These Flower fairies love to ride on butterflies, hummingbirds and types of dragonflies.
Since these flower faeries are so small, some folks may think that they are all harmless,
but in fact they share the same personalities as its housing flower and other types of
faeries. So beware: these flower faeries have many personalities and can be sweet,
gentle and kind, but also can be very poisonous and malicious fairies who enjoyed
playing pranks on humans.
At the same time very vibrant, energetic too.
Human sized fairy folk are usually portrayed fairy tales stories. They are
often portrayed as aggressive, mean and may even steal human children and sometimes Adults.
But you must remember this is just one person opinion of the way
faeries may be portrayed in some fairy tale books.
Besides the way they are portrayed in books, they have their own different names and
languages too. They are spelled Fairies, Faeries or even Fees. If you speak of
Hungarian Fairies or Russian fairies, than you would call the fairy 'Tunder' or 'Russalka',
they are distinctively different type of spirit faeries and bothe are distinguishable from the
Sidhe' the Irish faeries.
Another interesting fact that you might have not known about the Fairy is -Fairy
was used as a generic term from an ancient Pre-Christian spirits.In essence its a demotion:
Deities who've refused to fade away (Or their devotees stubbornly cling to them), are removed
from the pantheon of Gods but are permitted to a lesser roles as "Nature Spirits'.
Fairy has also been historically been used in England as a synonym for 'Witch' and or 'Pagan
Practitioner.' In legends, myths and witches, fairies and sometimes elves they are all
often treated as mirror images of each other. What this means is that they are very all
are very powerful beings, usually dominantly in the female forms using charms, magic words and spells.
Males are also very powerful too, but in the legends,mythology and folklore of all Magick
Creatures- this being either faeries, Elves, Dragons, witches, and all forms of shapeshifing magick creatures.
Then there is Witchcraft a craft that was terrible over looked as a evil presents in
mostly women young and older. It was rarely if every men because it was the men
that was doing the accusing of the women of evil witchcraft. But in reality they were using
herbs from the forest that they learned from they mothers, aunts, grandmother and on their own
and were the only ones that could heal the sick at the time in the 1500 to 1600' when they
started to do so, at first the society at the times were very happy but one mishap is all it took and
that is when the witch trials happen. I will never understand the reason for that time period. but what I
do know it did open the eyes of all even today so the women of the times didn't die
in vain. Women were also accused of consorting with faeries which did witchcraft. I found
this to be very interesting. Because faeries and woman of healing herbs were
a threat. And they are a great part of mother
Earth (Gaia)
In today's
society fairy tales have become in someways either too cuties or to Evil. What I mean with this is;
Faeries were once respected and with some of these tiny magick creatures Feared!
Fairies were perceived as a dangerous spirits and for some of them for a very good reason.
Even though most are very kind, shy, and love nature I feel that most all faeries are good
natured even back in ancient time to the present time of today.
But many fairies can still have a mistrust of humans even today.
Many in faeries in the Middle East/Northern African Spirit Faeries known as "Djinn" can
be very shy, volatile, nocturnal spirits who generally distrust humans and are temperamental, and
are easily offended. Which could be then potentially dangerous tiny or medium sized faeries.
One thing I did find out in my research was that it is dangerous to call out to any of the
Middle East/Northern African Spirit Faeries known as Dijinn because if these faeries are called
out by their true names. I haven't found the true reason why, but they dislike salt and iron, plus it is said
that the Djinn is allegedly formed from fire as people were formed from earth, do not fear that element as
some fairies, notably the Sidhe, reputedly do and the Fire-fairy too.
Another interest fact about the Fae, is the word Fairy is encompasses any kinda spirit
or fabulous being, thus mining spirits, dwarfs, kobods and even goblins are all labelled as Fae
as are the 'black dogs' of Britain and other supernatural creatures are Spirits Beings.
Types of Fairies
The Birth of the Spirits - The Fates
A child is born and the fairies comes to celebrate the birth of the human child
and then they decide the child's fate. They come bearing gifts. This is a ritual that has been
long performed throughout Europe, France, Russia (Slavic), Celtic (Irish), and other regions
as well as the Romany. An offering was also left out to thank the fairies of their blessings.
There can be a procession of fairies present or just the one depending on the
customary beliefs of the parents.
Southern Albanian Fairies
(Singular; Fati), also known as the Miren from the Greek Moirae or the
Fates. The Fatit ride on butterflies and on the third day after the human child's birth they will
approach and determine the child's destiny.
The Serbian Spirit faeries
are a sub species of the nature fairies and the fate fairies.
They arrived on the seventh day following a human babe birth & are only
visible to the human mother. In addition to food, these faeries also love the offering of flowers.
Nature Spirit faeries
Trooping Faeries -Trooping fairies, are those who live in groups;
These fairies prefer green to all other colours yet in my research I did find that they do ware other
colors too and they range more widely in size than the other Fairies that I've done on this post. Some of these Troop fairies can be so tiny as to have a caps the size of a heather bell-while other troop fairies can get
as large as an human to have intercourse/sex. Although they may have higher spirits than the Solitary fairy, they still may present more a threat to mortals/humans; especially in the Scottish Gaelic Sluagh! Take careful cause with them because they host the unforgiving dead!
But with all the scariness/I still think these Troop fairies are in themselves quite unique and are
important to all. These Fairies can be found in merry bans about the hawthorn trees, at feast and at
gilded fairy palaces too. They delight in company, while the solitary fairy avoid the large gathering, preferring to be left by themselves and would much rather be separated from one another. Fairies exist all over the world. In Ireland they are the 'Sidhe' a name retained from the ancient days. In a group they are the 'daione sidhe' or fairy people. Some say that they get their name from ' Aes Sidhe' --- folk of the 'Sidhe' meaning
hilock meaning mound. from the large sidh/mounds that they all inhabit in Ireland. But others claim that the mounds that they live in got their name from the fairies themselves who habitation of them.One will really never know..? The troop fairy are found living in the bushes and & circles of stones that crop up all over
Ireland- the fairy raths. The fairy raths crop up in pastures all over Ireland and the farmers never plow over them for fear of disturbing the fairies who live there & it could bring bad luck upon themselves and their
families. These fairies are said to be very beautiful, with long yellow hair, and perfect delicate forms.
They love milk, honey and drink flowers nectar as their fairy wine.
The fairies can assume any form & can make horses out of straw. They have the power to affect human life,
especially unbaptized children. They love music, and often lure mortals into an eternal dance with their piping and singing. These Troop fairies love to dwell together in larger societies. The Tuatha de Danann is an
ancient race of fairies descended from the Celtic goddess Danu. They are said to be very wise and love
to learn. Legend says a battle ensued between the humans and the Tuatha de Danann for dominion of Ireland. Well you can guess who won... The humans ultimately did win the battle and the
Tuatha de Danann retreated into a hidden location only known to the Otherworld.
The Solitary Fairy
There are many different kinda Solitary Fairies, such as the House-spirit and the Water-sheerie
which is the own brother to the English Jack-0'-Lantern; the Banshee in many
different forms; concerning these presently; there is the brownie, the Dallahan, headless phantom- one used
to stand in a Sligo street on dark nights till lately; the Black Dog, a form that can change change at will- the
Phooka, And on ships at the Sligo quays are haunted sometimes by this spirit, who announces his presence by a sound of the flinging of all 'the tin porringers in the world' down into the hold. He even follows them into the sea. The Phooka, Selkirk,Changeling and the Male woodland Sprite called The Leshy or Leshovik.
There is the Leanhaun Shee -fairy mistress, who seeks the love of mortals. If they refuse her she must be
their slave, if they consent her, they are hers and could only escape by finding another to take her place.
The fairy lives on their life, and they will waste away over time. Death is not escape for her.
She is the Gaelic muse, for she gives inspiration to those she persecutes. The Gaelic poets die young, for she is restless and will to let the remain long on earth -- this malignant phantom.
The Great distinction between the Solitary fairy and the Social fairy is, that the Solitary Fairy may
elect to ware an red, brown or grey instead of the customary green. He/She avoids large gatherings and
prefers to be left by himself/herself, disdaining the unbridled gaiety of a Social Fairy or
Trooping Fairies. The Solitary Fairy is often associated with a specific household, place or
occupation, notably the a shoemaker brownies or leprechaun of Ireland.
It is said that many solitary fairies will appears ominous to mortals and are also very easily irritated
by humans too. None the less, these fairies are not indifferent to the human kind and is more likely to
interact with our lives then any of the other type of fairies. This being men, women or children.
Solitary fairies generally will give lavish gifts to mortals, but the consequences of
accepting these gifts may be not worth the gifts themselves. Faithful, but suspicious Christians at the ancient
times have also accused Solitary Fairies of being in the league with the devil himself, a perception not
widely shared by many. Mind included! It could be because of the type of fairies associated with the class
of the Solitary Fairies- here are a few more... banshee, baobhan sith, brownie, bwci, cadineag,
caointeag, cluricaune, dooiney marrey, dooiney oie, dullahan, ellyll, fairy lover. Leannan sidhe fenodyree, glaistig, gruagach, leprechaun, piskie, pooka, phooka, pwca, siabraid, s'thich.
These are yet just a few ofthe Solitary Fairies besides there are the divers monsters too --
the Augh-iska, the Water-horse, the Payshtha, the Lake-dragon and other such creatures like fairies or spirits.
Here are the name of quite a few of the Troop faeries and Solitary Fairy combined-
Divas, Elementals, Fairies, Elves, Wee folk, Trolls, Sidhe, Ghosts, Totems, Dryads, Faery Folk,
Lars, Shee, Jotunns, Satyrs, Nymphs, Dragons, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Sylphs,
Genii, Junii, Puncks, Giants, Fetishes, Insects, Angels, Demons,
Minions of Lord Loki
Big Wild Animals, Menehune, Animism, Kami, Outsiders,
Pantheism, Salamanders, Strange beings, Air Spirits, Garden Spirits, Immortals,
Ents, Avatars, Fire Spirits, Boabhan sith, Succubus, Water Spirits, Imps, Penates, Genius Loci,
White Lady of the Land, Selkies, Hobgoblins, Earth Spirits, Mermaids, Brownes, Fairy,
Faeries, Fairies, Fae, Tricksters, Udines, Goblins, Household Guardians, Homunculus,
Fantastical Creatures, Magick Creatures, Leprechauns, Little Folk, Good Neighbors,
Imaginary Beings, Vanir, Little People, Sirens, Mythical Creatures, Landvaettir, Land Spirits,
Elements, Geist, Wights, Banshee, witch, drow, elves, shapeshifters, raven, Greek gods goddesses,
Celtic goddesses.
Here are a few fairy that are above'
Boabhan Sith
This is an fairy that lives in the Scottish Highlands. Her name is pronounced 'Buhvan shee'.
This fairy usually is hooded, dressed in black, like a raven women. Sometimes she is dressed in green and
her feet are deer hooves instead of feet. She is a shapeshifter and sometimes described as
the Scottish Vampires. Some say that they are animal guardians spirits. They are the only
ones who will guarantee that only spiritually initiated hunters who've performed the corrected
hunting rituals are promoted to hunt, without these rituals the animals are unable to
resurrect and return to life. If these hunters do not follow the rules of the sacred
hunting rituals of the forest - well that's why they call them the Vampires of Scotland.
So you probably are curious what these Boabhan Sith fairies of the Highlands do to
an hunter that doesn't follow the rules of the forest? Well they will seduce the men by dancing
with them, putting them into a trance then kill them by draining their blood. Their favorite victims
are the hunters who are alone upon the moors of Scotland highlands.
Dakini Fairy
When I research the Dakini Fairy I found it to be a bit confusing. But after much reading and
going over many different versions of the Dakini fairy I found that she to be quite interesting.
First of all the tantric concept of the dakinin figure is derived from the a figure of the medieval
Hindu legend. There are many other names too, but I thought it to be to confusing to but all of it
in this part of the dakini fairy. The dakini is a female imp in the train of Kali who feeds on human flesh - her masculine counter part being called daka. They are comparable to malevolent or vengeful female spirits,
deities, imps or fairies in other cultures such as the Persian
Peri fairy
In this post I am looking into the Tiny Peri Fairies. These tiny faeries are known to be from ancient Peria. These tiny winged female nature spirits are so beautiful that it is said that they shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow.
Peris Fairies are usually always female too! Before the coming of Islam, Peris Faeries were held responsible for catastrophic nature events such as comets, eclipses of the sun and huge crop failures of land.
With the advent of Islam, the Peris Faeries were deemed to be fallen angles, who repented of their transgressions too late to be restored into Heaven.
Tales are told how the Prophet Muhammad was sent to convert them to Islam. In the earlier Zoroastrian faith of Persia. The Peris Faeries were thought to represent the light and good forces of nature that constantly at war with the dark and evil forces called Deevs.
There are tales of the Deevs that have captured these beautiful Peris fairies, and have locked them in iron cages at the very tops of old growth forest. They were sustained by eating the odor of perfumes that were brought to them by other Peris that looked after them, until they could figure away of releasing them.
As a key tantric figure, the dakini also appears in other forms of the tantric Buddhism such as the
Japaneses Shingon school from where she disseminated into Japanese culture, evolving into the
Dakini-ten or 'deva'' and becoming linked to the kitsune.
I know that this all is a bit confusing but I hope to make this all more clear by the end of this this;
It is said that the origins of the dakini figure are uncertain but she continues to this day
is a part of Indian folklore, generally in wrathful forms, and remains a part of Hindu tantra.
Dakinis are energetic beings in the female form, they evocative of the movement of the energy in
space. From this I figured the Sanskrit, is such a being that is called the dakini,
which is - space goer, celestial woman and cloud fairy. It is also said that the dakinis are
heavenly realm or pure land of the dakinis or Khechari. And from this
the Unenlightened dakinis are termed worldly dakinis because they are still termed worldly.
The unenlightened dakinis are termed worldly dakinis because they are still caught in the cyclic of
the world of the Samsara. Worldly dakinis are found in human form as well as in astral form. Which
makes them shapshifters. These dakinis could also have a beautiful form of a fairy which
mind you it isn't your typical nice fairy. The fairy is like a being or a demonic flesh eating nasty
fairy. So you see not all faries are nice!
Yet these faries are very good at disguise themselves.
An exmple of this worldly dakini are the 5evil Tseringma sisters Padma Sambhava who
tamed into a protectors.
The enlightened dakinis are the wisdom Dakinis. They have passed beyond the samsara into
liberation. And to understand their enlightment a dakini would be any one of the female yidam
or one of the female consorts of the five Dhyana Buddhas. There are five families of
worldly and wisdom dakinis; 1)Vafra Kakinis, 2)Ratna Dakinis,3)Padma Kakinis,4)Karma Dakinis
and finally 5)Buddha Dakinis. They are all born spontaneously with enlightenment. In heavely realms
They all have various levels of inner realization too. So as you can see, there are many
different types and levels of the dakinis. Dakinis in general can be a guiding light along the path
and removing the physical and spiritual. Well the more i read the more I really was confused
but what I did understand was that the symbolism of the femine dakini and with the universe of the
budda familes seem similair with the enlightement mind matter and space.
It seems that dakinis can transform her energy directly through experiences like that of Buddha teachings.
I am truly sorry if I wasn't clear with the dakinis fairy It got a little over my head. but
I certainly tried to make understandable.
Dryads & Oreides were the beautiful Nymphs of the trees, groves,woods and mountain forests. They
were the ladies of the Oaks, Pines Poplar and Ash trees. Also the Apple and Laurel trees. These dryades, would spring up from the earth at their birth, their lives would be very closely tied to each and every tree that was born in the times of the Greek Gods. While these Dryads Nymphs were alive the tree that they were connected to would flourish, and bloom with no disease or fire. but when the tree did passed away, So did the beauty Nymph. This is how it was in the days of the Greek gods and their Beautiful Dryads Nymphs.
There are many different kinds of Nymphs In Greek Mythology. In that time period many of them were water, lake, rivers, marsh, ponds fountains, waterfalls,earth, fire,blue nymphs, wood, underworld and even air Nymphs.
Dryads Nymphs are just as beautiful and cunning as those above. The Dryads Nymphs are the
beautiful ladies of the forest and woods who live in their trees and there around them. They are born in their tree and will died with their tree but there is so much more to these ancient deities than meets the eye.
The Vila Fairy
The Vila is a Eastern Europe Fairy, who are often depicted a beautiful winged tiny women. They are often naked or dressed in white thin cloth with very long flowing hair which is usually white or silver.
The Vila is also a shapeshifter and can appear as swans, horses, falcons and snakes. They can
also shapeshift into Natural Phenomena such as a whirlwind, Thunderstorms, and earthmoving.
The Vila live deep in the ancient forest and are fierce protectors of the forest in which they live. They are also very protective of the trees, plants and animals that live within her forest.
They are revered for their deep knowledge of herbal healing, and will use their knowledge of healing powers in the forest if the human or elf is worthy.
Now if any human were to do any harm to the Vila Fairy's forest or her Creatures she might lure them into a magic fairy circle. Once the human is been lured inside the circle they are joyed with other fairies to dance and they will dance to their deaths.
Another's have been killed by a natural landslide or drowning in a lake in the Vila Fairy's forest.
Various stories are told about the origin of the Vila. Some have said that they are the spirits of women who are caught between this world and the afterlife because of their frivolous habits on earth.
Others say they are spirits of betrothed young girls who died before the wedding night and were unable to rest quietly in peace on either worlds, so they became the Vila.
The Nixie's
Nixes are the water-people that inhabit all lakes and rivers of Germany.
Some say if they see any beautiful maidens dancing on the surface of either a lake or nearby river, it means that someones has downed in the waterway that they are dancing on - These Nix maidens could be naked or with light clothing. In the any culture it is heartbreaking for all to lose a love one due to a downing and to have maidens dancing for joy because of this sad incident makes it that much harder to deal with. But I am sure there were some that took pleasure in seeing these maidens dancing naked or with very thin clothing on the lake or river.
In German folklore the Nixie's are your typical mermaid. But they are very different in Germany.
The males Nix have green teeth and wear a green hat, sitting on a rocks near the banks of rivers & lakes. They are probably scoping out the human women to see who looks to be easy prey to enchanted or trick them into coming with them down to their underwater palace, where the ladies are forced to marry these devious male Nixes and have a lifetime of all eternity serving them.
Interesting I thought and quite different than the Greek Merman. I did find a bit of information that
you might find interesting - The mermen are also have been depicted as having webbed fingers and toes, also they were said to have green beards and hair too.These Merman were able to breathe underwater like a fish and would rather stay in the ocean where they origins are, and they can cause the violent storms and sink passing ships. I thought this to be all very fascinating for two reasons 1) because there really isn't much written on the merman - I had to really strength to find what I did on the Mermen 2) I had a very hard time finding any photo's that depicted the type of mermen I describe above. I will show you the photo's I did find and you can make your own conclusions on this subject..
These are not my own photo's - They are of different fine Artist...
But I have gotten of track of the Nix, so I will continue with the Nixes counterpart the female~
Now the Female Nixes are very different than their male counterpart, the original Greek typical mermaid.
Although there are few similarities with the female Nixes, you can usually see these beautiful young maidens on sunny days sitting on the river bank or the branches of the trees that over-hang the lakes. They are usually combing their long flowing golden hair and could be either clothed or naked.
Nixie's Habitat ~
The Nixes live down in the waterways of lakes & rivers, in these magnificent palace's below the deepest parts of the waterways. Some say its an enormous castles with many other equally beautiful buildings stretched across the lakes and deepest parts of the rivers in Germany.
In the German folklore history there was a story about a young maiden who lived in a small German
village. She was the maid in the house of this small village and everything in her live there was wonderful for the exception of the food at time. She said that there were times that she would have to ask if she could have the food to not have any salt added to hers . I find this very interesting because in all legends, stories & actual true encounters of the mermaid it is always ocean - not fresh water mermaids and I have never heard of a story of a mermaid asking if she could have her food without salt.
Another interesting fact about the female Nix - when they go on the banks of the lake & rivers they always dressed in the finest clothes whatever period their in. This could be either the 1200's or 1900's. They are always in finest clothes that the human woman ware. The only way you might be able to tell if they were a Nix is, by the hem of their dress or some other part of their clothing that might be wet. This is the only sign that you might be able to tell if they are a Nix. But mostly they are never discover when on land.
Now the male Nix is a very different story. They only go onto the banks of the rivers and lakes to either enchant or trick a human female into coming back with them below the waters of the lake or rivers where they are usually force to marry and serve the male Nix for a eternity.
Before time, how did elves dominant the race on earth?
They lived life as Kings and Queens, their magic & immortally was the norm. In the time of the elves was great glory of the dominant race on earth along with the faeries. They were very carefree by nature. Elves and their tiny friends - the faeries loved to dance and play stringed instruments. Music was a great part of their lives, as well as dance.

Most lived in the thick dark forests where know one could find them. They could live freely out in the open with music, singing, dancing and lovely one another. There was a lot of sex and chasing about of both sexes. This was the way of the middle class elves & all other elves except, the Kings & Queens Elves who were very posed about their actions & appearance's.Their children were expected to marry whom they choose. Some of the elves would live underground in the spring. They aren't bad but sometimes their pranks have been fatal to humans but never intentionally. Elves apparently came in several distinct varieties - though they are a rather mournful lot, one breed of elves was an invisible kitchen helpers for good servants, the others the bringers of illness and misery. They can be of both sexes of sexless...
Yet the old tradition portray them as very different creatures, among the Norse, Teutonic and and Scandinavian peoples, Elves are tall, extremely beautiful and very powerful.
A person may be said to have 'elfin beauty', when they posses fine bones, light and silken hair and large eyes. A Anglo - Saxon, there is a adjective - aelfsciene, that means 'as pretty as and elf.'
Elfin fact - The importance of elves in earlier western culture can be inferred from the number of words & phrases of that have survived into recent times.
Here are are a few examples - of Early Elfin words & phrases - A changeling - is a elf cup is a stone with a hollow in it filled with morning dew, elf fir is another name for the will - o - the wisp, elf - locks maybe either knots in the hair, said to be caused by elves deliberately tangling it during the night, or short springy curls, elf taken is a phrase used to suggest those who are temporarily mad; elf - twisted - is used of a elf who has suffered a stroke. And elf blot is a disease in a farm animals, said to be the result of being shot by elf arrows.
In more recent times, there has been a general diminution of the elves. In Scandinavia they have become associated with the Hulder a small race, with kinship to dwarf's or brownies. They also aired a tradition of being mischievousness and spiteful at times. This just depends on the type of race to the elves.
In Germanic mythology, the forest Elves are called Schrat, while Danish folklore has Elev or Elle - Folk who have an unfriendly relationship with humanity~
Elvhenan was a place where elven language was reportedly at time time where elves were still the dominated race on the continent of Theda's. Elvhenan in ancient times covered all of Thedas and it wasn't an myth that elves were immortal and used magic. Their political, economical, cultural, activities & were in the heart of the city. Elvhenan was one of the greatest cities of its time. During this time there was much peace and harming with the elves of this age. Their homes were glorious , & high up in the forest tree tops. They had no war, disease and only peace and beauty of the earth, water , wind & sky. Arlathan or Arlath both have the meaning in elfin as ' I love this place'. Arlathan was located in a great forest in the North of Theda's not far from where the 'Tevinter Imberium' first emerged. Elvhenan is the oldest Elves found on record. Some go back before the dragon age.
Before the ages were named or numbers were used, the people were glorious and eternal and forever changing. They worshipped their Gods for months at a time. Decisions came after decades of debate and could last for years from time to time. Their ancestors would drift into centuries of long slumber but this is not death as we know it. While the ancient elves did not die, the oldest of the elves were said to weary of life, Memories became too much to bear and rather than fade into complacency, they would voluntarily stand aside, and let the younger generation guide their people. This practice was know as Uthenera or 'The long sleep'. Elves would retire to a chamber that was one part bed and one part tomb. It was the Great Ceremony from all the extended families, the eldest of the different groups of Elves would succumb to a slumber from which they would not wake for centuries and often never. In time the body would deteriorate and the elder would die in truth. All the while the family would continue to visit the chamber to pay respects to the one who made a great sacrifice.
These fairies represent humans who manifest in many different sizes. From the height of a mans
knee to taller and smaller. They are renowned as shapeshifters. These Tylwyth Teg Faeries
live in an organized society, with their king Gwyn ap Nudd rules over his maxed race of
spirits.These fairies dress in Green, but their kings' court wears blue and red silk clothes.
Living in remote places, such as the wooden areas of the mountains or upon the lonely islands within
lakes or even off the Welsh coastline. They are not nocturnal and make music and dance in the
moonlight in their fairy rings.
You might be curious what these fairies do? well they kidnap musicians and force them to
play music for them to play in the moonlight in their fairy rings. If a human is caught within the
boundaries of their fairy rings, the punishment for that human is - to dance for a year and a day
without stopping in their fairy ring, although carrying a rowan twig gives you free passage through
their territory. If someone was to plough through their fairy ring, even if it was an accident
they'd be cursed for life by the Tylwyth Teg Fairy's .
These Tylwyth Teg Faeries are among the fairies known to be accused of stealing
human children and leaving changelings behind in their place. (note: a changeling is the result of a human child - usually a baby - being stolen by the fairy folk
and replaced with a substitute. The name can refer either to the original child or,
more commonly, the substitute.
Although changelings are most usually associated with fairies the practice has also been
said to be carried out by other supernatural creatures and fey folk including elves and
The theft of the baby would usually take place at night when everyone was asleep. The
fairies always left something in place of a child. Sometimes this was just a lump of wood,
at others it was one of their own fairy children. In the latter case the fairy child would
be brought up by the human parents who - presumably thanks to a little fairy glamour -
often failed even to suspect the switch.)
Some say that the Tylwyth Teg Fairy have long blonde hair, dressed in a thin lovely white dress
and are very attractive. These faeries belonged to the magician Gywdioon while others have
said that they ruled the underworld. This is because they would steal babies and children with blonde hair and leave a changeling called a Crimbli in their place of the human child.
These fairies can only be seen at night & are usually observed singing and dancing merrily in
fairy rings, but can quickly turn to anger if one joins in their fun and merriment.
My advice is to be very cause if you ever happen to come across these fairies in the
woods singing and dancing in a fairy ring. I would just turn the other way.. There are so many
other fairies in the world that are much more friendly and kind then these.
Another thing about these fairies - they fly to markets and replace humans money with
their own magick money that would turn into dry leaves or just disappear when the humans would
get home. In my opinion these fairies are not very nice fairies at All!
I did find one interesting fact about these fairies but I would not trust them still all the same!
It is said if you light a fire at night for these fairies to dance at night this will please them and
they will leave you a present. I myself would be very causes of what this gift might be?
Tunder Fairy
These fairies are very charming, beautiful and benevolent female spirits. They are wealthy beings and live
on the remote mountain tops in amazing castles that are surrounded by beautiful gardens. They
live in Hungary and have powerful magick powers. They own magick jewels & herbs with which they
cast their spells. These fairies were a bit hard to find any info on but the little that I have found
they are very rare and are very powerful fairies. Their bodily fluids have that of: Tears, Milk and a
kinda saliva that has magick properties within. These are their tools of enchantment.
The most prominent of the tunder known by her name is Llona which means Helen.
There are a few other names that the Tunder fairy goes by other than Helen - these are:
Maros, Rampson and Venetur. It seems that this fairy likes any one of these name to be invoked by
other than Tunder. So I wouldn't say Tunder around the woods, forest etc. Another name that these
fairies Adora and respect is the original usage of 'Ma Donna' or 'My Lady'.
If you are curious what these fairies do? Well they protect the orphans of the world and save
the destitute, by giving them gifts of priceless pearls that they wear in their hair. They also love music
and dance under the full moonlight.
I hope that you Enjoyed my More about Faeries post
I have been working on posts as I have been slowly getting better
I am so lucky to have such wonderful friends and followers
to send me wonderful good thoughts of getting better and
how much you all care for me . It makes me want to get better all the
more faster so I can write you all more stories and photo too.
I love you all very much! I hope that in the next week
I will beable to answer all your wonderful and kind comments
Your Wendy
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