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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Enchanted Tree

Enchanted Tree
Written by Wendy Yukihiro
   There once was a young boy Kai who love playing outside in his large backyard. In the center of the yard was an enormous tree with twisted ivy that crawled all around the base of the truck. The ivy crawled all the way up to the huge branches above. It was a grand old oak which had been in the family for centuries. Kai loved climbing the grand old tree because it was easy to climb with all its twisted branches at the lower part at the base of the tree. There was an old step ladder that was nailed into the tree, but Kai only used it when he wanted to get to the higher branches, which was quite rare.
Kai found plenty to do with the lower branch's and all the thick ivy. No one ever noticed the small opening at the base of the tree. Probably because it was covered most of the time with the thick ivy. The ivy would only open up the area where the small opening was once a century to the family members of the old Oak. And it was upon that year.
One hot summer afternoon Kai noticed there was some
movement in the Ivy...
     It was late in the day and Kai was having a snack under his favorite tree in the backyard. He always had his favorite toy that, he called blue monkey. Kai noticed something move  within the base of the tree. So he decided to investigate. Kai grabbed his blue monkey under his arm and headed toward the thickly covered Grand Oak.
     At first Kai didn't see anything but thick layers of ivy, but out of the corner of his right eye he saw something move. He headed toward the movement in the ivy. To his surprise, there was a small opening in the bottom of the tree. It was just big enough to crawl through. With blue monkey tucked under his arm Kai crawled inside the small opening to see what could be inside. Once Kai was completely inside, the openly disappeared.
     The moment he entered it felt like a small space with not much room. Suddenly, Kai could feel  a cool breeze whizz by his face. He discovered that the inside wasn't as small as he thought it was. In fact it was quite an large space inside the old Oak Tree! The surrounding walls were as smooth as glass. Everything glistened and shimmered. Kai thought he might be in a mysterious ice castle that had been hidden there for Thousands of years. Well he didn't know this but he was far from the truth. Kai touched the glassy walls just because he was so curious. They felt very cold and almost wet. Suddenly something was moving beyond the glassy walls. Startled, Kai asked out load, “What's that?”
     Kai, still holding his favorite friend under his arm was a bit frightened by the hold experience, but just when Kai's anxieties went rapidly in a state of dread a bright green door appeared with beads of water dripping down from it. Kai's curiosity got the best of him, so he decided to have a closer look. When Kai step toward the bright green door, he felt a fine mist of water.
     He stood there for a few minutes enjoying the cool misty water that was spraying on his face. Kai thought he heard an eerie sound coming from the odd door. Kai being the curious boy that he was reach for the strange doorknob.
“It won't open,”thought Kai, twisting the doorknob back and forth.
     Then Kai saw a golden key stuck up on the wall. There were some words next to it. But it seemed they were in some ancient language. The words were engraved on a solid golden plate.

                      Key Given to Children Only

     Kai decided to give the key a try anyway,so he reached for the key and it slide quickly into his hand. It seemed heavy and fit snugly as he put it into the glowing key hole. The door almost immediately began to glow brilliantly as Kai turn the golden key. As he turned the key, his hand began to slip through the door even though it was still close!
     Kai was being pulled through this strange door by some unseen energy force. This seemed terrifying for some, but for some reason Kai didn't feel nervous or even afraid. Kai felt cool and wet like he was inside a waterfall. He realized he was underwater. How could this be, Kai thought to himself. He wasn't a very good swimmer. Besides, “How are we going to breath in here?”
     Bubbles were coming from his mouth and nose. Kai soon realized that he cold breath quite well underwater. By chance Kai had put his hands on his neck, when he did he discovered he had two small gills on either side of his neck below each ear. This startled Kai but at the same intrigued his curiosity to what was going to happen next? Kai didn't realize that his favorite toy blue monkey wasn't tucked under his arm anymore. He was to busy enjoying this new enchanted world of water. Kai started to swim, which he was amazed he could do. This was really the first time he actually could swim and he was swimming in what looked to be deep water. As Kai continued to swim along, he started to notice that he wasn’t alone. There were many different kinds of strange and creepy looking creatures swimming within only a few yards away from him. As soon as these peculiar sea creatures came, they all vanished in the forest of deep seaweed that was about a half a mile from him. Kai was very relieved, but he was still curious what else he might encounter.
     Suddenly Kai was surrounded by a huge cluster of iridescent jellyfish that were floating all around him. These eerie jellyfish had very long flowing tails that were pure white but their bodies were glowing colors of deep blues and greens. They were bouncing off him like colorful balloons. Then Kai saw something he thought could never be! In the middle of the cluster of jellyfish was Blue Monkey!
His favorite toy had actually turned into a real monkey and was swimming around the jellyfish. His friend, was now Real  and was having a great time swimming with some new sea creatures that he had made. It was all Kai could do to keep up with his new friend. Kai, watch his new friend blue monkey for awhile. First he watch him swim to the bottom where there were these huge red starfish crawling over the most colorful coral. There were funny little clams that were very busy wiggling about in the white sands and graceful dolphins gliding by, looking amused at Blue Monkey. I don't think they have ever seen a monkey swimming about in their ocean before.
     Two Large golden seahorses appears and slowly floated down in front of Kai. The water around them looked like liquid gold. They both had big smiles on their faces.  
“Want to come along for a ride? We will take you on a great journey to the Emerald Castle. Your little Monkey can come too!”
     At that very moment Blue Monkey appeared, jumped on one of the fancy golden saddles that were on the back of the Seahorses and said, “Jump on the other one Kai. I'm ready to check out that Castle. How about you?”
“You can talk, you are real. This place is Awesome!”
“Yes. I'm Real Kai. Now lets go.”
     Kai and Blue Monkey looked at each other, nodded yes and as Kai jumped on the other Seahorse they heard a voice say, “Hold on tight boys, Here we go!”
     Kai and Blue Monkey were strapped in their saddles with golden ropes. They were going very fast, so fast that water bubbles were pasting their faces making them squeal and laugh. Soon they came upon a large group of Sea lions.
“Look Monkey, I think they're looking at us. They are doing somersaults and back flips too. That looks like a lot of fun. How about we go over they and give it a go.”
     Just then one of the Sea lions stopped by, swimming about and then asked, “ Wanta try a black flip or a somersault with us?” 
“Sure! Kai jumped off his golden seahorse to give it a try. He found it to be quite easy to do. He watched Blue Monkey jumped off his seahorse to joy in on the fun, but when he tried lets just say he wasn't as skilled in doing water somersaults. Poor Monkey would ended upside down with his feet kicking as fast as he could. He was going nowhere. Although many of the sea lions were gently nudging and trying to help him over and over. By saying, “Lets try again,” and the sea lions would say, “Follow me.”
     This time Monkey would be able to do the most difficult somersaults and back flips without getting stuck upside down. It was great fun having his favor toy now his live friend a real monkey and a enchanted world of water where both he and Monkey could swim together with all the fun creatures of the sea.
     The were having such a great time that neither of them noticed that they were being watched by two enormous eyes. About ten feet from them was a forest of seaweed, which was off a deep cavern. The cavern was a least 10,000 feet in depth. In the thick seaweed was the two large eyes that were watching Kai and Monkey.
Behind those large eyes was an massive great white whale. The whale was enchanted. This meant she could turn invisible if she wished and all you would see is her luring blue eyes.
     Suddenly all the Sea lions scattered and Kai and Monkey noticed the enormous forest of seaweed. There was movement within the vast stalks of the seaweed which made the two friends a little nervous.  

“Don't be frightened,” said the Seahorse,” It's our Queen, the Great White Whale. She won't hurt you .In fact if you show her kindness she might bring you to the Emerald Castle.”

“Really!” that would be so cool,” said Kai.

     Out of hiding came Snowflake. The monstrous yet kindly whale smiled at them. She was beautiful against the deep blue salt water. Kai and Monkey smiled back, as friendly as they could, they were just a bit nervous still. Even thought they were told they had no reason to be afraid. Then in a quiet but deep voice the Magick creature spoke.

“So I've heard that you two would like to come to my Castle and come to visit. It's a very special place, deep within my ocean here in the Enchanted seas. I haven't seen a child in these seas in almost 100-years. Its is quiet delightful that the 
Oak Tree still opens her door to those who are special and                                                                                                         still have the gift of imagination. That door you found young man doesn't open to just anybody, it chooses who may come into my world. So it is nice to meet you Kai and of course Monkey. You two will be my honored guests at my castle tonight.”

“Lead the way! “said Kai.

“Jump on your Seahorses and follow me, “roared Snowflake.

     As Snowflake turned her huge body around and started swimming away. Both Kai and Monkey jumped onto their golden saddles and head after the beautiful white whale. They quickly caught up with Snowflake and were right next to one of her large blue eyes. As they swam along one of her eyes wink at them. This startle them both and they almost fell off their Seahorses, but they hung on. It wasn't long before they saw a green glow in the distance. Soon the green glow began to take shape. It was a stunning glass castle with hundreds of 
diamond shaped window. The windows were flooded with a brilliant green glow, that made the surrounding coral below seem to dance. Snowflake guided them into an enormous double gate at the front entrance of the castle. As they approached the two gates slowly started to open. There was a very handsome merman on either side of the gates. They were starting to enter when the castle and Kai noticed a soft blue light that was coming from inside. He was so curious what they were going to see when they enter the castle. Suddenly Kai heard a faint voice calling him.

“Kai, where are you?”

     Kai didn't know quite what to do. He wasn't ready to go home yet. They were almost inside the Enchanted Castle, but he knew that his mother calling him.

“You must go home now,”

“But how? And why Snowflake? I didn't get to see your Castle! I so much wanted to see it and I know Monkey did too.”

“You can come again another time and getting home will be easy.”

“Ok, but how?” asked Kai.

“Take out the golden key that you have in your pocket,” said Snowflake.

     Kai dug into his pocket and took out the key. It shimmered with flakes of colors of gold and many others in the water.

“As you can both see, said Snowflake, “this golden key is very special, Only children can use it. When return to your tree in the backyard put it back where you found it. The next time you want to use it the key will take you to a different place.”

“Can I come back to see you again?asked Kai.

"Of course, but you must say a special rhyme.”

“Its easy to remember”, said Snowflake.

“All You have to say is...”
“Magic key in my hand,
Let me visit Magicland.
A Great White whale friend is she,
who lives far beneath the sea.”

“I will remember.”

     And with the golden key in his hand he closed his eyes, picture the great oak tree in his backyard, but before he did all that, he gave a hug to Snowflake and Monkey. Because who knows if he will get back to this in enchanted world.

     Then as quickly as he got to the Magick world he was back in his backyard. With his Mother waiting for him on the back porch and the golden key was still in his Hand!

I hope that you all Enjoyed
My Story Enchanted Tree.. 
It is was inspired by my son when he
was a young boy. 
YOUR WENDY Huggsssss

Monday, December 8, 2014


Well my dears I thought I would bring you into the deepest mountain regions of the 
Dominican Republic. Where there is a supernatural creature called Ciguapa. She has dark brown or bluest skin. Deep black eyes and prefers to go nude wearing only her long black hair around her. Sound
interesting? Well I hope so because I thought it was an interesting tale:o) She is said that she can
never be caught because her feet are turned backwards. So when she walks, she'll leave a false trail
that will always lead her followers in the wrong direction.
The Ciguapa are said to be the spirits of the Taino Women who had died
while hiding from the Spanish settlers in the Cordillera Central. How they haunt the
mountain trails at night, seducing young men to their deaths by drowning them. The Ciguapa
are also described as small women with golden skin. They are mute except for the
birdsongs that they can sing in order to lure young men into their river caves where they live and
where the men will be trapped forever. It doesn't if it was a good or bad eternity in the caves for
the trapped men, but being that they were lure into the cave I believe these worent' good spirit
golden skinned songbird tiny women. It seems that the legend of both spirit women were vindictive
towards men. Of course there are other variations to every legend and to the small golden women there is one too. These small golden women are describe as being covered with golden fur, who will howl but do not
speak and travel through the tree tops by jumping from branch to branch.
The ciguapa is said to resemble a nocturnal bird that can cry with a human like voice, this
of course they also use to their advantage in lure young men to their doom. I found another
 interesting fact about the legend of the Ciguapa spirits. Apparently it is known to be insanely
jealous and if you hear the howling of the Harbinger it means a Ciguapa has fallen in love with you and you probably heard your death howl if your a male.
It is also said that the Ciguapa is a spirit of the Taino Mythology that can take many forms like a shapeshifter.
Also it seems that she is related to the Chupacabra and the Biembienes  who are also spirits of people who
escaped into the mountains and died. There were other beings with backwards turned feet including the
Abarimon and the Nulo. It seems that shapeshifting is in almost all cultures and mythology's that I have come
across so far. This legend is still to this day very much alive, in the believe of the people who live in the
 deep mountains of the Dominican Republic.
Lurking in the dark shadows of the deep forests and mountainous regions of the Dominican Republic,
is what many have described as a small feral women with large, dark enchanting eyes and lustrous black
hair that shines in the bright moon light. Its so long and abundant that she use it for her clothing to cover
her naked body.
The legend of the 'La Ciguapa' is one of the most renowned of the Dominican folklore. So popular,
that many, especially in the rural areas of the country, still claim the tale is true. The most popular and
terrifying of the ciguapa storylines that I found of this legend is described as a demon which lives in deep
caves and lures lonely men with her beauty and sensuality. Though some will say that the ciguapa uses a
hypnotic stare or magic to draw the men in, but once they have entrapped them in their watery caves, they
eventually end-up killing and eating the captive men or just trapping them for eternity.
I did find one written account of the Ciguapa in the Dominican Republic- It's in a novel by
Francisco Guridi, published with other works in 1866 among them was his "La Ciguapa".
And I thought it was fitting for this post I hope you all enjoy this Poet, novelist, writer, essayist, journalist
and playwright in the 1800's in the Dominican Republic...It goes as so...And it is Guridi's description of the feral woman which resonates in stories told today. 
Guridi describes the ciguapa as follows:
... sleeping in the crowns of the cedars, and feeding on fish from rivers, birds and fruits.
The Ciguapa, such is the name by which it is known, is a creature that rises only a rod 
in length: but do not think there is deformity in its proportions as the so-called dwarves in 
Europe and even in other parts of America. Far from it, there is an exact harmony in all her 
muscles and limbs, a great beauty in her face, and agility so full of spontaneity and grace that she
leaves absorbed anyone that sees her movements. It has the golden skin of the true Indian, black
almond shaped eyes, soft, lustrous and thick hair, which rolls down the female's beatiful back to 
the her calf.
 The info on Francisco Guridi who published the Guridis description of the feral woman is at the link that I put for you all If you are interested.And other bits of info.
Canyons of the Ciguapa 
Canyons of the Ciguapa
Golden women Ciguapa
This one I just added for because I thought it
to be interesting. It was labeled as a Ciguapa but
I am really not to sure of that but as you can see her
feet are backwards...You all can give my your
thoughts on that...:o)

I hope that you all found this to be interesting as myself. And I will continue to try to find fun and interesting stories for you all. Much love to you all my dear Friends and Followers. 
I love you All!Your Wendy!!

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Dracae Fairy~

Dracae Fairy~
Dracae Fairy 
True Form
For today's Post my dear Friends and Followers, I found you all another interesting type of
Fairy! Yes the Dracae Fairy. These Dracs are water faeries which are found in France & England. They appear at first as floating purple blobs or purple jellyfish; The Muireartach is a type of Water faery that are found in the seas near France or England. It seems in their natural state, the dracae faery will appear as giant, floating purple blob or jellyfish on the surface of the water. They enjoy flocking down rivers on wooden rafts that look like plates, they could be either in their true form or appear as beautiful women to lure attractive young men to their Drac Kingdom deep below the depths of the rivers and seas.  These Dracae Fairies can also be seen in the form of a golden Chalice or as I had said earlier in the post as beautiful luring mortal women. They are always on the lookout for human males to take as mates. This is why they appear as the mortal women to lure them in their water, as they are
'Shape-shifters'. These Dracae Fairies have also been known to frolic near nature springs that are in the forest with not much of any clothing on. This is all done to lure men to these highly Drac kingdom to live as prisoners forever.
The Dracae Fairy
In her starting
to take the human
Woman Form
attractive women so as when men reach down to the unsuspecting prize, they are dragged under to the
I have heard if you keep your distance they are harmless, however if you get to close they could cost your live(if one happens to be hungry, they will devour on the spot) or you will live as their slave in captivity below the depths of the water, in their Kingdom Drac. Well
I hope that You all Enjoyed the tale of the Dracae Fairy.. I hope that I will be able to find more Fairy tales/Dragons tales too! I known I have written quite a few already but, you never know I might have missed one that is hiding and waiting for me to find it. If its there to Find I will find it. I hope you all are able to start getting ready for the holidays .. I wish you all a happy holidays and Christmas too.
Dracae Fairy in her
Human luring human
woman form. Very dangerous

Love you very much YOUR WENDY HUGSSSS...
S€ŇĐƗŇG' ¥ØỮ ŦĦƗŞ ĦỮǤ.•-:¦:-`•.¸ŦØ Ş€€ ¥ØỮ ŦĦŘØỮǤĦ ¥ØỮŘ ĐΔ¥*`'`« ҉ »~"˜ `.¸Ɨ HOPE ITŴƗŁŁ β€ ŞỮŘ€ ŦØ Ř€ΔĆĦ ¥ØỮ
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٠•●Celibate life♥´Magic Surrounds Us☆҉☆ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
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ƸӜƷ•.¸¸.•´ ... (◕‿◕)¸.•*""*•.¸

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Chocolate Mint Cooler~2014

Chocolate Mint Cooler~2014
 Good Afternoon my dear Friends & Followers, I hope that you all are doing well and are
having fun getting ready for the Christmas holidays. A few posts back I thought I would help you all with a few baking ideas for the holidays. I think it was the Peppermint Chocolate Sticks. I hope that you all like that idea...As promised I was going to help you with some of my
baking ideas for the holidays. And for today I bring you more of a holiday drink.
It will serve 4 people, but of course you can always make more...

You will need:
1/4 cup of hot chocolate powder
1 2/3 cups chilled milk
2/3 cup plain yogurt
1/2 teaspoon peppermint extract
4 scoops of chocolate ice cream
Mint leaves and (chocolate shapes if you have the time), to decorate.
1-Place the hot chocolate powder in a small pan and stir in about 1/2 cup of the milk.
Heat gently, stirring, until almost boiling then remove the pan from the heat.
2-Pour the hot chocolate milk into a heatproof bowl or large pitcher and then whisk in the
remaining milk. Add the yogurt and the peppermint extract and whisk again.
3-Pour the mixture after mixed and whisk well into four tall glasses, filling
them no more than
three-quarters full. Top each glass with a scoop of the chocolate ice cream. Then Decorate
each glass with the mint leaves and chocolate shapes immediately...
For a party kinda drink you can add your favorite
Alcohol to taste. Vodka, Bailey Irish Cream or Brandy...
Here are  a few other fun Coolers for the Holiday season~
~Chocolate Vanilla Cooler~
Make the drink as in the main recipe, but use vanilla ice cream - instead of the yogurt. Then instead of the 1 teaspoon of peppermint extract - use an 1 teaspoon of vanilla real stuff!
~Mocha Cooler~
 Make the drink as in the main recipe, but dissolve the Chocolate in 1/2 cup of very strong black coffee, and reduce the milk to 1 1/4 cups. Use cream instead
of yogurt and leave out all the extracts - both Vanilla and peppermint. At this point you can add your own to the cooler to make it your own creation... Have fun. I hope that these will help you in your Holiday Season. I will think of more baking and drink ideas for you all. And I hope that you like these yummy treats. Have a great day.. I love you very much and hope you all have a wonderful and happy holidays ..
Much love and light Your Wendy...
S€ŇĐƗŇG' ¥ØỮ ŦĦƗŞ ĦỮǤ.•-:¦:-`•.¸ŦØ Ş€€ ¥ØỮ ŦĦŘØỮǤĦ ¥ØỮŘ ĐΔ¥*`'`« ҉ »~"˜ `.¸Ɨ HOPE ITŴƗŁŁ β€ ŞỮŘ€ ŦØ Ř€ΔĆĦ ¥ØỮ
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٠•●Celibate life♥´Magic Surrounds Us☆҉☆ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
ƸӜƷ•.¸¸.•´ ... ☾ ❤❤☼ღ(◕‿◕
ƸӜƷ•.¸¸.•´ ... (◕‿◕)¸.•*""*•.¸

TipsFomtheGarden~WeCall'em Daddy lions~

We Call'em Daddy lions~
by Daris Howard

For today's Saturday's 
TipsFromtheGarden~ I have a special treat for you all. 
Its a story that I found when I went looking for a helpful tip 
for you all today. It's not my story, but it reminds me of my father
and myself as a young girl and how he would tell me these as this 
Father did in this story that I found. It is a delightful and heartwarming 
tale of an father and his daughter. 
And on the the Eve of my 54 birthday 
there is another story the is dear to my hear
with my own father call Butterfly kisses. at the end of 
We Call'em Daddy lions by Daris Howard

I will give you the story of Butterfly kisses. Enjoy.
~How the story of We Call'em Daddy lions~
By Daris Howard
I've always  hated dandelions, to the pint of meticulously digging every
one of the dastardly weeds out of my otherwise lush green lawn. And after
I did, my yard looked great - that is, until the little yellow aliens 
popped up again. 
One day I decided it was time to take things up a notch. Armed with my 
yard sprayer, I attacked everything yellow, pumping out so much liquid that if
the invaders didn't die from the poison, they would surly drown in it.
Well, I thought any dandelion so much as to considered taking root 
in my yard would think twice. 
And again, my yard looked great except for all the little brown circles that 
were all around my beautiful green lawn. 
You've heard of crop circles? We had lawn circles. Not as Mysterious,but
such more plentiful. But I enjoyed a weed free lawn for about a month, 
until the sea of yellow came flooding back. Not just back, 
But back with new ferocity.
So he geared up for an all - our assault. 
Figuring the problem had to be dandelion seed blowing over from the 
neighbor's yard, I also sprayed along the road and the property lines. 
It was all my wife could do to keep me from spraying other 
peoples lawns. Finally, the enemy had been eradicated. 
Like clockwork, one month later, dandelions sprang up again. 
Like monsters taking vengeance, they were multiplying exponentially.
I started in disbelief. Outside of an enclosing my entire yard inside a building,
I had done everything imaginable. Artificial turf now seemed an 
Attractive option. 
Steeped in frustration, I suddenly noticed my 4-year-old-daughter.
She walked into the yard, whirling around like a ballerina, grasping 
two handfuls or snowy -white dandelions.
A cloud of vicious little seeds swirled into the lawn all
around her and she watched them fall gleefully. 
When the stems were seedless, she threw them down, walked
across to a neighbors field and came back with two more handfuls.
And as I watched, my jaw on the ground, she planted hundreds, 
if not thousands of new dandelions right before my eyes.
I asked her what in the world she was doing. She grinned and said
"I'm planting you flowers, "Planting me Flowers?"I echoed. 
"Yes, Every time I go to pick you some, the ones in our yard
have died and turned brown, so I have to go a long ways to get some to replant
them. I have to keep going farther and farther , but don't worry Daddy,
I'll always have some for you."
My heart felt funny. I asked, "Why do you plant them for me?'
"Because," she said, hugging me, 
"God named them Daddy lions after you, so I could show you I love you."
You know, now that I what I think about it, Dandelions add so much
to a lawn I can't imagine why anyone would ever want to get rid of them.
I hope that you all Enjoyed Daris Howard's 
Daddy lions through an Child's Eyes! 
Now for my Second story 
Butterfly Kisses
by Bob Carlisle  
It is very dear to my heart 
and I found an Video of Bob Carlisle 
singing the story/song I hope you like it
Here is what his book looks like that 

both my Sister Betty and I have from our 
father. Enjoy. HUGSSSSSSSSSS

To You all my dearest Friends, Followers and 

my DAD.... I love you you all very much
And I hope that You Enjoy my Saturday
Post even if its a little more person this
time YOUR WENDY...
S€ŇĐƗŇG' ¥ØỮ ŦĦƗŞ ĦỮǤ.•-:¦:-`•.¸ŦØ Ş€€ ¥ØỮ ŦĦŘØỮǤĦ ¥ØỮŘ ĐΔ¥*`'`« ҉ »~"˜ `.¸Ɨ HOPE ITŴƗŁŁ β€ ŞỮŘ€ ŦØ Ř€ΔĆĦ ¥ØỮ
*☆*°°﹒☆҉☆¸ \( °‿°)/ ☆҉☆¸.✿¸¸.•´¨¯`'•⋆❥⋆❀´¸ ✿ღ
٠•●Celibate life♥´Magic Surrounds Us☆҉☆ƸӜƷ ♪♫♪♫♪❤❤
ƸӜƷ•.¸¸.•´ ... ☾ ❤❤☼ღ(◕‿◕

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