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Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Magick of Gifzone-2016

Magick of Gifzone-2016
The images below are quite beautiful Gifzone that I found over
the 3years that I have been doing this blog & my Tumblr too!
I hope that you have enjoyed the images that are in all forms of Art. They can be either digital paintings, paintings, animation art, photographic art, Photoshop, digital art, drawing & photography too... And so much more in the art media. There are so many of these talented artist that I have found throughout the years that I feel that we owe it to them all to show their talent and to share it to everyone. In the many years that I have shown talented artist art in many different media I try my best to show all kinds of different media. At one point I hope to do more post with the names of all the artist too. We are all very lucky to have so many talented artist that shares so many beautiful pieces of their art.

I pray that you all enjoy them too.
I love you all so much Your friend always ...

Monday, May 30, 2016


Memorial Day!
Its once again Memorial day is here, a day we come together to remember
our loved ones that have lost their lives who served their country, the ones
that were lucky like that of my Father who is my hero who served and has
lived through the Cold War to have a family [Three Children including 
Me! and four grandchildren]and finally to honor the ones that never make it home to
their loved ones. And to the ones that were lost or missing in action. In some ways Its
even worst for a solider to be never found because you never know what he/she is going through
or what terror they are going through. Also there is no closer for his family and is friends in his unit. of soldier's . So for all the soldiers that have be lost in all the war. I pray for you that you all have
either escaped or you have come to peace with your God.
I love my dad, and I feel that I am one of the lucky ones
to have him all my adult life. I had a wonderful Uncle, too my Uncle Ed who I love very
much too, who is in my heart and watches over me. He passed do to the Asian orange
and other cancer related stuff he was exposed to as a very young man at only
17years old in the Marine Corp, in the Vietnam War. I lost him 8 years ago but I think of him everyday and this day most especially with my Aunt Linda... Who is fighting for him on the
Asian orange too. I pray if any of you out there that have lost a loved one to
the Marine Corp in the Vietnam war or any war that you find peace today with all our hero's.
for they all are men and women. For all wars are terrible old wars that my dad and uncle were in to
the more reset wars of desert storm( I had a friend in too) to the war after the two towers in 911 to even now. I believe that not all our troops both men and women have not made it home
yet. I worry too with the new election for president coming up too.
I am worried what is going to happen to all our men an women in the armed forces. All I can do is pray that things will work themselves out.

I thought I would give you, all a brief bit of history on the history
on Memorial Day. It all started in the Year 1866 when the United States
was recovering from the long and very blooding Civil War between
the North and South on our own soil. The surviving soldiers of the Civil War were
coming home-the few that did were missing many of limbs and all with the horror
of stories to tell. Henry Welles, a drugstore owner in Waterloo, New York had heard
the stories and had a Great Idea. He suggested that all the shops in the town close
for one day to honor the soldiers who were killed in the Civil War and were buried in the
Waterloo Cemetery. So it did happen and on the morning of May 5, the townspeople placed flowers,
wreaths and crosses on the graves of the Northern Soldiers in the cemetery in May 5. Well it was said
at about the same time, Retired Major General Jonathan A. Logan had planned another kinda
ceremony, but this time for the soldiers who had all survived the civil war. Major Genera Jonathan
had led the veterans though town to the cemetery to decorate their comrades/friends graves with
the American flays. It was not a happy celebration, however a memorial to these men was a honor to them all! The townspeople had called it a 'Decoration Day'!
But the Major General Logan decided to proclaim the day as 'Memorial Day'. He declared;
'the 30th of May, 1868, is designated for the purpose to strewing with flowers or otherwise
decorating the graves of comrades who died in defense of their country and during the late
rebellion, and whose bodies now lie in almost every city, village and hamlet churchyard in the land. In this observance no form of ceremony is prescribed, but posts and comrades will in their own way arrange such fitting services and testimonials of respect as circumstances may permit.''
Well from that speak the two ceremonies were joined in the year 1868 and the Northern states
commemorated the day on May 30, 1868. And the Southern States also commemorated their war dead, but on a different day. Children would read poems and sang civil war songs and veterans would come to the schools wearing their medals and uniforms to tell the students about the Civil War. Then the veterans would in the year of 1882 the name was change to Memorial Day and the soldiers who died in any previous wars were honored as well.
In the northern United States, it was designated a pubic holiday. Then in the year 1971 along, with other holidays the President at the time -Richard Nixon had declared Memorial Day a Federal Holiday on the last Monday in May.
Folks would march through their own home towns followed by the townspeople to the cemetery. Once they were all at the cemetery everyone would decorate the grave sites and would take photographs of the soldiers next to the American flags in the Cemetery. Later rifles would be shot into the air as a salute to the northern soldiers who had given their lives to keep the United States together. Of course at the same time the Southern States were not involved with these type of celebrations. They had their own Private ceremonies of their soldiers who lost their lives to the civil war. It was never anything public like that of the Northern States. Anyway in the cities all around the United states would hold their own type of ceremonies on the last Monday of May the 30, to pay respect to the men
and women and 'Now the Many Dog Service Who have died in the many Wars or in the service of their Own Counties such as the Dog Zanjeer who Saved thousands of lives during the Mumbal serial blasts in March of 1993 by detecting more than 3,329 kgs of the explosive RDX 600 detonators, 249 hand grenades and 6406 rounds of live ammunition. He was buried with full honors during a ceremony in his Country...'
Memorial Day isn't limited to honor only those American's for the armed forces. It is also a day  for personal remembrance. What I mean by this is - It is for the families and also individual honoring the memories of their loved ones who have died or not. Also for many who go to Church service to visit the cemetery's to leave flowers on a love ones grave site - its a day to write a love one as I have done for many year a letter on how much you love them. This could be in the states or any other country you see we aren't the only country that has gone through war.


Sunday, May 29, 2016

The Lung Dragon

-The Lung Dragon-
Good afternoon my dearest friends & followers. Welcome to my humble blog. I am going to bring you into the world of the Lung Dragon of China. I found the tale of the lung dragon very fascinating so I hope that you do too, my dears. I also find the dragons of china so interesting because they have been around so long ago. 
The Lung dragon of China lives in the sky during the summer and hibernates in the deepest lakes during the winter. It has the likeness of nine other beasts, so the Lung Dragon is an enormous. His appearance of these nine other beasts were the head of a camel, antlers of a deer, ears of a bull, throat of a huge snake, paws of a tiger & finally the claws of an eagle. As for the scales of the Lung Dragon well, they are very different than your average dragon. You see they have scales of a Carp, not your usual shimming scales. The carp scales number up to eighty-one, this being nine which is the number of a dragon multiplied by itself & hence the luckiest of numbers. Under the lung dragons throat the scales are reversed & beneath its chin there is bright pearl scales. These are the most fortunate of gems because its the source of the dragons power. These pearl scales has the power & charm of multiplying anything that they come in  contact with. So it anyone was to find one of the Lung Dragons pearl scales it would be like finding the lotto in ancient times. Why? you might ask... Its, because if they place the pearl scale into anything like that of a purse of gold, the purse will be overflowing the next day. Another example would be, if you were in need of food for you family. Just place the pearl scale in a empty sack of rice the same thing will happen as the purse. The voice of the Lung Dragon is an beautiful mix of chiming of a gong. Some said, that the lung dragon was deaf & the meaning behind his name was so. However, it has not been found or proven to this day. It is true that the lung dragon had no ears but it would gather sounds through its two horns(of an deer/horns). On each side of its mouth are whiskers & on top of his head too. It is said that since the lung dragon has the Poh Shan, the wooden foot-the rule without which he can fly into Heaven. When its breath escapes it forms the clouds in the sky, which sometime become rain & then changing into fire when the dragon breath meets the dampness it becomes bright... When the lung dragon meets the water it becomes flame-This dragon flame can be extinguished by ordinary fire. The dragon is fond of roasted swallows for their food, however swallows which are offered in sacrifices when it rain is needed. These Dragons are also fond of arsenic too! The lung dragon also, fears the large Centipede leaves of the lien tree-Melia Azedarach, the Blue-Flowered Bead or China berry Tree & Chinaberry Tree & Silk thread dyed with the five sacred colours. Lastly the lung dragon is also afraid of iron because it said that just one iron needle or lance will kill the dragon.
So, my dears I hope that you enjoyed this tale of the Lung dragon of China.. I found it to be interesting and fun.
I hope you all have a fantastic day
Love you all my dears

Friday, May 27, 2016

The Jade Palace-

The Jade Palace-
The Jade Palace
Good Afternoon my dearest friends & followers I am so glad that you all have been enjoying my post these pass few months. And that you like to come and visit my humble blog. Without you all I would be able to stay here. For my next tale I found in many of my favorite dragon books-this tale about the Jade Palace is very ancient so it was very difficult to find an image for you. I did find some that were with the Disney story with the Panda Bear 1-2 & now 3 in the theaters. However I wanted to find something that had to do with the true Jade palace. After looking for about an hour I did find a few that I will share with you along with the tale. I hope that you enjoy the story. Wendy.
'The Jade Palace'
'In ancient china, there was a palace that was built entirely of Jade. Surrounding the Jade Palace was five cities. There was one centre city that surrounded all the other four cities and the Jade Palace too! Around the Jade Palace you can see an range of twelve towers that have nine gates between them on each side of the towers. There were also nine rings of smaller mountains that surrounded the Kunlun Mountain like it was the palace city walls.
It is said that the Kunlun Mountains are a haunted monsterious abyss, that also contains the Ruoshi River. This Ruoshi River is very usual water, meaning it was crimson in color. What this meant in those ancient times was that not even a feather would be able to float upon the usual fast moving crimson river. Hence it was often said that the only way for an mortal to reach Mount Kunlun was to ride on the back of a Dragon.
Hence then he or she could go beyond the abyss which was rings of fiery mountains which burned day and night. Also there was huge lighting clouds that burst over head. The cliffs of Kunlun were so steep that only the craws of a dragon could climb the mountain of Kunlun. To the northeast of Jade mountain was the beautiful Peach Garden. In this Peach Garden was an latter, so one could climb up into the heavens above. This is what the Yellow Emperor would do often, to refresh his spirits by visiting the enchanting Peach trees within the Garden.
Inside this amazing garden which was tended by Xiwangmn, the

Queen Mother of the West, a beautiful but often wild & capricious Goddess. The Queen mother's garden contains very special everlasting peach trees which bloom only every 3,000 years to bear its magick fruit. The Chinese Goddess/Queen Mother of immortality. In her Magical orchard of Peaches, she grows the most fragrant peaches that they can be smelled from miles away. It is said that her peaches has the power to bring peace to those who can smell them & if one is so lucky to get ahold of these magical peaches, it will grant you immortality. Just one of the Queen Mother's Peach Trees will bear fruit every 3,000 years [which takes another 3000 years to ripen]. When the Queen Mother Peach Trees are ready, it is usually held with a great feast to celebrate her birthday. At the time, all that were invited were all the immortals of the Gods to share her peaches of renewing their spirits. Also the Goddess/Queen Mother would make a very special drink of an

elixir from her magic peaches to renew their immortality. Well, this is the true story of what they might of
basic the Panda Disney movies on... I am not sure so don't quote
me on that. But there is a lot of similarity to both tales.
I hope you enjoy the tale.
Love you all my dear friends and followers
Your friend always

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