camp when the engine of their airplane sputtered and stopped, started again, then permanently shut down.
Jacques, who was piloting the plane, looked desperately for a clearing among the thick canopy of green beneath them. But there were no meadow and no rivers just an unbroken sea of tall trees.
Marie reached for her husband's hand as they both said a quick prayer, asking God to spare their lives so they could return to the 18 month old daughter they had left at home.

Then Jacques set the plane down as gently as he could gliding to a stop on top of the canopy of trees.
The impact of the crash knocked them out. They were unconscious as the cabin of the airplane slammed through the trees.
What seemed like a death plunge was halted a few feet from the forest floor. the cabin came to rest on top of a second growth of thick underbrush that cushioned the impact.
Jacques was roused into consciousness by the gentle pressure of a tiny hand patting and stroking his face.
As he groaned, wiped at his bloody face, and opened his eyes, he may have seen a flash of fur, but he wasn't sure. He was more concerned with the agonizing pain that throbbed all over his body , his injuries, and concern for his wife.
The Deviers were in their 20's and in good shape, which probably saved them from more serious injury. However,both were convinced that the sure hand of God, responding to their last minute prayers, had shielded them from certain death.
And as a bonus, they were soon to believe that God had also sent an unlikely guardian angel to watch over them.
Jacqueline regained consciousness a few minutes after her husband. Like him, she was a mass of cut and bruises. A broken right wrist was her most serious injury. So the two were quite blessed and lucky.

Left with no food or water and no idea where they were, the young missionaries were totally depressed and disoriented.
They salvaged a couple of flares, a few bandages, iodine, salt tablets and a few other helpful items from a medical kit in their wrecked plane
The plane's compass was shattered beyond repair, so their only means of determining directions in this thick forest was by the heavens.
But the sky, however, was almost totally obscured by the thick canvas of foliage of trees overhead. So it was hard to even use the sun as direction. There was sometimes an exceptions for brief sunlit spots here and there during the day, the forest floor was shrouded in a permanent twilight.
All they knew was that they were somewhere near the Colombian border. But with no landmarks such as rivers or mountain near by from which they could take bearings, it was impossible even to guess at their exact whereabouts.

The jungle around them was oppressively hot, teeming with dangerous wildlife ranging from deadly scorpions to crocodiles and jaguars.
Despite all those dangers, plus the lack of food and water, they decided they might be able to survive if they were lucky enough to run across an Indian native and enlist the help of local tribesmen.
But where to go? They were debating which direction to set off in when they first heard the howling. Hidden from sight high in the trees, a howler monkey was creating a terrible din. As the couple listened, the monkey moved off, still hidden in the foliage, but it continued howling. A few minutes later it returned, stopping almost directly overhead the lost couple. The monkey was difficult to spot through the dense foliage, but they could certainly hear it. Again it let out a few ungodly screeches, then it took off in the same direction it had gone before.
"It was so strange," Jacqueline Devier later recounted to the magazine writer.
"Somehow we knew the way we were going to survive was to follow a monkey that we couldn't even see.

"My husband and I didn't need to speak the words to each other. We both knew that this strange jungle animal was sent by God to rescue us from our desperate straits. It was His answer to our prayers."
The Deviers grew increasingly hungry and thirsty as they followed their unseen guardian angel through the jungle.
Their clothing and bodies were soaked in sweat from the sticky prickly heat that clung to them like a moist blanket.
Screeching and howling, as if barking out directions, the monkey eventually led the hungry couple to a tree, which was surrounded with rotting fruit.
They ate the overripe fruit anyway. They stuffed their clothing with more palatable fruit that their unseen protector showered down around them from the branches before continuing on their way.
Later that day, the howler monkey angel led them to a rocky area where small pools of fresh water had collected.
There they quenched a raging thirst. The couple spent the night settled uncomfortably high in the crotch of a tall tree, safe from jungle predator roving in the darkness far beneath them.
Early the next morning, the Deviers were awakened by the shrieks of their noisy friend. Again they set off through the jungle.

Halfway through their second day of travel, it dawned on them that they hadn't seen as much as a snake of any other obviously dangerous animal during what should have been a more perilous trek.
"It was as if Howler, the name we gave our angle , was clearing the way of all danger in our path,"Jacqueline said,
"After we realized he was the Lord's messenger, we were never afraid. We know our prayers were being answered and we would see our little girl again."
Late that afternoon, the Deviers were found by two Indians armed with bows and arrows.
Ironically, they were hunting for monkey meat, and had been attracted by the howls of the couple's personal guardian angel.
Incredibly , the earsplitting screeches, which had become familiar and comforting to the Deviers, stopped the moment the Indians firs loomed out of the forest gloom.
Later, after the two were transported from the riverside Indian settlement in canoes for treatment at an American Army hospital in Balboa, they meditated on their miraculous rescue.
Friends found it hard to believe the important role played by their personal protective howler monkey in saving their lives.

But the Deviers never wavered over the years in their belief that the screeching simian was a gift from God.
"We never hard from Howler again," Jacqueline said, " But we know he is our angel, assigned to us in heaven, and he is still watching over us.
"He will be there for us when we need him maybe not as a monkey, but in whatever form is most appropriate."The Howler Monkey.....

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