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Saturday, June 11, 2016


Isis Goddess of Egypt-
Good evening my dear friends & followers I thought I would bring you into the world of ancient Egypt. I havent' brought you into the world of ancient Egypt in a while, so I thought I would this time to the Goddess Isis. Isis was one of the most prominent Goddess in Ancient Egyptian Mythology. She was said to be a patron of nature and magic. A friend of the Slaves, sinners, artisans and wealthy alike. Isis was revered as the 'Ideal' mother, wife and of course Goddess. She had temples throughout the Egyptian kingdom and even had temples in Rome, Greece, Iraq, Pompeii and a Sanctuary in Germany. Her followers as an Goddess lasted through the rise of Christianity and it is said that even today there are folks who follow the Goddess old way... As far as a bit of history on the ancient goddess Isis. Her name Isis is spelled-Ἶσις-and is original pronunciation is more likely 'Aset or Iset.'
Isis is a goddess from the polytheistic pantheon of Egypt. She was first worshiped in Ancient Egyptian religion and then later her worship was wide spread throughout the Roman Empire and even the greater Greo-Roman world. Isis is still widely worshiped even in modern times by many pagans today in diverse religious contexts; including a number of distinct pagan religious. The modern Goddess Isis movement and interfaith organizations such as the
Fellowship of Isis. In ancient times Isis was often depicted as the mother of Horus, the falcon-headed deity which was associated with the king and kingship. Isis was also known as the protector of the dead and Goddess of all children. Isis name means 'Throne' as headdress is a throne. Isis was very important in representing the pharaoh's powers. Isis cult was very popular throughout Egypt, but her most important temples were at Behbeit El-Hagar at the Nile delta and the beginning in the reign with Nectanebo I in 380-362BC, on the island of Philae in the Upper side of Egypt. As far as Isis parents as a Goddess, she was the first daughter of the God of Earth and the Goddess of the sky of
Egyptian Mythology. Born on the forth intercalary day. Later Isis married her brother Osiris and she conceived Horus their child. Using her magical skills/powers, she was an instrument in resurrecting Osiris when he was murdered. Isis was able to restored his body to life after gathering Osiris body parts that had been strewn about the earth. Apparently this myth of Egyptian became very important during the Greco-Roman period. It was believed that the Nile River flooded every year because of the tears of sorrow which the Goddess Isis wept for Osiris. It seems that Isis had to relived each year the death and rebirth of Osiris through her magic. No wonder she has so many tears of sorrow every year. Isis worship eventually spread through the Greco-Roman world and continued until the suppression of paganism into the Christian era. Isis suckling son Horus seem to be just as popular in Christian context as the poplar Mary with the infant Jesus in the fifth century so much that she was much a beloved Goddess of all faiths. There was also Isis association with the pharaoh's wife as a consistent role of Isis as the spouse of Horus, the god associated with the pharaoh as his protector and then later as the deification of the pharaoh himself. For me it can get a
bit confusing but that was the ways of the Egypt live. In addition Isis was represented as the mother of the four sons of Horus, the four deities who protected the canopic jars that contained the pharaoh's internal organs. Then by the New Kingdom period as they called it in many places of Egypt, she was even more prominent that her spouse the Pharaoh. She was seen as the mother of the Pharaoh and was often depicted breastfeeding the Pharaoh as well.  So when the God Ra rose to prominence - Isis as the mother of the God, was paired with Horus, and Horus was identified with Ra, Isis began to be merged with Hathor. When this happened Isis became the mother of Horus as well as his wife-eventually her mother role was displaced to the role of spouse. Thus the role of spouse to Isis was open and in the Heliopolis pantheon period, Isis became the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus and Ra.
Hence the evolution of Isis and Osiris. I hope that I haven't confused you all. It is a bit overwhelming to understand some of the Mythology and lives of the Goddess and Gods of Egypt but that goes for all counties around the world. I have done a few of African Gods and Greeks and they all have been a bit confusing. But very interesting I hope to you all. Well, its getting late and I should be getting to bed. love you all my dears
Your friend always Wendy...


Gravity Shift Reveals More
Ice loss in Western
Good Evening my dear friends & followers I thought I would do another post on my continue inform you all on the problems we will all face with climate change and how much more worst it is than 10years ago when I first started writing about the subject at heart. It seems that there is more unstoppable Ice loss in Antarctic. This is one of the main place where is a enormous about of ice that is collapsing and melting like that of Greenland too. In Antarctic it the Western parts of the Ice that is having the problems. Massive Ice Sheets are breaking off or collapsing off according to recent studies-which they say is 'UNSTOPPABLE'.
This study was released by the European Space Agency which showed what the start of the collapse looks like both from the mass or the ice sheet and its signature on the planets gravitational field.
What these Scientists of space have discovered is that a enormous massive of Ice sheet in the Western part of Antarctic in moving at a unstoppable collapse-by the planets gravitational pull. This is even worst that just melting. Why? because the Gravitational pull of the massive sheets of Ice is much more intense and at a faster rate. This melting rate that the Scientists are looking at in the Antarctic could raise the sea levels up to ten to thirteen feet!!!, though the timetable for this to happen is unclear. It could be either years or decades it just depends...
Recent estimates of the Antarctic ice sheet has loss up to 125 cubic kilometers a year, which accounts for about 10% of observed sea level rise. It would seem that all Scientists are looking to expand their intensely studieds  on their studies of the massive unstoppable breakage of the western Antarctic.
Well, I hope that you find this to be helpful in my series of climate change. I love yu all my dears. Your friend always Wendy...

Sirens' The Beautiful Monsters of the Sea

The Beautiful Monsters
of the Sea
Good Morning my dears and Welcome to my blog💗Today I'm going to bring you all in the world of the Sea. I have done a post in 2013 that was about the different types of the siren and the good sides of these creatures of the sea. However, not all the Sirens of the deep oceans are nice lets say...
Most Sirens of the oceans first came during the ancient times in Greece & Rome. They have had many names-Meremaidens, Mermen and Merrows. I do believe I have a post on the history of the Meremaids, but I haven't got to making a full post on Mermen or Merrows. These are a bit more hard to find history on them but I will do it at some point my dears. If you haven't seen my post on the History of the Mermaid here is the link:😊
So I thought its time to continue my journey through the sea. This time about the sea creatures Sirens. They have a few different kinda names like Sireen, Sirene, & Syrene. A bit of history of the Siren's background-father the River God Achelous & Mother daughter of Porthaon. However, their mother could be either the Muse Terpsichore, Sterope, Melpomene, Gaia or the daughter of Porthaon (Phorcys). Some Roman writers had linked the Sirens more closely to the sea, the daughters of Phorcys. Another interesting fact about the Sirens' of the Sea, was their relationship with Persephone. You see it would seem that they were given wings over time by the Demeter, Zeus Sister in order to help the goddess search for her lost daughter Persephone. However, there is a twist of faith for the sirens who she gave wings from their orginal mermaid tails-Demeter cursed them when they failed to find her daughter Persephone. In another myth the Goddess Hera persuaded the sirens to participate in signing a competition against the Muses. In the competition the Muses had won, plucked the feathers from the sirens. In anguish, the sirens turned white and threw themselves into the sea of Aptera 'Featherless' and became the 'Leukai'
Persephone returning to the
Underworld after being with her
Mother Demeter for spring.
According to Ovid the Sirens were also the companions of the young Persephone. When she was taken by force on that faithful day while picking flowers - Hades reached up from the underworld and took her against her will to be his Queen of the Underworld. The Sirens were the human companions of Persephone when she was in the Underworld. After she was carried off by Hades, the Sirens sought Persephone everywhere and finally they prayed for wings to fly across the sea. The Gods granted their prayer. However, there are many different versions to this tale. As I have told you about Demeter Persephone mother who cursed them for not guarding Persephone. It really depends on what version you believe. As for the art of the Siren there is the monster like Sea creatures of the sea & later the birds versions with the heads of women with the body of wings. Their legs could be either women legs or bird legs.
 It is said that the Siren in early Greece were represented as birds with large women with large head, bird feathers and scaly feet. Later on they were depicted as female figures with the legs of birds, with or without wings, playing a variety of musical instruments, especially Harps! In the 10th century, the Siren looked more like Sparrows from their chests up and below they were women or they were little birds with women's faces. Besides the changes of their look of the sirens, what is most different from the mermaid to the siren. is their voices. This is what makes them more of the beautiful Monsters of the sea! Whether they are the Mermaid looking kind or the classic Bird kind. Their beautiful voices and faces as birds or as mermaids in disguise is what kills the cat you could say.
They beautiful women, whose bodies, voices are very seductive. In the first-century some have discounted sirens as pure fable, however a gentleman named Dinon asserts that they do exist in India and they charm men by their songs. They also have fun lulling them to sleep first after tearing them to pieces. So this as I said make the Sirens the beautiful monsters of the Sea. Even found in Leonardo da Vinci notebooks, he wrote about the siren, 'The siren sings so sweetly that she lulls the mariners to sleep; then she climbs upon the ships and kills the sleeping mariners.' Their song takes effect at midday, in a windless calm. It is said that the end of the song is death. That the sailor's flesh is rotting away, suggesting it hasn't been eaten. It has been suggested that, with their feathers stolen, their divine nature kept them alive, but unable to provide food for their visitors, who starved to death by refusing to leave. 'Their song, though irresistibly sweet, was no less sad than sweet, and lapped both body and soul in a fatal lethargy, the forerunner of death and corruption. "Their song is continually calling on Persephone.
They have said that Sirens were cannibals, based on Circe's description of them 'lolling there in their meadow, round them heaps of corpses rotting away, rags of skins shriveling on their bones.
'The Ker as siren, 'It is strange and beautiful that Homer should make the Sirens appeal to the spirit, not to the flesh. The siren song is a promise to Odysseus of mantic truths with a false promise that he will live to tell them, they sing.
Once he hears to his heart's content, sails on, wiser man.
We know all the pains that the Greeks and Trojans once endured
on the spreading plain of Troy when the gods willed it so-
all that comes to pass on the fertile earth, we know it all!

I hope that you all enjoy the post on the
Siren. It is much different than one would think
Your friend always...Wendy

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