Greek Goddess Circe~
Good afternoon my dear Friends and Followers I thought I would continue my quest to go thru the
Circe creating potions |
different Gods & Goddesses of the Greeks of Olympians Titans. So for today I found the Goddess Circe which I haven't heard of before. So we will be learning together. It starts on the Island of Aeaea which was known to the ancient Greek as the Island of the Dawn. This is where the bewitching Goddess Circe lived. She was a very beautiful Goddess and daughter of Helios and Perse which was quite the powerful sorceress who loved using her magic to transform both men and women into different kinda creature beasts. It seems that Circe would take great pleasure in changing the physical bodies of humans victims while leaving them in a complete charge of their mental senses. So image this; Circe would take her human victims without them knowing what was going to happen, change them into whatever type
Greek Goddess Circe Changing human victims into wolfs |
of animal she chose but she would keep their minds still human, not the mind of whatever animal she changed them too. Now that is cruel. It seems that the Goddess Circe is briefly mentioned in the tale of Medea. Yet she is best known for her journey in the Odysseus travels coming home from the Trojan War to Aeaea her home. As far as the Goddess Medea she was a devotee of the goddess Hecate and one of the greatest sorceresses of the ancient world. [At a later time I do plan to do a post on the Goddess too!] As to the tales of Odysseus coming to her island after the Trojan war - well it would seem that after the Odysseus lost all but one of his ships and the majority of his crew due to the Titans in the Trojan War, Odysseus, and his surviving mates found themselves landing upon the shores of the Goddess Circe home Aeaea. The tale goes; that upon arrival on the shores of the island there was much debate on who would stay aboard the ship and who would go off and explore the island. In the end, it would be Eurylochus and 22 of his mates.
Goddess Circe And her Wild Animals that were once Sailors of the Sea |
So while investigating the tiny island, the men discovered it to be a thick forest with very large Oak trees. It was quite a long time for the men to get thru the thick Oak woods until they came upon an amazing clearing with a fabulous palace. It was a bit nervous for the men for there was lions, wolves, leopards, Black panthers and huge tigers prowling around the grounds. At first the men were quite fearful to be dinner, but instead the wild animals stood upright and warmly embraced each and every one of the men with a welcoming hug! Later though Eurylochus would indeed find out that the secrets of the Goddess Circe magic with her passion of changing humans into animals forms and that all the animals on the island were once men. So the men were very much on their guard or at least they thought they were.
Circe looking at the men and probably deciding what animals she would change them into |
They had no idea they were in the company of a great powerful sorceress who loved using her magic & potions to transform both men and women into different kinda creature beasts. It seems that Circe would take great pleasure in changing the physical bodies of humans victims while leaving them in a complete charge of their mental senses. This is what exactly happen to the 22 men of the ship. As the men entered the halls of the palace there was beauty & seducing Circe weaving a tapestry upon her loom.
The Goddess Circe surrounded by wild human animals after she worked on her Tapestry on her large loom. |
Surrounding her was many tame wild animals sitting and laying by her. Probably planning the faith for the 22 men. So she graciously invited all the men to join her for dinner. It was quite an enormous feast of food. She knew they hadn't eaten in quite a while. The men were all quite famished from their long days on the seas without food or drink until they drifted on the seashore of the island so they were very eager to accept her feast. However, their leader Eurylochus who was very suspicious of the goddess chose to remain outside. So while safely hidden by the very tall ferns & the luring eyes of
Using either wine or a potion in the food to drug the men |
Circe, Eurylochus was able to peek through a small window and see what was happening to his hungry sailors as they ate & ate. At first they seemed fine but after just a few more moments he knew that his mates food and wine was drugged by the Goddess Circe because she wasn't in the room. When he did see her enter the room, she had a sinister smile & was happy to find the entire men fast asleep at different area's of the room. So at that moment Circe drew her wand and touch each one of the men lightly about his shoulders & they instantly turn into an entire lot of swine hogs. Feeling quite amused, she hurried the now once sailors to swine hogs into a sty, where she left them to wallow in the mud. Well, Circe hadn't known that Eurylochus hadn't been in the room and was watching from outside. He was shocked and saddened for what had happened to the mates. So he hurried back to the ship to report to Odysseus and told him everything he saw. So the
Goddess Circe and all the sailors mates turned into swing hogs |
Captain listened intently to what had happened to his crew when the story was over he picked up his own sword and ran off to rescue his crew- even if they were all a bunch of hogs. So as he made his way back to the palace of the Goddess Circe, he was met by the God Hermes who had in his possession a magical white flower with a black root. The White Flower is a special plant that only the gods themselves can grow. It contains very special properties that can repel the Goddess Circe Dark Magic. The God Hermes happened to be at her palace to help Odysseus & he readily accepted the flower from the God Hermes to help his men. So he hid it among his clothing before continuing on with his journey. After getting thru the thick Oak woods & the clearing, he found himself standing in front of the gates of the palace of Circe. The great
The Meeting of the Goddess Circe and Odysseus |
sorceress Circe once again welcomed her new guest happily into her palace set a place for him at the table. As always, the sorceress Circe encourage him to eat - eat - eat his fill. When she felt Odysseus was fast asleep, she placed her wand atop his shoulder and said to him softly ' Off to the stables with you too' she sneered but to her surprise, he had been protected by the magic talisman white flower jumped up with sword in hand. Of course, this took the Goddess/Sorceress Circe by surprise and she begged for her life promising Odysseus that in return she would share her bed with him and proclaim him co-ruler of the island Aeaea. Since he knew that he was truly dealing with a witch, so he refused to hear of her plan until Circe swore a solemn oath to the gods not to cause him any further mischief. The Goddess Circe agreed to the terms & afterwards drew her guest a warm
The luring Circe |
bath which he enjoyed while drinking wine from a golden cup. After the bath and drinking of wine, Circe led Odysseus to her bed in hope of seducing the handsome Captain, however, Odysseus refused all her seducing and luring advances until his mates were restored back to their rightful shape. He also got her to remove her curse from all those who she had bewitched in the past that landed on her island. Once all this was done Odysseus agreed to stay on the Island of Aeaea, where he went on to father three sons with Circe. When the time came for Odysseus to leave, Circe roused a breeze so that they all could make a smooth departure from the departure. On the day, they left Circe prepared them for some of the perils awaiting for them on their voyage home. But even though she said she helped their voyage home wasn't an easy one. There was another story to the Goddess, Sorceress, and Witch Circe it about Glaucus & Scylla.
Glaucus the God of the Sea And the beautiful Sea Nymph Scylla |
In this Tale of Glaucus & Scylla, it tells about how Circe has always lived up to her reputation of being an amorous woman. She often used her Sorceress and magick to rid herself of those who would rivaled her in love. There was one tale with the sea God Glaucus. The Sea God Glaucus was a fisherman of the Gods who had a particularly large catch one day. However, as soon as the fish touched the green grass they began to wiggle as if they had been returned to the water. The Sea God Glaucus was shocked and watched as they made their way towards the sea and swam away. He wondered if the grass held a strange power, so he decided to pluck a handful and tasted it to see. Once the Sea God Glaucus had put the hand full of grass herb in his mouth, he had an uncontrollable desire to be part of the sea. So it was true that the grass did have magical powers you could say! within seconds Glaucus had been heading for the water without thinking what he was doing. Afloat in the water he was very eagerly welcomed by the gods of the depths of the oceans. As he descended to the depths of the seas, the sea deities called upon the Oceanus & Tethy to wash away all traces of his mortality, making it possible for Glaucus to live among them forever. In order for this to happen the Oceanus Nymphs, 1000+ of them caused one hundred rivers to run over him, from this each drop of the hundred rivers that ran over him rendered Glaucus unconscious.
Glaucus trying to profess his love to the beautiful Nymph Scylla |
After some time he awoke, found himself in a totally different form. His hair was sea green with long tresses that flowed behind him while he rested softly upon the water. There more changes too, his lower body was no longer human legs but, now bore only a giant fish tale. After years of swimming the ocean seas Glaucus now more like a merman caught a glimpse of a beautiful nymph called Scylla. The Nymph had showed no interest in Glaucus, but instead she was content to spend the day playing with her sister sea nymphs. Whenever Glaucus would try to approach the nymph Scylla she would take just one look and swim away in fear. Poor Glaucus so much in love with the nymph Scylla would still follow her calling out to her that he wasn't a monster, but a good God of the sea who had come to profess his love to her. However, no
Glaucus trying to show his love to the beautiful Nymph Scylla |
matter how much the God Glaucus of the Sea tried to show her his true love for her, it was all in vain because every time he tried she would disappear. So he went to the only one he knew that could help him, he turned to the enchantress Circe.
Glaucus went to the Enchantress Circe seeking for a love potion so it would successfully melt the Nymph's very cold heart. After Circe listened to Glaucus heartwarming story of his love for the nymph Scylla, she even
The beauty Nymph Scylla Before Circe turned her evil magic on Her! |
found herself falling in love with Glaucus. So Circe work on a love potion the very best one she knew of to help the Sea God and worked her own luring advances of romance on the Sea God herself. Hoping that he would forget all about the Nymph Scylla. But it didn't work Glaucus would have not part of Circe advances. He did sincerely express to Circe that it was very kind of her to show such affection toward him, but it was impossible for him to love any other but Scylla. For he has loved her for a very long time. Well, you can only image how the goddess responded to that! She doesn't take well to being shunned for another. Sadly the help that the Sea God Glaucus had asked Circe to help him win over the beautiful Nymph Scylla over backfired and Circe turned her anger to the innocent young nymph that Glaucus had loved for so long. So what Circe
Scylla in her bathe starting to change into the monster with Glaucus watching & not a thing can he do sadly |
Sorceress did, was place an evil potion where Scylla would regularly bathe. She poured the entire potion into the water. As soon as Scylla entered her bathe she began to change into a horrible monster. Out of her body grew serpents & in the place of her legs were now growing the bodies of six ferocious dogs. Scylla didn't realize that the beasts were attached to her, so she tried so hard to run away from the horrible beasts.Sadly, the more she ran and swam the more the serpents & ferocious dogs grew larger & larger. It was only a matter of time that the lovely Nymph discover she couldn't escape her fate. She would forever be rooted like a stone in the Strait of Messina, as a monster of the sea where
Now the Nymph Scylla forever rooted to her fate as a monster |
she would forever snatch up unsuspecting sailors from their ships. So basically if the nymph would only given in to Glaucus the Sea God that loved her so much and would do anything to be with her. He loved her so and probably would have given her a lovely live in the sea, but she was so vain she ended up a monster of the sea and was eventually turned into a giant stone. So you must be very careful not to cross the Goddess Circe she is a powerful goddess and not very nice in my option.
I thought I would put some images of the tale of
Greek Goddess Circe
Greek Goddess Circe
Greek Goddess Circe
Poisoning Scylla Bathe
Circe Poisoning Scylla Bathe
Circe Goddess
Greek Goddess Circe
The Goddess and her Animals
Circe the Sorceresses
Circe the Goddess, Sorceresses, & Witch
Circe goddess, Glaucus God of the Sea, and the
Nymph Scylla
I hope that you all enjoyed the post on the
Goddess Circe I hope to do more on the Greek Goddess & Gods
I love you all very much my dear Friends & Followers
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