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{Dragons} {Elves Faeries} {Magical Creatures} {Greek Mythology} {Folklore Legends} {Mermaids} {Selkies} {The Garden} {Urban Legends} {Lorelay Lost}

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Green Dragons-2013

Green Dragons-

 Few dragons are utterly reviled among the humans or elves as the Green dragons - also known as Forest dragons too. History of the Green Dragon~
Although Green dragons might not be as powerful or as destructive as some of their kin, they are innately & instinctively deceptive. They lie as easily as people can speak & they are very good at it. They love intrigue & prefer to achieve their goals through guile and double - dealing over any other means. As the Green Dragons would says, 'any brute can hunt - but it takes skill and intelligence  to trick one's prey into offering itself for dinner. Adding this attitude to a Greens belligerent nature - To  a Green Dragon a weak creature is either prey or pawn. And nearly all creatures are weak in the eyes of the Green dragon. This makes the Green dragon a loathsome and conniving beast in the eyes of many. 
The Life Style of the Green Dragon~-Green Dragons are among the most likely to interfere with nearby human or elf communities. Some Green dragons terrorize their neighbors into obedience - others play & experiment with the local political & mercantile interests. A Green Dragon might use bribes & intimidation to gain the cooperation of a few selected members of a community - then he might see how much authority he can obtain by proxy before other humans or elves have discover it mission of over taking the town.

-Greens might not have lofty goals for this sort of manipulation, they enjoy the process and the practice for its own sake.
-Green dragons might negotiate peaceful co-existence with their neighbors as long as territories as resources do not overlap - Anyone entering such an arrangement, however, should do so with great care - For the Green dragon will take a devilish delight in finding loopholes in such agreements.
-Green dragons prefer sentient mammalian prey over any other kinda prey.
-They live in a terrain often that's a canopy of vegetation of Thick Forest & Tall Tress to hide in the contour of the earth - Their lairs are in areas of the thick vegetation - they prefer temperate & cold forest to a steamy jungles and non forest lands - The Green Dragons are particularly in favor of the woods with large & imposing trees - The older and massive the better. Greens might accept a smaller woods, and less desirable one -  as an alternative - as well as jungles & overgrown bogs.
Bogs are found wherever there is high rainfall, which is typically in the rainforest where the Green Dragons live. They are also known to be in many part of Western Ireland. They are called blanket bogs because of their appearance. From a distance they appear homogeneous and they hug the topography like a blanket. With almost 1 million hectares of Ireland completely  by blanket bogs, it is far more common than the small scale raised bogs contrary to popular belief - blanket blogs are essentially are essentially a man made feature, if  environmentally and aided somewhat by the climate. 
Back in the days of the Dragons the Bogs were like a lake that had been completely filled with the surrounding landscape, wood deposits, peat grass, large trees, etc. Nothing really would survive in the bog. If anything got stuck in there well it would sink to the very depths of that bog to rot with everything else. My guess why the Green dragon liked the bog, was because it would supple food meaning animals or even humans or an unlucky elf stuck in there.

When a Green dragon cannot find a suitable forest or woodland, it might settle for an area of rolling hills by using the slops & valley for concealment in the same way that its  cousin kin use the forest & trees. 
-Green Dragons prefer caves in a forested with hills & cliff-sides for their lairs. Where they cannot find such convenient openings. They might topple the mightiest of the trees into great heaps and make their homes in hollows of these wooden hills. Some Green dragons even layer these large trees inside their lairs to give them a Fae touched.
The Green Dragon traits are Manipulative and deceptive. They enjoy intrigue & tricky. Their habit is mostly forest & Fae woods. They are in general evil and mean. And the Breath weapon is Poisonous Gas.
The Green Dragon is quite beautiful but is quite deadly. So always remember your dragon kin. And their traits it could save your life!!!
Note: the beautiful images are not Mine.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cherry Blooms - 2012

Cherry Blooms - 2012
Beauty in Nature

Many Jewels of pink

Food of the hummingbirds

Nature has so many beauty details

Fun with photography

Looking at a Cherry Bloom tree in a different way-

The beauty of Spring

Flowers can bring happiness to almost anyone 
Its raining cherry blooms'
One of my Happiest Days
I see a tiny green leaf can YOU?
The path to a Secret land
Feathers of flowers 
Tiny pink pillows 


Beauty in a tree of any kind
Raining in pink flowers 
For the love of Pink

Upside down Cherry Bloom Tree

Beauty in a photo
 Spring is Grand!

 Art in a Photograph 

 Raining Cherry Blooms

 I love Cherry blooms!
I love Spring!

 Art in a Photograph

Wendy 's Cherry Blooms 2012

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Many plants will attracted butterflies, hummingbirds & faeries - Some of the gardens favorites of the faeries are bee balm, sunflowers, honeysuckle, fernleaf, yarrow, summer lilac, red valerian, daisies, cosmos, rosemary, thyme, purple coneflower, pincushin, scabiosa, fresh lavender & heliotrope, nasturtiums, pansies, snapdragons, blue columbine, foxgloves, and there are many more undoubtedly that you can use.  You can use what works best in your own gardens too. Another way I have found that helps your garden in attracting faeries -  Is attracting your tiny friends with birdbaths, birdfeeders, hummingbird feeders too. You see the faeries are attracted to all the wild life, mostly the hummingbirds, butterflies and small birds.They seem to enjoy the same habitat as the butterflies, smaller birds, hummingbirds, even the honey bee's. All the planted flowers that I have stated above & the herbs, you will find another great attraction for the faeries - faeries love the sights and sounds of the water & flowers. Consider adding a small fountain, waterfall or even a fishpond in your garden. Garden Art statues of faeries will also attract the wee ones. Shiny windchimes, gazing globes and colorful garden flags with bright shiny colors in them. All these things can help you entice gnomes , elves & faeries to come into your garden. 

~Don't forget that the wee ones(the faeries) are nature loving and enjoy their fun. Plan to leave part of your garden a bit unkempt. This small area will make fairies feel welcome. It doesn't have to be a very large space, but having this one little space will give joy to your fairy friends-

~More fairy's favorite plants & flowers~
Fairy's Favorite Plants & Flowers-
Fairies love roses for their smell & beauty. If you would like to make fairies welcome - plant roses in your garden & burn rose oil around your patio.

Bluebells are loved by the fairies as well. Fairies often use the flowers to adorn their horses. Don't pick the bluebells or step on them. A field of blue bells may have much faery enchantment.

The willow is a tree with a distinct personality . It can be heard weeping at night, but most commonly, it uproots and follow lone travelers at night. There are also fairy  spirits that live in these trees.

The Elder trees is a sacred tree to the fairies, along with the Ash, Holly & the Oak. It is said that this tree is the protector  of water spirits.
The Oak tree - Look for Oak groves, as fairies tend to love the Oak Tree *the most*.  If you find a Oak Tree.   The old Oak forest- you just might find a portal hole in the base of one of these grand trees. And find yourself in another world.
This is a lovely tree that the faeries often use for wands- It has healing qualities too.
Fairies dance all night long & in the morning, rings of mushrooms maybe seen. They are the boundaries of the dancing circle. Be careful not to step inside the circle , as you might enter the fairy Realm and you'll be stuck there for ever. 
Faerie kin can be divided into numerous classes or races. Faerie is a term for many different beings usually possessing strong magical powers. Many fairies have a human form but some have a animal  form too. They use these forms even now.

Where is the faerie realm? It is position is elusive. It is sometimes just over the horizon and sometimes beneath our feet! Yet there have been periods when faerie were to be in a  actual geographical place, it a parallel world, although even this has tended to shift a times. For instance, the Welsh first though it was to the north of their mountains, that had a faerie. And then in the mysterious rocky and misty west peninsular of Pembrokeshire coast. Later it moved to an island lying in the Irish channel of the Pembrokeshire coast. It was seen sometimes by sailors, & even landed on but would then disconcertingly and disappear. never the less, its Fae inhabitants were said to be frequent visitors to the markets of Laugharne and Milford Haven Avalon is probably the most famous of Fae islands.

    ~The final step in attracting faeries to come to your garden is very simple. Ask them to come to your garden. If you give conscious energy to this event, it will happen. And most of all BELIEVE.

Portals to Fae Worlds-2013

'Portals to Fae Worlds'
Faeries are able to cross into our world and we can't be transported to their land of promise as it is spoken of in some ways. The Irish poet W.B.Yeats imaged this crossing of two world as a magnetic pushing - pulling attraction for one another. We need  the Fae world because it represents everything that is possible beyond our routine lives and offers transformation & enlightening creativity.They need us to bring them to life, but the two can never fuse - we are as unlike as day and night  - And like day & night we define each other.

For those brave enough to seek faeries, elves, and other magical creatures! There are doorways to these other worlds even today in the 21th century. 

Sometimes we might stumble upon them. They might even be a opened to admit entry to those the Fae need; fiddlers, midwives are good examples of humans that they may need- 
In modern Fae tales, it is the child who reaches to the other world- but more and more, I've found the adults are looking too. The world is not a kind and fun loving place in these modern days of the 21th century. And its not just children looking for an escape. So they to find that old Oak Tree base in the forest or maybe its in your local park. It seems that everyone is curious & are brave to walk through these different worlds, portal hole & realms.

There are many examples throughout the world that humans have found their way to the world of faeries- They are all around us it just they have evolved in a way that the human eye can see them like in ancient times - a million years ago. They are waiting for us to find a way in.

For one might be in Welsh Ireland who might find a door in a rock by a faerie lake given sufficient curiosity and resolution, he opens it and is conducted along a secret passage to an faeries realm-

In America the Iroquois summons little spirits by knocking on a decreed large stone & there are even more who tried to test other methods- German legend has it that touching a primrose on a floral faerie door will open the route to their castle-

Some reported seeing a door, ajar on the  hilltops, earth mounds, or stone tombs -  are perhaps  places where you would see faerie folk dressed for a celebration in the candle lit interior- the figure of British legend child Roland enters elfland on a quest to save his sister by circling a green terraced mound three times widershins, against the tuning of the sun, repeating reach time the words-
"Open, door! open, door!
And let me cone in,"
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