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Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Green Violet-ear Hummingbird

The Green Violet-Ear Hummingbird
 The Green Violet-Ear hummingbird is also known as the Colibri thalassinus. Also Chupaflor orejivioleta verde which is Spanish- 
These hummers are origins are the Highlands of Mexico south of Bolivia; Although they have been know to wander into south or central Texas almost every year and hummers have also gone as far east as North Carolina and North as Northern states and Canada too. 
There are few other hummingbirds that are as wide-ranging as these beautiful green/blue violet-ears. Unlike most tropical hummingbirds, which are more localized, this hummer can be found in the mountains from Mexico all the way to Bolivia in South America.

It is not surprising that the Green Violet-Ear with its wide range of
movement around the planet would be found straying into the North America. And many of these beauty's are making it their permitted home. 
These beautiful hummers are glittering green,blue, an hint of yellow & gold and deep purple. They are a very elegant-looking hummingbird. Their name 'Green
Violet-ear' is of a patch of purple feathers that extends from below
the eye to the nape of his neck. When the hummer is agitated, the Green Violet-Ear often will fan his/her sparkling purple feathers. You can see a patch of viotet-blue also shows on the breast of the tiny hummer
The females are similar, but they have a duller color than the male

and are much smaller in size. The color of the patch of the violet-blue patch is absent- so that would be another way of telling if it was a male or female. But both have the blue with a black band near the tip on their tails. In nature the hummingbird really shows how the male unfortunately has the beautiful colors more so then the female. 
The Male of the hummingbirds do not seem to participate in
stylized courtship displays like some of the other hummer do. Instead they just form loose groups, perch up high up in the trees, and sing endlessly. Their song, which is characterized by some as one of the most monotonous songs of the tropics, is an unchanging series of dry notes to lure the female up to the Male high up in these trees. 
Females will build deep, bulky nests using small leaves, mosses, grass blades and spider webbing. Most hummers will lay only two white eggs. 
This is one of my favorite's of the hummers. Althought they don't
come up this far in northern Washington that I have notice. And I have lived here for over 17years. I am guessing it is to cold in the
winter for them being that their origins are mexico. A much warmer climate. I have seen them when I've visited my parents in northern Ca. in the Redwood. and there were quite a lot of them there. They are a beautiful
hummingbird I do wish they would come up here. 
I hope you Enjoy my first of many of my hummingbird posts that I am going to do.. Wendy..


Folletti Fairy

Folletti Fairy

These fairies are found in Italy and are known to control 

the weather of sorts. They were thought to have lived in 

Sicily - As the History goes of these tiny fairies and would 

change the weather just for the sheer fun of it.

Folletti Fairies were very hard to catch and barely ever 

made themselves visible to humans, but  when they 

were once seen by an eyewitness who claimed that their 

toes were pointed backwards! Odd, but it must have a 

purpose use for these tiny weather fairies. Their favorite 

element in the wind and they wear red and supposedly live 

in the hollowed out of large Oak Trees. 

The Folletti Fairy has been also  accused of creating terrible rain, wind storms and even been accused of  

enormous earthquakes and erupting volcanoes....

Their favorite element is Air- and they love to whip up wind

storms that they can ride on them. Folletti fairies are very 

small that they can barely be seen and they pay no 

attention to humans
I Hope that you Enjoy these Folletti fairies. I found them to be very enlightening and I wish that one day I would have the sight to see one/ one day. Love you all my dear Friends and Followers always- Your Wendy. -ooo)

Lung, Wang, Long Wang Dragon of China

Lung,Wang,Long Wang Dragon of China
This is the name of a dragon in the legends of China. The Lung, Wang, Long Wang is the Dragon King who is also known as the Fire Dragon. Lung Wang, Long Wang was the Dragon King from China, but he also at times represented as a human body with the head of a dragon and horns that resembled those of a stag. 

There have been other depictions of this famous dragon of china,
showing him with a fish's body with the legs of a tiger an dragon head. Lung,      Wang, Long Wang is the controller of the waters of the seas,
the lakes and the other inland stretches of water, where he is responsible for storms and water spouts.
Lung, Wang, Long Wang also is responable for directing other dragons such as Ao Kuang, AoPing and Pai Lung. Love you all -ooo) Your Wendy

Monday, November 25, 2013

Liban-Mermaid of Ireland

Liban Mermaid of Ireland~
This is the name of a legendary Ireland Mermaid. The Liban was

originally the daughter of Eochaid and Etain who were caught up in the floods of a sacred spring that had been neglected. She was carried to an underwater cavern with her pet dog. Whilest the rest of her community, except Conang and Curman was destroyed, Liban was trapped for a year until she prayed that she might be as the fishes. Liban was tranformsed into the body human woman and the tail of a salmon below the waist. So Liban remained with her human form above as before she was a now part-fish. Her dog was changed into an otter.  Now a Mermaid; Liban had become free, but remained below the water until after three hundred years. A cleric named Beoc heard her singing and she asked him to bring her out of the water and take her to Saint Comgall. Saint Comgall then baptized Liban and then gave her the choice of another three hundred years of life or immediate entry to heaven. Liban chose the latter... Liban can be seen in many carvings in Church's, pews, columns of many St. Church's, and the road that she took to see Saint Comgall. 
I found this legend of the legendary Ireland Mermaid to be quite fascinating and beautiful how it is connected with the church.. Wendy ... Enjoy -ooo)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Cactus Cat

Cactus Cat
 This is about a creature from the folklore of the lumberjacks of the
forest in the U.S. It is especially seen in the states of Wisconsin and Minnesota during the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Cactus Cat was described  as having fur that looks like a hedgehog or even that of a porcupine. His spines that are all over his body consist to his his ears to some areas the spines may be particularly long and spiky protuberances of sharp bone and are similarly armored on his tail too. Which is branched out in many different directions. 
The Cactus Cat had a taste for the fermented juice of the Cactus in desert. At night it is known to slash their trunks which makes the juice of the cactus flow from several at once. The Cactus Cat will
then return to the cactus juice that they slash after it has fermentation has occurred. When they drink the juice and do so quickly these Cactus Cats will become intoxicated with this juice after which humans heard their wild shrieks and cries throughout the night. This magical Creature belongs to a group of beings affectionately know as the Fearsome Critters... 
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