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Sunday, December 22, 2013

Artist Randal Spangler

Artist Randal Spangler- 
Has truly put the meaning of Christmas through,

His tiny dragons in all his most wonderful paintings. 
I hope that you will Enjoy the few that I pick out that 
are my favorite.. Much love to you my dears..
Your Wendy.. -ooo)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Snow Day!

It was snowing today! 

Can you believe that! Here! In the valley of Washington state! 


Well I hope you all are having a Wonderful day! 
Your Wendy God Bless!

Greatest Paintings of the Masters

Greatest Painting from the Masters
 Of Christmas- these paintings I found depicted different views of what the Christmas spirit may or may not be your believe of the holiday of the Spirit. There are so many different faiths and believes in the world today that it really is impossible to show all of them. But my love for the Art of the Great Artist of the Masters of all over the World, who have painted different interpretations of  their view of the holiday Spirit. I thought it would be fitting to show their most beautiful Art during this most happy season. 
Merry Christmas my dear Readers and Followers I hope you will enjoy this Art work as much at myself.. 

Your Wendy.. 

Tiny and Talented

Tiny and Talented
Dwarfs are highly gifted creatures. They may be small in stature
and also quite stout but they too are Magical Creatures. They can transform any type of basic metal or stone into precious objects-
These precious objects could range from the finest gemstones layered in pure gold and silver. The gemstones could be sapphire's, ruby's, diamonds, and even blue diamonds. The quality of their  weapons and armor were of the highest quality metals and some of the most powerful magic of the Norse Gods. Some of these legendary weapons were the legendary golden spear, golden ring and hammer. This would explain why they inspire such Awe. Dwarfs can choose to pass on some of their magic skills to humans-mortals if they choose to or if they feel the human is shown good qualities that a dwarf. If a Celtic
Smith were to find a dwarf at work on his anvil, he could be compelled to bless him with the secret of the craft or to attend him, when called to completing tasks. Alternatively dwarfs might curse the items they make, much like the other underground metal workers of Norse legend. The Dark Alf's who brings about only misfortune. 

In Germany, the tales of the dwarfs are generous & especially helpful to

Neighbors in need. In Germany it is said that mortals will come to the dwarf's mountains to borrow kitchen implements, tableware and
festive dress for weddings, which these dwarfs do provide for the mortals when the come, providing that they come before the sunrays that hit the human world. In return for their generous gifts to the mortals, the mortals would give great portions of a great feast to the dwarfs. Although in many of the German tales of this generosity of the dwarfs toward the mortals, dwarfs were mocked by mankind and forced to abandon their glorious underground palaces. 

Many hundreds of years ago... These dwarfed often would come out of there at the time/grotesque rocky places, and would seek out people in
house and field, in kitchens and spinning rooms, willing and ready to lend a helping hand in all sorts of household chores. Sometimes they would even help the very poor with gold and precious stones, raising them up from their poverty- 
Sometimes they provided helpful advice and told entertaining tales to the boys and girls, relating poetic mysteries, such as those of Paris. 

Further, more the harmless creatures the dwarfs would ask of the mortal  farmers and mountain inhabitants no other payment for their services than permission to come into the little corner of an inhabitant living room; 

Here these dwarfs could sit next to a warm stove, they could spend the night on a little bundle of straw or on their own mountain jar of asbestos when the winter cold would push into the deepest parts of their palace halls of the underworld and turn it all to Ice even the underwater springs would be frozen solid ice till spring.

Till finally in the first signs of spring they can return to their

underworld palace halls with the water springs now unfrozen.
I hope you all Enjoy my post on the Tiny & Talented/ The Dwarves
I did most Enjoy doing this post. And I am sorry about the Image being taken off for a bit, but they are on now for Good! I hope
Love you all my dear Friends and Followers! Much love and joy to you all Your Wendy-ooo)

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