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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Crow Spirit Black Panther Woman

My Name "CrowSpiritBlackPantherWomen"
 It came from a combination of two spiritual happenings for me. Years ago when we moved here. I
used to walked every morning and every evening around the parking lot of a small quaint group of stores. Each store was an individual building and set up in a circle area with a nice little park in the center. I would walk usually around 8am. after Christy went to school and John was off to work and it was always so quit and pretty at that time of the day. I used to go back in the evening around sunset and it was really pretty then with the sun setting and the old fashioned lamp posts with their lights coming on.
I used to being walking the beginning of March and usually walked there until the end of October (too cold for me during the winter months).
There were crows around our house and around this group of stores but this year there was one crow
that would purposely watch me as I walked every morning. He would fly to the peak of this one roof and as I circle the parking lot he would fly to the other bldgs roof at the other end always keeping me in sight. Back and forth he would fly all through my walk and I always walked for an hour both mornings and evenings. He did this every single morning, day and afternoon. And week after week. 
One morning as I was just passing one of the exits, the Crow started making a terrible noise and flapping his wings from the rooftop. Since the stores were closed and no cars in the parking lot. I wasn't sure what upset him so much and all of a sudden he swooped down and headed right in for me. 
I had to get myself up on this little grassy hill so he didn't actually hit me and just as I got up on the
hill, a sport car came speeding around the bend where I had just been walking and would have been hit me dead center if that Crow hadn't been watching out for me and forced me off the parking lot.
I could actually feel the wind from the car, it was that close when it passed me and the guy driving never even stopped. There was no way I would have survived being hit at that speed and dead center.
Because of the traffic from the main highway I never heard that car coming from where he was and never expected him to be where he shouldn't have been.
After that I started dreaming of a Native American Man with a crow Headdress always standing behind me, Guarding me, watching out for me and at times I could feel his arms come around me and feel the crow headdress on my own head as if he was laying his chin on my head much as a father would do when protecting his child. So that is where "CrowSpirit" came from - he is my Guardian 
and Guide.
The Black Panther Woman ~
Is my Shapeshifting name and who I am - who I become in animal form. I have in the past been
seen in this form by friends who believe in this ability. I hadn't thought of it before but these were usually very active times, when I worked for two separated chiropractors. One co-worker said I use to come to her house and lie on the back of her couch and the first time I was there, she even walked up to me and stroked my head and back. 
She said she knew it was me as soon as she looked into the eyes and called me by my name. The chiropractor I worked for there said he always know when I was restless because he could feel the next morning in the office when I had been there the night before in that form and even found some black cat hair once. 
The other Chiropractor's office I worked at later on, had a substitute chiropractor for almost a year after the owner had a car accident and couldn't work. It turned out that Karen (the substitute chiropractor) and I hit it off immediately but shapeshifting didn't come in the conversations until we showed up for work one morning and we were both exhausted and almost at the same time, we both said, "We can't be out running around like that on work nights" and then we just stared at each other.
It turned out that while we slept in our beds, my Black Panther and her Wolf met up and we had a great time running and racing through the woods and fields. We both starting laughing and for both of us, we remembered it so clearly and agreed that we would only be doing that on the weekends.

This is how my Dearest Friend  I became to have the name "CrowSpiritBlackPantherWoman."  

This is a True Story, from my dear friend own words. She told me this story many months ago. I love her dearly & I will always will. We call each other Spiritsisters. She will always be my dearest friend and Spiritsister Gail Costa with love -oxoxoxox)

Colors of Gaia - by Cynthia

Cynthia - Fairies and Me
Colors of Gaia
Just remember, look closely at the beautiful wondrous, magical colors if nature, smell her many scented aromas and her her music. 

If you listen from the heart you can also hear the diversity of her warmth and beauty emanating from her many shades of mellifluous singing colors. Like a loving mother, 
Gaia loves us all.

Even after all the pain that she endures at our hands, she still cares for her children.

Her arms always there to embrace us, and to sustain us with her loving embrace.

I pray that someday once again see her dressed in splendor and lean to listen to her music of many vibrant colors.

All in nature is of vibrant energy in the prism of light and colors.
There shall we finally find rest, peace and tranquility all as one with all in nature.

Golden sunlight shining down upon Gaia's coat of many colors of vibrant emerald greens, blues, turquoise, yellow, red, and brown under a rainbow skye. 


This is a beautiful poem that my dearest Friend and Sister had wrote. She is very dear & close to my heart and soul. Cynthia has always been there for me whether it has been in good times or not so good times. She is very talented with her Poetry and I wanted to share it with  all  of you. but I also wanted to share how much she means to me in my life~
Love ya Sis
Your Sister Wendy 

Friday, April 12, 2013

Moon Elves-2013

Moon Elves
The Moon Elves are also known as the Silver Elves. They are one of the more tolerant of the elfin kin towards the humans than any other of the elfin clans and their ancestors are the Eladrin Elves who are the original elves. 
In the early days of elves they lived a very peaceful life between our planet and their world, mostly living in deep forests where they made beautiful castles, living between our world and their own realm. During these times it would be very easy for them to walk through their own borders of parallel world and different planes back to our earth. 
As generation of elves continued to come to our earth though their borders of parallel planes back and forth to our world to theirs, they started to form different races of elves  one of these races was 
the Eladrin Elves then the Moon Elves.
Personality ~
The Moon elf's are very close in height to the humans, but more are a bit more slender and have a eloquence of unique beauty that no human could ever compare to the Moon elfin kin.  They have the purest pale clear skin, which often if not always has a icy blue hue to it. Their hair is commonly either  ebony black, blue, silver or white. And they usually ware it long flowing to the back of their kneecaps.    This is done with the female Moon Elf's, the male ware their hair shoulder length. 
The Moon elf's eyes are commonly green, although some are blue as

well. All Moon Elf's exhibit a characteristics of having golden flecks that speckled through their eyes in the iris of the eye. This is a special trait that not all inherited. 
Culture ~
Moon elves society is often loosely organized & few moon elves will only stay in one place for more than 1 or 2 seasons at a time. They preferred a nomadic lifestyle. The moon elves are generally comfortably living among other Eladrin elves particularly the Sun elves as well as all races of elves, gnomes, humans and halflings too. Most moon elves organize themselves into groups of a dozen extended families or so, each ruled democratically, Although often with leaders whose have more weight than anyone else within the group & are most often respected for either their age or their Martial Skill.
Whenever they live, the Moon Elves are unassuming , with homes just as humble if comfortable.
Homelands ~ 
Although nations that can properly be considered Moon elfin, still exist today - Moon Elves have fared relatively well on the whole compared to their brethren. Though the Moon Elves have not settled in vast numbers, this is less out of inability as lack of need. As the small bands that make up most of the Moon Elves, have been fairly successful at their life's for centuries. 
By and large, the Moon Elves have ignored the retreat carried out by their Sun Elf kin, preferring to either live among other races or wander the wilderness. The majority  exception to this has been the isolated city of Everska, mainly populated by Moon Elves. 
Moon Elves can be found most commonly in Daleland which is a very deep forest of Wizards. 
Their Magic ~
Moon Elves love to learn and use magic, in whatever form it takes. Both traditions of Arcane Magic & The Art of Magic. The Art of Magic is the direct manipulation of energy  - Arcane Magic is created out of manipulation of the weave which is the way magic is presents itself to being there for only for the use of the Moon Elves - It flows throughout the world touching almost every coroner or existence with exception of dead magic zones - 
Anyone who carefully duplicate the gestures and sounds  require of each of these spells, he/she can use a Arcane Magic - which is manipulating the weave, that can be done via magical writing. There is also the Divine Magic is for those Moon Elves who are highly encouraged to practiced the art of this Magic and those who partake in either are pushed to expand the knowledge or their race too. The pressure doesn't bother most Moon Elves who are out right delighted to become the Master of the Art of Divine Magic -
The Power is granted from a prayer with the Gods - Clerics, Paladins and Rangers who all use this type of magic.
Although often light hearted and at ease, The Moon Elves can leap into action if danger comes around. Like other Eladrin Elves, Moon elves make sure that nearly all of their numbers are trained to wield a weapon and also some small skills in magic.
The Goddess Mystra controls the weave which is the main medium for channeling the Arcane energies of the other Gods and the Goddess Shar has control of the Shadow Weave which flows in-between the normal weave and enables the use of the shadow Magic too.

I have love the Moon Elves just as much as I do the Drows - Although with the Moon Elves
I have a bit more of a passion because I hope in the future to share with you my readers a book that I have been writing for a number of years and it has a little bit of my favorite Magick Creature in this story... So I hope you all will stay with me on my blog until the time comes
Note.. The Beautiful Images are some of my Favorites Images of the Moon Elves - 
They are not mind..


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