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Friday, August 30, 2013


This An incident happened to my younger brother back in October, around Halloween 1981. It was an incident that has left him mentally impaired to this day 2011. We don't know exactly what happened. Before that day, my brother was full of life, very outgoing, friendly, and talkative to all his friends and family. The person you see now is a quiet, withdrawn, nervous soul; a shadow of his former self.
Today he lives with my mom because it's hard for him to concentrate and perform simple chores like dressing himself properly. I miss my brother -- the brother I use to know.
What occurred that day long ago is something out of the ordinary. We were visiting our cousins down in the water, California. My brother, cousin, and I went out exploring behind the house . We headed toward and old single - story abandoned brick building that was used at one time for storing equipment. It was a long building that was divided into four rooms, with no windows in any of the rooms, only one door in each of the rooms, which were separated from the others by an interior brick wall.
The doors were unlocked so we checked out each room to see what we could find in the rooms. Turns out all the rooms were empty. My brother was having fun as usual, making up stories about ghosts and drawing pictures on the walls with chalk.
Later on, I told him to go back to the first room. It seems I misplaced mine comb; I couldn't find it. I can still see him walking down toward the front of the building. Like I said, it was long and it took him a while before he got to the front and entered the first room.
As we waited for my young brother, my cousin and I sat down on some grass next to a ditch away from the building. That's when my  comb fell out of my shirt pocket I yelled to my brother that I found my comb and to come join us . There was no reply.
After around ten minutes had passed, I called out to him again, Still, there was no reply. This time the both of us called out to him! Still nothing, so we started walking back toward the brick building.
Suddenly, To my amazement , my brother emerges from the very last room of the Building! There is no way he could have entered that room without me Seeing HIM! I remember he was crying with a confused look on his Face. Then he collapsed to the ground. I was so scared for my Brother, I didn't know what to do to help him....
My Cousin and I went over and picked him up. I asked him what happened; I asked him how he got to the last room. HE WENT INTO A SORT OF A MILD SEIZURE AND SAID SOMETHING ABOUT A HOLE -- A HOLE ON THE FLOOR THAT WAS GETTING BIGGER AND BIGGER --- AND A HOLE IN THE WALL!
As He was saying this, he was shaking and crying uncontrollably! I tried To calm him down. Then he went silent, he became still, with a Far away stare in his eyes and that was it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From Then on, he became this reclusive, isolated person. We took my Brother back to my cousin's house and tried to explain what happened. My mother was very upset. My cousin and I went back to the building And checked out the rooms. We found nothing unusual. I MISS MY BROTHER....
This One is a little creepy... It has a lot of unexplained events and even After they go back to check the rooms to see if there is something Unusual , that could have turned bad too. There has to be some very Bad entity within those walls and the girls were just lucky he wasn't Around at the time.... It seems that there's a partial hole to another Realm of evil that can be open at will my an evil spirit that lives Within the walls of the brick house.. It's sad that the brother Happened to run into him.
by AL. M.
Found in- Unfortunate Portal Paranormal Phenomena

The Vampire Origin Story of Many!

The Vampire Origin Story of Many!
This is a Vampire Love Story that started it all.
In this version of the Vampire story, It is about a love
Story Of a young adventure named Ambrogio, who was born and
Raised In Italy.
He Had always longed to travel to Greece to have his fortune
Told By the Oracle of Delphi. When he was an adult, he got on a boat an Sailed to the western edge of Greece which was near Astakos.
Ambrogio Then traveled east until he eventually reached the city of Delphi.
When He reached Delphi, the home of the great temple of Apollo, the Sun God.
It Was also the home of the Pythia, better known as the Oracles. The Pythia would sit In a chamber within the temple and speak of the prophecies, inspired By Apollo, too Those who came to seek the Oracle's wisdom.
When Ambrogio finally arrived at the temple, he went to speak to the Pythia, The Pythia, whose words have been often cryptic, said only a few words:
"The Curse, The moon, The blood will run."
He Couldn't sleep that night. He stayed awake outside of the temple, Pondering the meaning of the Pythia's words. As the sun rose in the Morning he realized that he had not Slept.
As He walked back toward the town he was a beautiful woman dressed in White robes Walking to the temple. He ran over to her and introduced himself.
Her name was Selene and she was a maiden of the temple. Her sister was the Oracle, And so Selene tended To the temple and took care of her sister while in her entranced State.
For The next few days every morning Ambrogio met Selene at dawn before Sheentered the temple. They soon fell in love.
On His last day in Greece, Ambrogio asked Selene to marry him and return With him to Italy. She agreed. He said he would make the preparations Then meet her at dawn the next morning at their meeting spot outside The temple.
Apollo, The sun-god, had been watching. He, himself, had taken a liking to The beautiful Selene And was enraged that Ambrogio would come to his temple and take one off His maidens away.
At Sunset that night, Apollo appeared to Ambrogio and cursed him so that From that day forth a mere touch of Apollo's sunlight would burn Ambrogio skin.
Ambrogio Was distraught. He was set to leave with Selene in the morning, but he Would not be able to meet her at sunrise as he promised because of the Curse.
Having know Where, else to turn, he ran into a cave that led to Hades for Protection. Hades, God of The underworld, listened to his tale and made him a deal - if he Could steal the silver bow of Artemis and bring it back, Hades would Grant him and Selene protection in the underworld.
The Deal specified that Hades would give Ambrogio a magical wooden Bow and 11 arrows to hunt with. He was to offer his hunting trophies to Artemis in order to gain in her favor and steal her favorite silver bow.
As Collateral, Ambrogio had to leave his soul in Hades until he returned With the silver bow. Should he return the silver bow, he would have To live in Hades forever, never to return to Selene, Having no other Choice, Ambrogio Agreed.
Ambrogio Had no way to contact Selene. He had parchments, but no writing Implements so he took his bow and arrow and killed a swan. Using its feather as a Pen, and its blood as The ink, he wrote her a note explaining that he could not meet with her  but would find away for them to be together. He left the note in their meeting place and ran off to find a place to hide from the sunlight.
Naturally, Selene was devastated when she found the note, but she kept working at the temple as she did not want to anger Apollo any further.
The next morning, Selene went back to the meeting place, but once again Ambrogio was not there. She saw another  piece of parchment  with writing in blood on it.
It was  a love poem form Ambrogio Before morning  on of the for 44 days, Ambrogio slew another swan and used it's  blood to write Selene a love poem. After draining the blood from the white swan and taking a single  feather, from the swan,  he offered the body of the swan as a tribute  to Artemis, the Goddess of hunting and the moon and also her sister  to Apollo. He hoped that even if he could not steal her silver bow, she would be honored be the tribute and would be able to
convince her brother Apollo to remove the curse. On the 45th night, Ambrogio had only one arrow left. He shot it at a swan and missed, the arrow went sailing into the distance.
He had neither the blood to writhe Selene poem nor the swan to sacrifice to Artemis. He fell to the ground and wept.
Seeing how good of a hunter and how dedicated of a follower
Ambrogio had been, Artemis came down to him. He begged Artemis to let him borrow  her bow and an arrow so he could kill one last bird and leave one final note to Selene.
Artemis took  pity on him and agreed to let him borrow her silver bow and an arrow.
He took the bow, and in desperation, ran to the cave that led to Hades. Artemis realized what was happening and cast her
own curse on Ambrogio. The curse caused all silver to burn his skin. So when Ambrogio dropped the silver bow and fell to the ground in terrible pain.
Artemis was furious at his deceit, but he begged her for forgiveness. He explained the deal he was forced to make with Hades, his curse by Apollo and his love for Selene. He apologized profusely and swore that he had no other choice.
Artemis took pity on him again and decided to give him one
last chance. She offered to make him a great hunter, almost as great as she was, with the speed and strength of a God and fangs with which to drain the blood of the beasts to write his poems.
In exchange for his immortality, he would have to agree to a deal. He and Selene would have to escape Apollo temple and worship only Artemis forever. The catch was that Artemis was a virgin goddess and all of her follower had to remain
chaste and unmarried, so Ambrogio was never allowed to touch Selene again.
They could never even kiss, touch, or have children.
Ambrogio agreed. At least this way he and Selene could be together. He Killed another swan and left Selene a note telling her to meet him on a ship at the docks.
before dawn the next morning, she saw the note and ran way before Apollo could notice.
When Selene arrived at the dock she found Ambrogio's ship and met him down in the hull.
There was a wooden coffin with a note on it, telling her to order the ship's captain to set sail, and to open the coffin only after the sun had set. She did as the note said, and after the sunset she opened the coffin to find Ambrogio alive and well.
The couple sailed to Ephesus, where they lived in a cave during the day and worshiped Artemis at her grand temple every night. They lived happily together for many years,
never touching, never kissing, never having children.
After a number of years, Ambrogio's immortality allowed him to stay young, but Selene continued to age as a mortal, She finally fell ill and was on her deathbed. Ambrogio was
distraught, knowing that he would not join Selene in the afterlife because his soul still resided in Hades.
At night, he went into the woods and found a white swan swimming alone in a small lake. He killed the swan and offered it to Artemis begging for her to make Selene
immortal so they could stay together forever.
Artemis appeared to him. Thankful for his years of dedication and worship, she made him one last deal. Artemis told Ambrogio that he could touch Selene just once - to drink her
Doing so would kill her mortal body , but from then on, her blood mixed with his could create eternal life for any who drink of it. If he did this, Artemis would see to it that
they stayed together forever.
Ambrogio wanted to refuse, but after telling Selene what happened, Selene begged him to do it. After much convincing, he bit her neck and took her blood into his body.
Selene The Goddess of Moonlight  

If you are curious where I found this beautiful love story

you just need to go to GODS - AND - MONSTERS .com


The Wiccan Rede

Bide the Wiccan Laws we must In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust. 
Live and let live. Fairly take and fairly give. 
Cast the Circle thrice about to keep the evil spirits out. 
To bind the spell every time let the spell be spake in rhyme. 
Soft of eye and light of touch, Speak little, listen much. 
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the Witches' Rune. Widdershins go by the waning moon, chanting out the baneful rune.
When the Lady's moon is 
new, kiss the hand to her, times two. 
When the moon rides at her peak, then your hearts desire seek. 
Heed the North wind's mighty gale, lock the door and drop the sail. 
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss thee on the mouth
When the wind blows from the West, departed souls will have no rest. 
When the wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast. 
Nine woods in the cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow. 
Elder be the Lady's tree, burn it not or cursed you'll be. 
When the Wheel begins to turn, let the Beltane fires burn. 
When the Wheel has turned to Yule, light the log and the Horned One rules
Heed ye flower, Bush and Tree, by the Lady, blessed be. 
Where the rippling waters go, cast a stone and truth you'll know. 
When ye have a true need, hearken not to others' greed. 
With a fool no season spend, lest ye be counted as his friend. 
Merry meet and merry part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart. 
Mind the Threefold Law you should, three times bad and three times good
When misfortune is enow, wear the blue star on thy brow. 
True in love ever be, lest thy lover's false to thee. 
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill: An ye harm none, do what ye will.

This is a chant or chants I found, that I thought to be quite beautiful. There is no author but I thought it would be perfect with my collection of beautiful art of paintings of wiccan withes of many different artist.
I hope that you all will enjoy the images and the beauty of the words.........Wendy.
Lady's of the Moon 

 Lady of the Moon 

 Lady of the Moon
Lady of the Moon 

Lady of the Moon 

Lady of the Moon 

 Lady of the Moon caption

 Lady of the Moon  

Lady of the Moon 
Lady of the Moon 

Lady of the Moon   

Lady of the Moon  
Ladies of the Moon 

 Ladies of the Moon  
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