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Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Good afternoon my dear friends and followers and I wish you all a wonderful day. For today's post I bring you Melusina an famous nymph that married the heir of the Lusignan family in France and gave birth to eight children with animal marking on their bodies. She was originally from France, Germany and Switzerland too.  Her race besides being from a famous water nymph, she is also an Dragoness/Serpentine too. The Melusina was also said to be a mythological creature found in the ancient Celtic and Medieval folklore too. She was part woman and serpent; her top half being that of a very beautiful woman since she was married to the Lusignan family in France and gave birth to eight children.
The myth of this beautiful creature is very old. And I just happened to come upon it. Melusina is derived from the Celtic waters of faeries and nymphs who were thought to be changelings. Even though some thought they came from France, Germany and Switzerland too. As all mermaids and sirens could use their voice with a most beautiful song that only men could here the luring tunes, that would be very deceiving to any unsuspecting man that happened to be anywhere near the sea's edge. This Magick song can lure all men into their world of underwater castles and caverns. Sometimes it can be a lifetime of a slave to being a husband but others it can be a tasty meal.  Well it seems that this Goddess was quite popular in the ancient Middle Ages both in the Celtic times of Ireland and in Northern France and England too. This Beauty was mostly popular in the Medieval times of Elynas , the King of Albania and the beautiful Fae, Pressina.
One day while the King Elynas was hunting, he came across a river where he stopped to get a drink. The man, a woman singing and this is when he found the Fae Pressina,(the Melusina) He then persuaded her to marry him and she agreed on one condition, that he never enter her Private chamber when she gave birth to their children, bathe, or when she gave the children at bathe. She told him if he did! there would be terrible if not horrible and possible fatal consequences if he did not follow her her agreement. During their marriage she gave birth to triplets, all girls named Melusina, Melior and Plantina. Well the King Elynas upon hearing the news that he just became a new father, and his newly bride had just gave birth to three daughters, forgot about the agreement and condition they had made about the private bathe chamber when she gave birth not to come in until she said it was OK to come in to see her and the new born babies. The King was so exited upon hearing the great news, he just burst into the private bathe chamber to see his new baby girls while Pressina was bathing the after birth off them.

Well you can only image what happened next... She cried and screamed out that he had broke his promise and that was the last time he saw his baby girls. Because that very day she took the three babies girls and fled to Avalon.
As the three girls grew into teenagers , the oldest Melusina asked her mother why they had been living in Avalon, so faraway from their father. So their mother Pressina finally decided it was time to tell them the truth, why they had move away from their father, and told them the story of what their father had did. Well this enraged Melusina. So she got her sisters involved and decided to capture their father King Elynas and lock him in a mountain. 
Well this of course backfired. And because of a curse placed upon her mother, Melusine is born to become half woman, half serpent on every Saturday. This is because her mother became so angry for what they did to their father the King. And since Melusine was the oldest and was the one who planned the whole thing. she was condemned to be the form of a serpent  from the waist don on every Saturday, until she should meet a man who would marry her under the condition of never seeing her on a Saturday and he should keep his promise too.
So the rest of the week, she could live as a normal human, however during the rest of the week she had to conceal herself from any sights when taking her bath on Saturdays. When she left the Castle of Lusignan, Why? because she was as much as a dragon as any! with her four heavily clawed legs, bat-like wings, doted serpent tail and a monstrous head.  
So on those days that she wasn't a monster dragon, she went out on her search for this man that would marry her, in hopes that her faith would work out better than her mum. 
Then one day she came across a man in the woods while sitting by a lake named Raymond of Poitou. Well again Raymond became enchanted by the beauty of Melusina and ask for her hand in marriage. And Melusina was so happy and said yes on the same condition, that her mother had did, but this was only for Saturdays. Again he promised to! never to go into her bathing chamber on Saturdays. And of course soon after their marriage they had many children just like her mother.  But in time even Raymond had to have a peek, and when he does its a bit worst for him then the king. Because he sees the whole transformation from a beautiful woman into a hideous creature with a huge fish serpentine 
tail. After that Raymond never sees her again, as she flies from the bath and came back to Lusignan with her children. She retired to the lost island and she was very lucky to have found it Why? well they say that it is only by chance that you are able to repeat the next visit.
However, maybe it was faith for Melusina, my own opinion. Once she did find the lost island she reared her children that she had brought with her, taking them every morning to a high mountain, and telling them that, if it wasn't for their father's breach of a promise, they might have lived happily in the distant land which they were before. 
She told them when she and her sisters were fifteen years of age, she asked her mother particularly of what their father had been guilty of? After she found out what her father had done, she told her children how she conceived and designed revenged on her father. After that Melusina, engaged her sisters to join in on her plans, and they set out for Albania. When they arrived there, they took the king their own father and all his wealth by a charm spell, enclosed him in a high mountain called the Brandelois. She told her children that she had several more sever judgements than her two sisters did. 
Now of what happened to the sisters of Melusina; Melior was said to keep a hawk in a remote castle in Armenia until the day of Judgment. and her other sister Palatina  is enclosed in the Canigou mountain with her fathers treasure until a knight, strong and bold to kill the monstrous guardians come to reconquer 'the land of promission'. Melusina now went roaming throughout the world in search of the man who was to deliver her.
So Melusina passed through the Black Forest and that of Ardennes, and at last she arrived in the forest of Colombiers, in Poitou where all the Fae's of the neighborhood came before her, telling her they had been waiting for her to reign in that place in her return. 
Raymond having accidentally killed the count, his uncle by the glancing aside of his boar-spear was wandering by in the forest of Colombiers too. When he arrived at a fountain that was at a high rock as the people in those times would call it 'The Fountain of Thirst/ The Fountain of the Fays' because of the many magick things which had 
happened at the fountain. Well it seems that Raymond and the Melusina meet again, for at one time she and her sisters were diverting themselves there by the light of the moon in the beautiful fountain, mainly the older sister Melusina.
Just like before her beauty and her amiable manners quickly won his love. She soothed him, concealed the deed he had done and married him once again, with him promising on his oath never to desire to see her on a Saturday bathe. Melusina also assured him that a breach of his oath would forever deprive him of her whom he so much loved and he followed by the unhappiness of both for life.
So again out of Melusina great wealth she built for him, in the neighborhood of the Fountain of Thirst, where he first saw her the castle of Lusignan. Melusina, also built La Rochelle, Cloitre Malliers, Mersent and many many other places too! However, even with all the wonder of the new love and beginnings with her Raymond; plus his oath to her once again, it would seem that her destiny would be always be alone. The marriage was again made unhappy by the deformity of the children born of one that was enchanted. But this time Raymond's love for the beauty of his wife that ravished both his heart and eyes remained unshaken. It was sad that their newly marriage would be damaged by Raymond's cousin, who had excited him to jealousy. And was able to get him to revel the secret fountain chamber, by malicious suggestions of the purport of Saturday retirement of the Countess his beautiful wife.
The Beautiful and Grace of the
Melusina. So beautiful yet forever
will be alone in life.
So the very next day Raymond hid himself; and saw how lovely the form of his wife/Melusina was. For the first time he say her as a beauty form of a lady ended below in a snake of great grace of gray, sky-blue and whites. However, it was not the horror that seized him at the sight of the beauty that he saw, it was the infinite anguish at the reflection in the water that his breach of faith he might lose his lovely wife forever truly now that he has just gain her trust.
Yet, if it this misfortune had not speedily come on him, were it not for his son, Geoffroi with the tooth - [A boar's tusk projected from his mouth], had burned his brother Freimund, who would stay in the abbey of Malliers with the abbot and a hundred monks. 
However, you would think that after that lovely comment that Raymond would never say a mean thing again to his beloved Melusina, well guest again. Some men what ever decade can be very cruel . Why? Well it seems that at which the affliction of what happened between father and son is what brought this out rage toward his beloved wife Melusina. So when Count Raymond was in their bedroom, and his wife was entering his closet to comfort him, he broke out into these hurtful words against her. ' Out of my sight, thou pernicious snake and odious serpent! thou contaminator of my race!' 
The Melusina former anxiety was now verified, and the evil that had lain so long in ambush had now fearfully sprung on Raymond and her. 
She know now that she would forever be alone. She would never or could never be with a man or husband ever! That she could never trust again. She kinda just fainted away and when at length she revived, full of the profoundest grief, she declared Raymond that she must now depart from him and in obedience to a decree of destiny, fleet about the earth in pain and suffering as a specter until the day of doom and that only when one of her race was to die at Lusignan would she become visible. Her words at parting to Raymond were these', But one thing will I say unto thee before I part, that thou, and those who for more than a hundred years shall succeed thee, shall know that whenever I am seen to hover over the fair castle of Lusignan Immediately, with wailing and loud lamentation, she left the castle of Lusignan, and has ever since existed as a specter of the night.' A few months later Raymond died as a hermit on Monserrat. After Melusina left the Lusignan prosperity  ended and they were the once richest families of their time and second-rank to nobles men and women. 
Geoffroi Melusina son who could have broke the malediction died before going to Canigou and deliver Paletina. Well I hope that you all enjoyed the tale of Melusina I found
it to be a interesting tale myself. I love you all very much 

Sunday, March 8, 2015



Welcome to my New Post Called
Like TipsFromtheGarden~ This too will bring you
helpful tips for your Garden, Stories, Poems and
some of my own experiences in life. These which will include 
how my Garden/Hummingbird has helped put light and 
happiness in my life.  You will find its new home on 
Sunday's. So when I get myself together I hope that you all 
will come and visit me also on Sundays as well. 
For my Next post 
Good Afternoon my dears and Welcome to 
WendyTales, my time personal time with 
you all to either tell stories, my own experiences in life or 
even helpful hints from my own garden. 
So for today I thought I would tell you a 
Story about ME!
So find that cozy chair and a warm cup of coffee or tea
 and have a sit and I will give you a bit of a tale about me.
I  didn't always have health issues, there was 
a time when I felt to be a very strong woman
and could do anything; well I still feel that way to a agree.
My confidence has flew out the window in the year 2005,
but i do have a strong love and peace for my 
 my Husband and Son. Since that year.
Also since I meet I wonderful lady over 10-years ago,
On many Ning.sites, we have been sisters ever since. 
You all know her  as The Fairy Lady, I just know her as my
sister and dearest friend, Cynthia with love.
I found out at 45, yes I am aging myself but that is what 
this post is all about anyways, that is when I found out that
the cancer got me. The best time of my life, I had been married about,
if i can remember 8-years and my husband and I were so happy with 
our 4 year old son. Life was good for the three of us. 
And when I was walking out of that mammogram office
so long ago, knowing that I would have to tell my beloved husband 
that I had aggressive breast cancer with our 4 year old jumping around 
so happy. It was so surreal, Like walking in a tunnel in a different reality.
When I got there he knew something was wrong.
And this was the beginning of my journey that has lasted to 
the year 2015. 
i will Maybe tell more if you like 
and if I can remember and if my heart can do it .
I hope that you like my personal story. 
love you all very much 

Saturday, March 7, 2015


Purple Lilac

For today's Saturdays TipsFromtheGarden
I thought I would do a post on the sweet-smelling blooms
of Spring! So you would have some great fragrance coming
from your gardens in the coming months.
I know it has been a very long winter for ALL!
So with a little help of spring blooms with the
most beautiful colors and fragrance of their blooms should
help melt those winter blues away. I know I am looking 
forward to that. I have a beautiful purple Lilac
that is just beginning to bloom. I can just see its
tiny purple buds starting to come out. I can't wait to see
My Lilac if full bloom for it is a deep purple lilac and 
a Fragrant one too. When it is I will take a photo a post
it on here for you all to see.  
There are, other kinds Fragrant blooms like the honeysuckle, which
are wonderful on a warm June night. A branch of apple blossoms, 
a sprig  of lemon verbena, a carpet of chamomile and 
so many more kinds of fragrant flowers and plants that 
can tickle your senses in the coming of spring. 
I have 7 wonderful scented flowers for you all 
my dear Friends & Followers. 
They are renowned for their fragrance, for  for centuries.
All are easy to grow and everyone will add another layer
of delight to your Gardens. 
1- First Oriental lilies Zones 5-10
These huge, extravagant flowers of Oriental lilies are
showstoppers and their intoxicating scent is, so heavy
and sweet you can almost taste them.
To some, the fragrance is a bit much;
Plant in the middle or back of the bed of your garden
to dilute the strong aroma .
Just three bulbs are enough to perfume a large area. 
Pink Stargazer and White Casa Blanca re even more beautiful
 in the garden than in florist bouquets. 
Happy Gardening!
2- Dianthus Zones 3-9
The Spicy clove scent of these flowers, many have refer to as 'pinks'
actually have no sent at all. Sniff before you buy and you won't 
be disappointed. 
Bath's Pink is an old reliable with pastel pink flowers.
Mrs. Sinkins, a favorite since Victorian days, has fluffy white flowers.
These flowers are a tight mound of gray foliage. They
are appealing as the deliciously spicy scented flowers. 
 3-Heliotrope Zones 10-11 Annual elsewhere
These beauty's are grown in Europe for perfume. 
Heliotrope flower is beloved for its delicious vanilla scent,
with notes of sweet almond or cherry. It's rich purple flowers
are a real knockout; elegant white cultivars are available too.
These are beautiful blooms but don't do well until the frost 
is gone! Hence Annuals that they are.
However, you can pot them and put them in a sunny windowsill
all winter.
4-Lily-of-the-valley Zone 3 to 8
These dainty stems of dangling bells have a sweet, yet heavy
scent so unique that in France its a signature perfume 
called 'Muguet.'
Lily-of-the-Valley loves shade and it multiplies to form 
thick colonies. It can be aggressive, so plant it where it can
be contained. 
These beauty's leaves will turn golden yellow in the fall,
accented by stems of translucent red berries. Try Rosea with pale 
pink blooms as well as those with classic white flowers too.
5-Common Lilac Zones 3-7
This is one of my favorites the beauty of the lilacs that bloom in May
They come in many classic colors, deep wine red, blue-lilac,
pure white, even pink and the most popular the deep purple
that last throughout summer. 
These beautiful blooms live so long that they often survive 
even after a house  is long gone, a lilac needs no coddling 
beyond regular watering its first year. 
6-Sweet Alyssum Zones Annual
The Sweet Alyssum even though they are an annual they have,
a wonderful lemony hue to them.
They have a great warm honey scent too. These flowers are
a native Mediterranean wildflower and they can be planted either
in you garden or pots. They are a beautiful pink flower too.
Are wonderful to 
They work any time of the year

Well I hope that you Enjoyed my Saturday
TipsfromtheGarden Post
I love you all my dear Friends & Follower
Have a wonderful weekend 


Friday, March 6, 2015

Yallery Brown Faery of England~

Yallery Brown Faery of England~
Yallery Brown Faery 
For this Evening's Post, I thought I would bring you another Faery 
from England called the Yallery Brown Faery. These faery's got their names because they are mostly a malicious faerie in England. The appearance of these Yallery Male faery's are, of the size of a year old child. They are said to be extremely ugly and wrinkly, with long hair and a beard hence that they are male faeries. According to the legend, in England lore, a farm worker by the name of Tom Tiver heard a baby's cry from beneath a large rock. Upon lifting the rock, Tom Tiver discovered the Yallery Brown Faery who was caught and tangled under this rock by his long hair and beard. As payment, for helping him as the legend goes, the Yallery Brown agreed to help Tom with his farm work. So after the farmer help untangled he Yallery Brown faery which has also been described as a goblin with long golden hair. That would also would play his evil tricks on the farmer too.
Sleeping Yallery Brown Faery
 Well the tale goes the Yallery Brown/Goblin with long golden hair and a beard agreed to help Tom Tiver with his farm work, but warned never to thank him for the help on, the farmer or it would cease. 
So every day, when Tom Tiver the Farmer would go to his farm, he would discover that his work was already done. The Farmer also discovered that the work of all the other farmers had been destroyed at the same time, so he went to his Yallery Brown and kindly thanked him for his help, but he would prefer to do his own work on his farmer from now on. Well that was the biggest mistake the
Farmer Tom Tiver could have ever done. Remember  early in the post I had told you that these Yallery Brown Faery's are   malicious fairies in England. The Faery had warned the Farmer to never,  thank him for his help or there would be trouble. This is something in which the farmer didn't know about this malicious Yallery Brown Faery's.
So instead of being dismissed, the Yallery, stayed on, causing Tom Tiver bad fortune for the rest of his years. He would also play his evil tricks on Tom Tiver and the farmers in the surrounding area's. 
These Yallery Brown Faery's would even curse the local farmers and make his work useless. You can argue both sides with these bogles, They are usually very evil, but only mean to the wrongdoers - Liars, Murderers others...  They say these Mischievous - malicious fairy - like nature spirit are from an old Lincolnshire folktale in England.
Upon finding this fairy that was trapped under a flat stone, the creature was like a ragged little man with yellow-brown skin, the colour of dark mustard and long yellow hair and a beard in some cases. In some case the creature begged to be freed from the stone others he deceived others with the cry of a baby. That is how these Faery's are able to trick humans to take pity upon them. By promising the wishes. The story goes that he grants the human farmer help with his daily chores being shy faery. So the Yallery-Brown clapped his hands and all would be done. But warned never to thanked or dire consequences would follow.
Well problems did come, people would see things happen do all by their selfs like the sweeping of the broom all by its self. So after many days people would whisper that the farmer was a witch or warlock. 
So Tom the farmer began to worry that he would be labeled and they would come after him. And that is how he became cursed by the Yallery Brown Faery.
Before the little man vanished the words that he spoke were;
'Wokk's tha will,
tha'll nivver do well,
Wokk's tha mowt,
tha'll nivver gain owt,
For harm an' mischance an 'Yallery-Bro-wun,
Tha's let out theesen form unner the sto-wun!"
"Work as you will,
you'll never do well, 
Work as you might, 
you'll never get anything,
For harm and mischance and Yallery-Brown,
You've let out yourself from under the stone!

hope that you all Enjoyed the tale of the
Yallery Brown Faery of England
I love you all very much my dear
Friends & Followers

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Interesting Places~

Interesting Places-
Good Evening my dear Friends and Followers, I have a great group of images for you all tonight. I thought I would call it Interesting Places because of all the different unique photos that I will be showing with the area's labeled under each of the different cities. I hope that you will all find it fascinating as I did. I even thought it was interesting that my hometown Seattle was one of the cities that were included in the 30 cities. So sit back and enjoy the music and the images.
Love you're all my dear Friends & Followers,































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