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Sunday, May 22, 2016


Yuki Onna - The Water Begger
Good Afternoon my dearest Friends & Followers and welcome to the last of my post's
of the Yuki Onna of Japan. I will of course do other legends of Japan but I think I will move on from
the legend of the Yuki Onna. The last of the legend Is the Yuki Onna - The Water Begger.
My you all my dears that there may and probably are more of the legend of the Yuki Onna,
its just these are the ones that I could find. The image Is that of the old style of Japan. I will try to find others if I can. The Water Beggar - Yuki onna Travels on the wind, and will appear on days with a light snowfall. She walks through the small towns swinging a white Gohei wand shouting 'Please give me Water - Hot or Cold!' to anyone she meets. If you give the Yuki Onna  Cold water, she will swell-up is size. If you give her hot water, she melts and disappears all together. So the moral to this legend is, if you ever incounter the Yuki Onna - The Water Begger, it is always best to find Hot water to give her so that she will melt and disappear. This way no-one will be harmed. If she is given Cold water well, you never know how much she will swell-up in size. It could be just a little or huge and then the entire town could be in harms way.
Well, I hope you enjoyed my posts on the Yuki Onna. I will find other interesting legends of the
Japanese folklore for you later.

Love you my dears Your friend always

Saturday, May 21, 2016


Yuki Onna - The Moon Princess-
Hello, once again my dears I am on a roll today I hope you find my post interesting
for this post I am going to talk about the Yuki Onna-the Moon Princess. In this tale of the
legends of the Yuki Onna, the Moon Princess was once a princess of the lunar World, and lived
on or in the Moon. Her life was full of luxury and indulgence - however to her it was
extremely boring. The Moon Princess became fascinated just looking at the world below her,
wondering what it was like. What kinda people lived there and mostly what it looked like too.
So one dark night she decided to have a look so she snuck out of her beautiful castle and then she
fell down to Earth, traveling on the snow. However, coming down was much easier than going back
up to her beloved home in the moon. The Yuki Onna tried so hard to get home and know one could
hear her cry's for help because she was so far away from the moon now. The Moon Princess became stuck on Earth. But on very snowy nights the full moon would appear pining for her old home.
I found this one to be a lovely tale I hope you enjoy it too.
love you lots Wendy...


Yuki Onna- The Snow Vampire-
Good Afternoon my dearest friends & followers I have a much lighter post for you all
This is my on going legends of the Yuki Onna of Japan. For today I am going to
explore the Yuki Onna - the Snow Vampire- I hope you enjoy the post-Wendy.
The Yuki Onna -Snow Vampire Is from Aomori,
Nigata & Miyagi. This Yuki Onna may look nice at first but don't be deceived by her looks. She is the most terrifying of all the Yuki-Yokai, This is why my dears. I show you a nice drawing first but I will show her true form too! The Snow Vampire - Yuki Onna haunts the snowy forests looking to feed. Yes, just like any over Vampire, however she is a little different. She lives by sucking-seiki-精気, the vital energy of the human body. She extracts the seiki by first freezing her victims to death, then sucking their souls out through their mouths. This type of the Yuki Onna is particularly nasty in Nigata, where it is said  these monsters prefer the soul-seiki of young children. So it is very wise if you happen to live or visit Japan it the areas of heavy winters, beware of the legend of the Yuki Onna the Snow Vampire. The legends of Japan my self I very much listen to being that my husband is full 3th generation Japanese. Well, I hope you found the legend to be interesting my dears, I have a few images for you too. I hope you have a wonderful weekend too

Your friend always

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